News You Can Use from the Energy Co-op
Our early buy offer is the most cost-effective time of year to purchase wood pellets from the Energy Co-op. Also, this year we are anticipating a limited supply due to work force shortage at the pellet mill, so act now to take the worry out of re-stocking your pellets before next winter.

If you aren't familiar with how this program works or want to check our pricing, visit the Early Buy Pellets page on our website. We have a new on-line enrollment form this year that should make it easier than ever to sign up. Click the button below to check it out.
This heating season has been anything but typical. Global supply and demand for oil, world events and market speculation has driven the price of home heating oil, kerosene, gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to unprecedented levels.
All members who enrolled in the Price Protection Program saved significant dollars heating their homes last season. Most members locked in a price of $2.74 or $2.91 per gallon of heating oil or a price cap of $3.29. The average price per gallon last season was $3.85 and since March 1st the retail price has averaged $5.15 per gallon.

This year we plan to wait to offer the Price Protection Program until the oil market settles down a bit. We are hoping that the current downward price trend will continue so we can lock in a fair price for our members. We are closely watching the market each day and at this time, expect to have the program ready to offer in July. Stay tuned!
It's safe to say that no one works harder than our fuel delivery drivers. Through rain, wind, hail, and snow they are out there making sure your home is warm and your fuel tank is full. If you know anyone that would be interested in joining our CDL driver team, or would like to learn more about the job, have them go to our website here or call Brian at 802-860-4090.
Paul has been the Energy Co-op's Efficiency Manager since 2016. His awarding winning team has performed hundreds of energy audits and weatherization projects during that time. Read his latest advice on how to fight high fuel costs and save money with the right efficiency improvements for your home.
Because each board member is limited to a three year term, we are always interested in hearing from potential board candidates who appreciate our cooperative business model and care about the thermal energy future of Vermont. We offer lots of support to candidates willing to make a commitment to board responsibilities and who have the ability to offer the time required.
This year has been particularly difficult for Vermont homeowners trying to balance their budgets and pay for the increasing cost of heating their homes. There are two new resources that are currently accepting applications for help:

Check out these and other resources on our website.
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