Dear Church Family,

What a beautiful day to enjoy God’s creation! It’s sunny, the Garden State seems to be in a state of perpetual bloom, with these cool temperatures. Thanks be to God for all things bright and beautiful!

Also beautiful is the activity in our church family and in our partner organizations, even while being so limited in terms of our usual movements.

Mother’s Day Brunch
(can't stop, won't stop) 2020!

For as long as I can remember men of the church have created a beautiful mother’s day brunch. This year, not to be stopped, a small (and careful) group of men will be cooking a much simpler (but still beautiful) to-go meal for all moms and families in the church! We hope you’ll come by, between 12-1:30, to the back parking lot, to receive your no-touch, to-go distanced meal. We will provide a meal for a mom and anyone in her family. And, of course, anyone in the church who ‘mothers others’ is considered a mom to us! If you are unable (or afraid) to come out to pick up a meal at the back parking lot, let us know. We will deliver to you.  

Mother’s Day Gifts at Global Grace Marketplace—In 2019 RCHP launched Global Grace Marketplace. It has taken off! Please consider buying gifts for mom from around the world, supporting the fair trade movement. Even in quarantine we can still think about fairness in our purchasing. If you purchase online you can pick up at church before Sunday, or, if you'd like, you can pick up on Sunday between noon-1:30pm, when you pick up your Mother's Day Meal!

Getting Ready to Welcome Baby Caley #3—Many of you have asked how to support Pastor Amos and Sarah as they prepare to welcome Caley #3 (scheduled delivery May 19th). I managed to get a small list from them! Please, if you can, reach out to Lisa Berman at 732-236-8672 to hear what they need so that we don’t overwhelm them!

Global Grace Cafe, with your incredible donations, continues to produce 80-100 meals a day currently. We are so thankful for all who are providing ongoing funds to keep the cafe moving! We will continue to serve in this way until the restrictions are lifted--and who knows--we might continue delivery to the homeless as a new mission after the world 'reopens!'
Carrots anyone? We are so thankful to be included, many times a week, in an outpouring of vegetables, breads and fruits. We receive from the HP Food Pantry, Trader Joes and occasionally from the schools as well.
Welcome to the world, little Robbie Garrow!—RCHP welcomes its newest baby, with the birth of Robbie! We are so happy for Hannah, Erin and big sister Eva. The family has grandma in town, and is not currently in need of meals. Please just hold them in your prayers!

Free Home-sewn Mask Distribution Continues at an Incredible Rate— I want to thank everyone who has been making masks. Some of you are making and distributing them individually, but I know that we’ve distributed nearly 500 through RCHP as of May 1st. Those have gone to 4 hospitals, 3 nursing homes, the senior center, dozens of homeless individuals, and dozens of very low income families living in RCHP Affordable Housing.  
For all you RCHP Mask Makers, here's a fun competition to assist with! Please join the town in this creative and fun contest to help the food pantry!
Global Grace Alterations--a New Program of Global Grace Marketplace: One of the tasks of Refugee Resettlement is to help create employment opportunities. In addition to job searches we are invited to be entrepreneurial in nature. Newly resettled friends, from Afghanistan, have started making skull caps and hair tie backs for hospital workers. They are also making fair trade masks for the general public. If you'd like to support Global Grace Alterations consider donating irons, ironing boards and sewing machines!
Friends, this is just a glimpse of God's activity in and around us! Please visit the website for worship, prayer, support, singing and so many spiritual development opportunities. Peace, Pastor Seth