Office Highlights
Executive Club of Martin County
On August 9th Jenny was invited to speak with members of the Executive Club of Martin County. Jenny shared information about how millage rates affect taxes, trim notices, and Save Our Homes/Portability.
Property Appraiser Jenny Fields pictured with members of the Executive Club of Martin County.
Kiwanis Club of Stuart

Jenny enjoyed spending time with the members of the Kiwanis Club of Stuart on Tuesday, August. 15. A big thank you to President Virginia Hill and members for kindly donating a book to the Little Free Library in Jenny's honor. To learn more about the Kiwanis Club and how they give back to our community, click the button below.
L. to R. - Kiwanis Club President Virginia Lane Hill and Property Appraiser
Jenny Fields.
TRIM Notices

The Martin County Property Appraiser’s Office has mailed out more than 105,000 Notices of Proposed Property Taxes (AKA Trim Notice) along with the 2023 Informational Supplement to Martin County property and business owners. Click the image below to view the handout and watch this brief video.

NEW! Proposed Housing Development Video
The Property Appraiser's office has specific roles and responsibilities with regard to new developments. Please watch our latest educational video to learn more!
What's Coming Up in September
How Millage Rates Affect Your Taxes
As Property Appraiser, one of my responsibilities is to steward the TRIM process which stands for Truth In Millage. That means making sure you understand each component that determines your estimated property taxes. We have created a new educational video and a printable two-page handout, titled “How Millage Rates Affect Your Taxes”. We hope these tools will help provide an understanding of how local government budget and millage rate decisions impact your property taxes. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call my office! To view the handout, click on the image below.

The Taxing Authorities which levy property taxes against your property will soon hold PUBLIC HEARINGS to adopt budgets and tax rates for the next year. The purpose of the PUBLIC HEARINGS is to receive opinions from the general public and to answer questions on the proposed tax changes and budgets PRIOR TO TAKING FINAL ACTION. Each Taxing Authority may AMEND OR ALTER its proposals at the hearing. You will find all taxing authority budget hearing dates, locations, times and contact phone numbers below.
Out and About
September 6th
Martin County Business Exchange

September 8th
Weichert Realtors

September 13th
One Luxe Realty One Group International
September 14th
RAMC Lunch and Learn
September 18th
Premier Realty Group
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Save Our Homes/Portability
TRIM/Millage Rates
Team Presentations
"We Value Martin!"