Thursday, August 19, 2021

This new weekly e-newsletter will be delivered to your inbox midweek. It will focus on local agronomy news in and around our Wanstead branch locations. Information you'll receive comes from our Wanstead crop sales advisors.

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Trust the company you own.
Soybeans are looking pretty good overall! We are still seeing some aphids, but beans are still maturing well due to the rains. We are trying to avoid spraying any fields for aphids due to the risk of harming the beneficial bugs like ladybugs. Locally, we have seen some signs of light mold on fields that were not sprayed with fungicide. We are starting to near full maturity on soybeans so it won't be long before the plant starts to dry down. Depending on how the weather progresses, we may see a bit of an earlier harvest this year in the mid-late September range.
The corn continues to thrive as it enjoys rain after rain after rain. Not much has changed for the corn crop over August. In our area, we have yet to see any tar spottings which is optimistic given how much of it is popping up to the south of us. Our agronomists are planning on getting out to more fields in the next few weeks to do some yield estimates.
Lots of fertilizer is down/going down on wheat stubble. We are seeing lots of farmers getting lime down after soil sampling, as well as MAP and potash on ground going into corn, or putting it on now for the next 3 years. A few farmers are also putting in some cover crops of oats and radishes. Our yard staff has also been getting some spraying done on wheat stubble- mostly roundup, but some 2-4D as on some fields as well, depending what is in them. We encourage you to start thinking ahead about whether you will be planting wheat, and if you will be needing any certified seed. If you are wondering what varieties we will have in stock this fall, or hoping to claim some, please reach out to your agronomist.
What are our agronomists up to?
Our agronomists have been staying busy with soil sampling, scouting fields for diseases, and getting in some well deserved vacation. If you can't get a hold of your agronomist, please call the office and we can get you in touch with someone who can help!

Jason, Darrin and Bradey are continuing to encourage soil sampling on wheat ground. Knowing what your ground needs will help you to spend your fertilizer money in the right places, to maximize on your future crop potential. This year, with the price of fertilizer, soil sampling can help you spend your money where you will be able to see the most "bang for your buck" and maximize benefits on your fields. With the variable rate applicator that the co-op runs, we can help you grow smart and save money! If you are interested in getting your fields tested, please reach out to your salesperson. 

Bradey: 519-312-7767
Jason: 519-330-9746
Darrin: 519-330-9812

And the most exciting news of all, Wanstead Co-op is thrilled to announce the return of our annual golf tournament! This will be held on September 7th at the Arkona golf course. More details to follow. Keep an eye on our website for more information!