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TAD Talks
This Week's Guest
Governor Greg Abbott!
I am so excited to host a very special guest on this Friday's election integrity call, Governor Greg Abbott! He will be discussing the fight to strengthen election integrity in Texas. The Governor is a strong supporter of this effort and has recommendations on how the grassroots can support the push to pass significant election reform legislation.

This meeting will be slightly different from our other calls. Because of his schedule, the Governor will speak first so please be on the call right on time! Unfortunately we won't be able to take questions as we typically do, but if time permits Governor Abbott is willing to address questions that have been submitted to us by noon, Wednesday, April 14th. Please email your questions to texaselectionsreform@gmail.com.
In addition to the Governor this Friday, we will also have the pleasure of visiting with Senator Bryan Hughes. I am thrilled to announce that Sen. Hughes will begin providing us a weekly update on the Senate's election integrity progress.
I hope you are able to join us for this week's very special conversation. You all have been so strong on this issue and to be able to hear from our Governor on election integrity and to submit those questions is so important. If you haven't registered for my meetings and want to attend this week's call with the Governor, that information, as always, is at the bottom of this email.
If you missed last weeks call, I hope you will take a moment to watch the recording, found on my website HERE. So much fantastic information was shared regarding testifying on legislation. It was a wonderful primer on it all and an enormously helpful lesson to anyone who wanted to know more about how to participate in the legislative process.
Thank you for your continued engagement and we'll talk to you Friday!
If Joe Manchin is really 'for the people,' here's the question he needs to answer
By Hans von Spakovsky - - Saturday, April 10, 2021
Here is the question that Sen. Joe Manchin, West Virginia Democrat, needs to answer: Is he going to vote in favor of a bill that takes away the power of his constituents - his voters - and their elected state legislators to decide what rules govern elections in their state? Because that is exactly what H.R. 1, which represents a federal takeover and nationalization of the election process and is now in the Senate, would do.
H.R. 1 is misleadingly called the “For the People Act.” But it would actually impose numerous misguided and dangerous mandates on the states that do everything from gutting voter ID laws and restricting the ability of election officials, like West Virginia’s Secretary of State, Mac Warner, from maintaining the accuracy of state voter registration rolls, to taking away the right of state legislatures to redistrict and redraw their state’s political boundaries.
Does Sen. Manchin really think that is a good idea?

Chairwoman McDaniel: Democrats Want To Ram Legislation Through Without Any Discussion Or Compromise

FAULKNER: Just get your response on some of the policies that the President is wanting to put through without Republican support.
CHAIRWOMAN MCDANIEL: Again, I mean, the power grab you are seeing and you talked about it in the first segment, they want to expand the Supreme Court and get rid of the filibuster because they want absolute power which is exactly the opposite of what our Founders intended. They wanted checks and balances and this is exactly why. This infrastructure bill is a debacle. And Democrats want to ram it through without any cooperation by Republicans, without any discussion, without any compromise. It will decimate our country, it will do nothing to do with infrastructure. It is just a grab bag for Democrats. And everyone is watching our deficit grow and grow and grow. They are recognizing that gas prices are going up because of Joe Biden's failing energy policy. They just saw this Covid boondoggle where only 9 percent went to actually helping with Covid. And now they want to ram something else through. This is why Republicans are going to take back the majority in the House in 2022 and Democrats are so worried about that they're trying to rush everything through before we get there. 
Biden: "_____ is infrastructure."
From RNC Communication Team

Joe Biden’s fill-in-the-blank infrastructure bill is a trojan horse for far-left progressive policies, tax hikes, and wasteful spending.
The Biden administration is working overtime to mislead the American people about Biden’s so-called “infrastructure” plan.
Here are the facts:

  1. Biden’s bill would hike taxes by a whopping $2 trillion, killing 159,000 jobs, lowering wages, and shrinking economic growth.
  2. Just 7% of Biden’s “infrastructure” bill is for roads, highways, bridges, ports, waterways, and airports.
  3. Even based on the most optimistic estimates, each job created would cost an enormous $846,153.84.
In fact, an increasing number of economic studies are finding that Biden’s $2.25 trillion plan would hurt the economy:
  1. The Penn Wharton Budget Model analysis of the bill found that it would shrink the economy and lower wages
  2. A Rice University study similarly found that tax hikes Biden has endorsed – such as the corporate tax rate hike in Biden’s bill – would kill one million jobs in two years.
Biden’s bill is not about “infrastructure.” It is a scam, filled with higher taxes and wasteful spending, under the guise of infrastructure to gaslight the American people into footing the bill for Biden’s far-left agenda. 
On the Border...
From RNC Communication Team
Official March border apprehension numbers were just released, and they confirm that Biden’s border crisis is of record proportions.
In total, there were over 172,000 migrants taken into custody illegally crossing the border in March, “the busiest month along the Mexico border in nearly two decades.” That includes nearly 19,000 unaccompanied migrant children, “the largest monthly number ever tallied.”
As Biden’s border crisis continues to explode, Biden and Kamala Harris continue to deny a crisis exists and refuse to visit the border.

Where is Harris? Where is Biden? Why are official visits to the border, like DHS Secretary Mayorkas’ visit today, routinely closed to press?
Biden needs to stop the gaslighting and end the obstruction. It’s beyond time he recognize this exploding crisis at the border – one he created with his open borders agenda and which he continues to ignore.
Register for Election Integrity Meeting!
Meeting Details
When: Every Friday beginning January 22nd, 2021, through May 28th, 2021
Time: 7:00 a.m. CST

To access the meetings, use the Zoom link or meeting details below!
Meeting ID: 897 9361 5836
Passcode: 237762
You do not have to use zoom to participate. You are welcome to call in and listen. To join us in these important conversations, please see the dial in information included below. 
Dial In Number: +1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 897 9361 5836
Passcode: 237762
For your convenience you may download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Thank you for allowing me to continue to serve you as your Texas Representative to the RNC! As always, feel free to reach out to me
with any questions you might have at tad@toniannedashiell.com,
or follow me on Facebook or Twitter at the links below. Thank you
for being a strong Texas Republican, and together, let us work to
Keep Texas RED!
Paid for by Toni Anne Dashiell RNC National Committeewoman for Texas