Sharing news from July / early August, 2023

One Health Happenings
New to the One Health Conversation? Learn - What is One Health?
One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines and communities at varying levels of society to work together to foster well-being and tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the collective need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate changes and contributing to sustainable development. The One Health paradigm forges co-equal, all-inclusive collaborations between animal, plant, environmental and human health arenas, i.e. chemical, engineering and social scientists, dentists, nurses, agricultural/horticulturalists and food producers, wildlife and environmental health specialists and many other related disciplines that fall under its purview. The reader can review a compilation of organizations that are actively working to advance the One Health paradigm shift and many additional  organizations and individuals that declare support for the concept.

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One Health Happenings News Notes is prepared and shared monthly
by the
A U.S. based non-profit organization working globally to 'connect' One Health Stakeholders, to 'create' teams and networks that work together across disciplines to 'educate' about One Health and One Health issues.

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It's Coming!!!!
November 3
Are you planning 'your' event(s)

Watch for more information in the annual launch message soon.
CABI has announced the winners of the first One Health Cases competition–an exciting competition to mark One Health Day 2022 and to recognise outstanding contributions to the teaching of One Health.
  • Cases Competition Winner – Dr. Nurul Athirah Naserrudin
  • New Researcher Competition Winner – Dr. Sana Iftikhar
Both winners have been awarded £500 and their cases are freely available via open access publication.
March 24, 2023 Report from the U.S. Presidential Advisory Council on Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (PACCARB)
“Historically, some of the most consequential pandemics have been caused by bacterial diseases such as the bubonic plague or cholera. With the advent of effective public health interventions and the introduction of antibiotics, recent pandemics have been associated with viruses while bacterial pandemics have diminished in frequency and scale. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the many challenges faced in preparing for and responding to modern public health emergencies, and it has spurred efforts to prevent future ones; these efforts, however, have largely focused on viral pathogens. It must not be forgotten that secondary bacterial infections have also played an important role in exacerbating morbidity and mortality during viral pandemics, as observed during the 1918 influenza pandemic, and, to a lesser degree, during COVID-19. With the diminishing power of antibiotics to treat infections due to increasing antimicrobial resistance, the threat of a bacterial pandemic or a viral pandemic—accompanied by secondary bacterial infections resistant to our available stock of antimicrobials—remains possible.”
July 13, 2023. The PACCARB presidential advisory council has recommended accounting for the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the nation's pandemic preparedness policies given the possibility that a resistant bacterium could cause the next outbreak. On July 13 in Denver, Jomana F. Musmar, PhD, executive director and designated federal officer of the PACCARB briefed the AVMA House of Delegates (HOD) on the council and its most recent report.

The University of Guelph Bachelor of One Health, the first four-year undergraduate degree devoted to One Health in Canada, welcomed 46 undergraduates to the inaugural Bachelor of One Health class in the fall of 2022. The U Guelph Collaborative Specialization in One Health (CSOH) program facilitates graduate students conducting One Health research to become experts in their disciplinary program and practitioners of One Health, and prepares them to confront complex challenges at the confluence of human, animal and environmental health. In 2022 and 2023 a total of 39 students from 5 colleges have enrolled in the CSO.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. During the 2nd annual GEOHealthCenter meeting in June, 2023, five trainees presented their recent three-months of One-Health-oriented research training at UTMB or Duke under a GeoHealth Center Grant for Mongolia. The five scholars’ professional development training is aimed to advance environmental and occupational health using a One Health approach in Mongolia. Over the next year, the trainees will use their recent training to undertake research projects in Mongolia in connection with the GEOHealth Hub. Also at this meeting Mongolia’s first ever National Environmental Health Conference, sponsored by Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (MNUMS), UNICEF, and the WHO.
The School of Veterinary Medicine at Texas Tech University offers a PhD graduate program in One Health Sciences to align with the current demand for interdisciplinary/interprofessional approach to improve public health. The program is designed to train scientists with a broader vision of One Health, interfacing animal, human, and ecological health from local and global perspectives and everything in between.
In Fall 2021 twenty five graduate students accepted the challenge to earn a PhD in One Health Sciences. TTU's PhD program is one of world's first PhD programs to offer a PhD diploma with the words "One Health" in the degree. The rapidly growing program is a 72-credit-hour deep learning experience with a broader vision of One Health training to improve public health.
July 21, 2023
This will be a permanent office in the Executive Office of the President (EOP) charged with leading, coordinating, and implementing actions related to preparedness for, and response to, known and unknown biological threats or pathogens that could lead to a pandemic or to significant public health-related disruptions in the United States.

This year, the Comparative Oncology Program within the U.S. NIH National Cancer Institute’s Center for Cancer Research is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The program features the Comparative Oncology Trials Consortium, a network of academic centers in comparative oncology. An example of the importance of this work: Treatment for osteosarcoma in dogs generally involves amputation and chemotherapy, but most still die of metastasis. The Comparative Oncology Program worked with the Morris Animal Foundation on a trial evaluating a vaccine for osteosarcoma in dogs. The same vaccine platform is now being used in clinical trials in children.
July 17, 2023, Denver, Colorado (USA). The American Veterinary Epidemiology Society, founded in 1964 by global public health leader Dr. James H. Steele, has formally unveiled its name and logo change at the annual American Veterinary Medical Association Convention to clarify its overall longstanding mission of nationally and internationally promoting the One Health concept/approach.
Some critical aspects of the current state of AMR include the increased vulnerability of neonates and infants to resistant infections; inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services in LMICs; and prolonged antibiotic treatment courses in high-income countries. The authors call for standardized data collection and reporting on resistant infections and antibiotic use, as well as improved diagnostics to inform and improve antimicrobial stewardship programs and antibiotic use guidelines on a global level. See the publication:
Walsh TR, Gales AC, Laxminarayan R, Dodd PC (2023) Antimicrobial Resistance: Addressing a Global Threat to Humanity. PLoS Med 20(7): e1004264.
OHEJP is a partnership of 43 food, veterinary and medical laboratories and institutes across Europe, and also the Med-Vet-Net Association. This report highlights OHEJP achievements in the fifth year of the programme. These include the outputs and outcomes of its Joint Research Projects, Joint Integrative Projects, PhD projects and SimEx project. Information is also included on the education/training and science to policy translation events undertaken during 2022 and all other dissemination activities.
See also:
The OHEJP FULL-FORCE project used full-length sequencing techniques to map and understand the drivers and reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria. The project impact brochure describes their development of a technological toolbox and hands-on training to perform plasmid sequencing to benefit AMR surveillance.
June 19-21, 2023
Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels, Belgium.
Over 500 international participants attended this hybrid event with speakers from the OHEJP, EU and interna-tional agencies, research institutes, pharmaceutical, veterinary, public health, environment, and consumer organisations. Four conference themes included One Health in Europe, One Health in Practice, Beyond Classic One Health and The Future. The impact of OHEJP research, education and training activities was showcased. Sessions also discussed better inclusion of social sciences, environment, innovative technologies and private sector in One Health.
Did You Know About???
Recent Influenza A (H5N1) in cats
July 16, 2023 WHO Disease Outbreak News Item
On 27 June 2023, the International Health Regulations (IHR) National Focal Point of Poland notified WHO of unusual deaths in cats across the country. As of 11 July, 47 samples have been tested from 46 cats and one captive caracal, of which 29 were found to be positive for influenza A (H5N1). Fourteen cats are reported to have been euthanized, and a further 11 died, with the last death reported on 30 June. The source of the exposure of cats to the virus is currently unknown and epizootic investigations are ongoing. Sporadic infection of cats with A(H5N1) has previously been reported, but this is the first report of a high numbers of infected cats over a wide geographical area within a country….As of 12 July, no human contacts of A(H5N1) positive cats have reported symptoms, and the surveillance period for all contacts is now complete.

July 25, 2023 - South Korea detects H5N1 bird flu in two cats at shelter, Reuters Public Health posting
"South Korean authorities placed a cat shelter in the capital Seoul under quarantine after detecting the H5N1 strain of bird flu in two cats at the facility, the country's agriculture ministry said. There have been no cases of the highly pathogenic bird flu reported in humans in South Korea, the ministry said…..The two cats that tested positive for H5N1 were among 38 that have recently died at the shelter, news agency Yonhap reported."
The course begins with a brief overview of the One Health approach to combating vector-borne diseases. Then it applies this framework to Lyme disease, which accounted for 60% of all vector-borne diseases in the U.S. from 2004 to 2016. Dr. Elizabeth Malone reviews four cases that highlight symptom patterns to look for in diagnosing early Lyme, Lyme carditis, and cranial neuritis, which often presents as facial Bell’s Palsy. She also discusses the flaws inherent in current Lyme diagnostic tests. Free, but login required to access the course.
Emergent BioSolutions announced last week that the FDA approved its anthrax vaccine, Cyfendus, for use in adults ages 18-65. According to Reuters, "Emergent has been delivering Cyfendus to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services since 2019, under pre-emergency use authorization status, and will continue to work with the U.S. government to transition to post-approval procurement, the company said."
Hosted by the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) with plans to establish the One Health Enterprise Network (OHEN) to foster a thriving One Health Business Cluster and Nucleus.
The OHEN aims to:
  • Showcase existing and new One Health companies as well as highlight the complementary work of government and non-government agencies, universities, and RTOs through an annual showcase conference, social media page, and a published and widely promoted One Health Prospectus.
  • Connect businesses with mentors, private funders (VCs / Angels), public funders, academia, government, and multiple agencies working in innovation development, and the business incubation and support space.
  • Grow the connection of One Health businesses with one another, and with the wider support and supply chains, through the development of a One Health partnership facilitated by the programme, led by the entrepreneurs themselves, to accelerate sustainable One Health business growth.
The OHEN will build bridges between One Health businesses through sharing network contacts and providing a knowledgeable, proactive introductory service. See previous Dorset LEP One Health Conferences in 2019, 2020 (Aquaculture), 2021 and 2022.
Call for Papers
Formerly called Human-Animal Interactions Bulletin,
Human—Animal Interactions joined CABI’s publishing portfolio in October 2022. An open access, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the dissemination of research in all fields related to interactions between non-human animals and their human counterpart, it includes many disciplines: Counseling, Economics, Animal Science, Social Work, Education, Coaching, Human Development and Family Studies, Psychology, Veterinary Science, Veterinary Social Work, etc. It highlights these disciplines in various settings / activities, including: hospitals, disasters, war and crisis, healthcare, education, schools and universities, rehab, hospice, prison, migration, sports, tourism, residential care, work, farming, agriculture and sustainability, zoos and aquariums, animal shelters and rescue centers. 

See Call for Papers for a Special Issue:
Editors: McDonald S, Shoesmith E, Ratschen E, Udell M, Rodriguez K.
Manuscripts are welcomed that attend to multiple forms of variability across humans and/or animals (e.g., physiological, psychological, economic) as are study findings relating to animal species other than canines or equines. Manuscript types include original research articles, review articles (especially rigorous evidence syntheses, including meta-analyses), rapid communications, commentaries, and case reports. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods studies are welcome as well as manuscripts from diverse disciplines including, but not limited to, public health, veterinary medicine, social work, psychology, education, nutrition, medicine, anthropology, and sociology. Innovative and novel research with practice- and/or policy-orientated implications will be given priority for this Special Issue. Deadline: November 1, 2023
Blogs / Commentaries / Editorials / Opinions / Popular Media
August 8, 2023
Author: Michael W Fox In: One Health Initiative News webpage
Advancing social acceptance of animal rights and conservation has been protracted by vested interests for several decades. Their incorporation into the philosophy and praxis of One Health is integral to making progress in the realms of public health and economic security that have also been limited by lack of attention to the critical issues of diet, population, regenerative agriculture, and loss of natural biodiversity. Progress in One Health should not be conceptually limited or diverted by the profit-driven promotion of ever more vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. A more holistic and integrated approach to pest and disease management linking animal, environmental and human health would reduce over-reliance on vaccines, antibiotics, and pesticides in particular that can cause collateral harm to beneficial species, and, ultimately, to public health; but not negate the value of such agents when used in accord with the precautionary principle.
July 13, 2023
Author: Laura Kahn 
In: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
“Brought on by deviations in sea-surface temperatures, El Niño negatively impacts human, animal, and plant health—and their interconnections. According to the World Health Organization, the changing atmospheric conditions brought on by El Niño will increase the risks for droughts, fires, floods, and storms that can lead to the increased incidence of vector-borne diseases, food insecurity, and heat stress, among other health threats. As the world enters an El Niño cycle made more extreme by climate change, effective responses must be grounded in a “One Health” approach that deals with the interconnections of humans, other animals, and plants and incorporates scientific understanding, technological advancements, and effective public policy.”
July 1, 2023
Author / Interviewer: Ali Rogin    In: PBS NEWS WEEKEND
(Video and Transcript)
Interview with Dr. Neil Vora, a physician with Conservation International. Dr. Vora and Ali Rogin discuss the global health concerns posed by an increasing number of interactions between humans and bats.
(and other parasites)
May 30, 2023
Author: Erica Tramuta-Drobnis, VMD, MPH, CPH In: Veterinary Practice News
Cooperative efforts among physicians, veterinarians, and other stakeholders are essential to diagnose infectious disease cases more rapidly and accurately. Veterinarians have an ethical, if not legal, duty to diagnose, treat, and prevent zoonotic diseases. When we take precautions to prevent intestinal parasites in our pets, we protect more than simply the animal itself. One Health considers not just the individual pet, but also the human-animal bond (HAB), the overall health of the environment, and the pet and the human populations as a whole.
COVID-19 is still with us
Check out the COVID-19 and
'See over 350 popular media OpEds, Commentaries, Podcasts and other media published since early 2020 about the coronavirus pandemic that mention and/or call for One Health by name or theory ......... because popular media is read by the 'public'. Be sure to click on each year (2020, 2021, 2022) to fully appreciate the number of items that have been published around the world.
Hot Off the Press!! (Last 90 days - see also older Publications list below in Library Section)
The values and risks of an Intergovernmental Panel for One Health to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response, Hobeika A, Stauffer MHT, Dub T, et. al., The Lancet Global Health, Vol 11, Issue 8, August 2023, DOI:

Operationalizing a community-based One Health surveillance and response in Adadle district of Ethiopia, Osman Y, Zinsstag J, Abtidon R, Hattendorf J, Crump L, Wali H, Mo’alin A, Muhumed A, Tschopp R, CABI One Health, 2023, July 26, DOI:

A fair share? Animal health actors and resources in One Health initiatives: A multisite case study in Ethiopia and Pakistan, Braam D, Tasker A, Parravani E, Saville K, CABI One Health, 2023, July 13. DOI:

One Health: Implementation Challenges and Need, Haider M, Ahmed S, Choudhary A, Chapter in Health and Wellbeing - Annual Volume 2023, 2023 July 6, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.111933

Continuous surveillance and viral discovery in animals and humans are a core component of a one-health approach to address recent viral reverse zoonoses, Kibenge FSB, J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2023 Apr 18;261(6):789-797. doi: 10.2460/javma.23.03.0148. PMID: 37072119

Advancing integrated governance for health through national biodiversity strategies and action plans, Willetts L, Siege C, Stewart-Ibarra A, Horn O, Chotthong B, Tanawat T, et al, Online, July 24, 2023.
Did You Miss It?
Frontiers in Public Health
Special Research Topic -
Integration is key to the One Health agenda, and to the challenge of future preparedness and response to foodborne pathogens and other emerging threats, both from an epidemiological and microbiological perspective. This Research Topic aims at describing first-hand, successful, inspirational (and possibly visionary), experiences about the integration of approaches, procedures and methodologies for One Health surveillance across the human health, animal health, environmental health, and food safety sectors, at the local, national, or supranational levels. Eleven articles have been published in this series.
March 27, 2023
At their first annual face-to-face meeting, the heads of the Quadripartite organizations working on One Health issued an unprecedented call for enhanced global action…..The Quadripartite aims to achieve together what no one sector can achieve alone…The Quadripartite leaders urge all countries and key stakeholders to promote and undertake the following priority actions:
  1. Prioritize One Health in the international political agenda
  2. Increase understanding and advocate for the adoption and promotion of the enhanced intersectoral health governance
  3. Strengthen national One Health policies, strategies and plans
  4. Accelerate the implementation of One Health plans
  5. Build intersectoral One Health workforces
  6. Strengthen and sustain prevention of pandemics and health threats at source
  7. Encourage and strengthen One Health scientific knowledge and evidence creation and exchange
  8. Increase investment and financing of One Health strategies and plans 
Image Credits: WHO/Pierre Albouy - Joint statement signing by Inger Andersen, Executive Director, UNEP - Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO - QU Dongyu, Director-General, FAO and Monique Eloit, Director-General, WOAH

Eds: Mehlhorn H, Heukelbach J
Part of the Springer book series: Parasitology Research Monographs
(Parasitology Res. Monogr., volume 16)
This book covers current aspects of important infectious diseases affecting human and animal health in Latin American countries. Readers are equipped with details on arthropod vectors as well as on neglected health problems. Diseases covered include Chagas Disease, schistosomiasis, tungiasis, myiasis and leishmaniasis, Zika and Chikungunya viral infections, plague and yellow fever. One focus is given on parasitic transmission routes.


December 13, 2019 Recording 
Recording of webinar hosted by Thrive Pet
Speaker Dr. Lucas Pantaleon of DVMOne is a veterinarian advisor, founder of Pantaleon PLLC and has experience in different sectors of animal health. https://tinyurl.compbdapjyd
Neglected One Health Issues
An emerging parasite known as Echinococcus multilocularis has been increasingly appearing in coyotes in Western Canada and in new regions of North America. E. multilocularis adult parasites flourish in the intestines of dogs, coyotes, foxes and wolves, which often pass eggs that are eaten by rodents. When dogs and humans accidentally consume these eggs, they are at risk of contracting the parasite and developing alveolar echinococcosis (AE). AE can mimic a slow-growing tumor. If the disease goes undetected in the early stage, treatment options and outcomes are often poor for both people and other animals.  

University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine PhD student Temitope Kolapo has developed new diagnostic tools for veterinarians to help diagnose both intestinal and liver stages of the parasite infection in dogs…The importance of the research — besides saving infected dogs — is also to better understand the potential risk for humans, including dog owners and clinicians who work with exposed dogs. This One Health research approach recognizes the interconnectedness of people, animals and the environment. Image credit
One Health in Action - Success Stories
Completion of One Health - Event Based Surveillance (OH-EBS) in Pakistan
Pak One Health Alliance in close coordination with National and International partners, specifically Ministry of Health, academia and the Ending Pandemics-USA, has completed OH-EBS Project launched during March 2021 – June 2023. During its tenure the following were the major outcomes of this replicable project, including
  • Development of short training curricula on one health for academia, policy makers, program managers and planners of health, livestock, environment and food sectors. This was followed with rigorous one health capacity building campaign. 
  • Deployment of OH-EBS dashboard to be used for joint decision making and planning by One Health sector managers.
Be sure to check out the OHC’s ‘Narratives of One Health in Action’ webpage that provides a ‘safe, no-judgement’ zone for many needed conversations surrounding our most difficult global and environmental health challenges. This is a webpage where many items can be shared, from peer reviewed scientific case studies to examples of One Health successes (or missed opportunities) to Op Eds and Opinion Pieces. Opinions expressed here are not necessarily approved by the One Health Commission but are shared ‘because’ this is a safe, no-judgement zone and we need to hear from many perspectives on many of today’s challenges. Thoughtful articles written in a professional tone will be considered for posting.
One Health Social Sciences (OHSS) News

As the interdisciplinary approach to tackling global health problems continues to evolve, the importance of economists, anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, among other social scientists, is increasingly being recognized. The OHSS Initiative must not only assist in the generation of new research but also provide the structure for the distribution of scholarly work, networking opportunities, and collaboration with other One Health and social science organizations. The One Health Social Sciences Initiative has been active behind the scenes building new working groups and a foundation to serve all social scientists involved in One Health. Additional new small working groups are being developed to achieve these objectives. The upcoming groups are:
  • Grants and Funding,
  • Membership and Mentoring,
  • New Horizons,
  • Special Publications,
  • Webinars and Presentations
Meanwhile, the existing Food Safety and Food Security (OHSS-FSFS) working group, established late in 2021, continues to successfully present webinars, complete research, and form new international partnerships. A full description of each OHSS working group will be provided soon including additional opportunities for getting involved. Questions:

Be sure to visit the OHSS webpage. Check out the OHSS Webinars Library for recordings of past webinars.
Student News

International Student
One Health Alliance

ISOHA Contact Information! For memberships, projects, and partnerships, please contact ISOHA at this address.
ISOHA Overview Document, Membership Information, and Resources

(WhatsApp group only for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students who are interested in One Health to discuss One Health issues, share information, and collaborate.)
Calling all Young One Health Leaders!!!
Take One Health to this forum - Get Involved!! See the open call for volunteers to join Global Health Collaborators (GHC), a youth-led movement dedicated to driving impactful change in the field of global health. As a volunteer, collaborate with like-minded individuals, organizations, and communities across continents to advocate for health equity and address global health challenges through impactful projects, research, and advocacy initiatives. Various volunteer positions available in hubs across Africa, Asia, Australia & Oceania, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America, and South Asia. Within each hub, volunteers can contribute to Committees dedicated to Grants, Project Management, Communications and Social Media, Internal Management, and Research. To become a part of GHC fill out the Volunteer Application Form here.
WHO’s work is founded on the principle that all people, everywhere, should enjoy the highest standard of health. They seek talented professionals looking to contribute to this important mission as members of our international workforce.
Upcoming Events
August 7-12, 2023
One Health Scientific Session and One Health Side Event at AmeriGEO Week 2023
San Jose, Costa Rica. Open to the global community! The One Health session and side event will be held on August 8 from 9-11AM MT (GMT-6) and 3-5PM MT (GMT-6), respectively: See more information on these sessions.
August 14-15, 2023 Workshop (Hybrid)
Nairobi, Kenya, United Nations Offices at Nairobi. Hosted by U.S. NIH, U.S. NIAID, USAID, Africa Research Excellence Fund, The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, International Livestock Research Institute, Institute Pasteur du Maroc, FAO, Egypt Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation- Agricultural Research Center.
  • Purpose: To bring together regional stakeholders working in climate, environment, and health to address key challenges related to research on zoonotic disease, climate-health, environmental degradation, and food security.
  • Audience: Early-and mid-career researchers, students, and policymakers working to advance One Health (climate, environment, health, agriculture, animal health, etc.) who are seeking to engage in international research projects.
Speakers include Drs. Christine Johnson, Jeremy Herren, Bernard Bett, Charles Bebay, and Lydia Olaka. More information,
August 16, 2023 Conference
Ellensburg, Washington, USA. Hosted by the Washington State Department of Health, Central Washington University. In-person registration is now closed but online, Zoom registration is still available!
August 16, 2023 WHO-EPI-WIN Webinar
13:00 to 14:00 CEST
Lassa fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic illness caused by Lassa virus, a member of the arenavirus family of viruses. Humans usually become infected with Lassa virus through exposure to food or household items contaminated with urine or feces of infected Mastomys rats. Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone, Togo and Nigeria, but probably exists in other West African countries as well. Person-to-person infections and laboratory transmission can also occur, particularly in health care settings in the absence of adequate infection prevention and control measures. Webinar is free but you must register to attend. See previous and upcoming WHO-EPI-WIN webinars. To receive EPI-WIN webinar invitations, you can subscribe here.
August 30, 2023 WHO-EPI-WIN Webinar
13:00 to 14:00 CEST
Zika virus is primarily transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito from the Aedes genus, mainly Aedes aegypti, in tropical and subtropical regions. Aedes mosquitoes usually bite during the day, peaking during early morning and late afternoon/evening. This is the same mosquito that transmits dengue, chikungunya and yellow fever. Zika virus is also transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy, through sexual contact, transfusion of blood and blood products, and organ transplantation. Webinar is free but you must register to attend. See previous and upcoming WHO-EPI-WIN webinars. To receive EPI-WIN webinar invitations, you can subscribe here.
August 28-30, 2023
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Hosted by the World Association of Echinococcosis, the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Zurich University, International Higher School of Medicine Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance and the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Veterinary Science named after A.Duisheev. Intended for physicians, veterinarians, biologists, parasitologists, pharmacologists, infectious diseases specialists, surgeons, epidemiologists, public health practitioners, laboratory specialists, economists, and all who are involved and/or interested in Echinococcosis. The incidence of echinococcosis in humans in this region of the globe is amongst the highest in the world. This conference will be a leading scientific event that will bring experts and professionals in the field from all over the world to this region.
September 28, 2023
World Rabies Day
World Rabies Day, coordinated by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) has been commemorated every year on September 28 – the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur – since 2007. World Rabies Day aims to raise awareness and advocate for rabies elimination globally. It is designed to be inclusive, uniting people, organizations, and stakeholders across all sectors against rabies – because together we can eliminate rabies! With this concept of inclusivity, togetherness and unity in mind, the theme for this year’s World Rabies Day is: Rabies: All for 1, One Health for All.
October 2-6, 2023 Conference
"An Interdisciplinary Collaboration for a Healthier World"
Montego Bay, Jamaica. Hosted by the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) Region of the Americas featuring a number of experts in the One Health movement. Sponsored by the Jamaica Association of Public Health Inspectors (JAPHI) in collaboration with the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) of the USA and the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI), which are the major environmental health associations comprising the IFEH Region of the Americas. Academics, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and students in the fields of One Health, environmental health, public health, medicine, veterinary science and global health are especially invited to participate in this international event.
October 2-6, 2023 Conference
Mostaganem, Algeria. Hosted by the International Students One Health Alliance (ISOHA) and the Algerian Veterinary Space Foundation, this groundbreaking event will address critical health issues at the intersection of human, animal, and environmental health in the Mediterranean region. With its rich cultural heritage, diverse ecosystems, and complex health challenges, the Mediterranean region provides a compelling backdrop for this significant gathering of professionals, researchers, policymakers, and students to engage in thought-provoking discussions, exchange knowledge, foster collaboration, and drive positive change towards a healthier and more sustainable future for the Mediterranean region.
October 6, 2023 - Symposium (In Person)
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA at Virginia Tech University. Sponsored by Fralin Life Sciences Institute. Thematic Research Areas: Antimicrobial Countermeasures , Computational Biology and Disease Modeling, Ecology and Epidemiology, Environmental Microbiology, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Human Dimension of Infectious Diseases, Immunology, Pathogen Identification and Disease Diagnostic, Public Health and Clinical Microbiology, Vector Biology and Vector-borne Diseases, Zoonotic Diseases. Speakers:
  • Linsey Marr, PhD - "Airborne Disease Transmission from 6 Feet to 6 Million Feet"
  • Colleen B. Jonsson, PhD - "Novel brain-penetrant antivirals for Venezuelan and eastern equine encephalitis"
  • Pejman Rohani, PhD - "Early warning systems for disease (re)emergence"
October 12-13, 2023 Invitation Only, In-Person Conference
Breaking Barriers: Advancing the One Health Agenda with a Focus on Environment
Organized by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, the German Federal Ministry for the Environ-ment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, the Quadripartite, the Wildlife Conservation Society, the German Agency for International Cooperation and the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade. Speakers:
  • Niels Annen, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) 
  • Dr Bettina Hoffmann, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) 
  • Monica Medina, President and CEO, Wildlife Conservation Society 
  • Dr Andreas Knieriem, Director, Zoo and Tierpark Berlin 
Discussion topics will include: Managing the complexity of the One Health approach, Improving communication & coordination of governments & civil society for One Health Policies, Economics of a One Health approach, including valuing biodiversity and ecosystem services, and Shifting the narrative of health towards a valued asset to society and a global good.
October 17-19-2023 Conference
London, England. Hosted by Disease Models & Mechanisms, a monthly peer-reviewed Open Access biomedical journal published by The Company of Biologists. Infectious diseases have exerted strong selective evolutionary pressure on humans and other hosts throughout history. There is growing appreciation of the use of evolutionary analyses to gain insight into the critical interactions between pathogen and host that lead to disease, tolerance or resolution for SARS-CoV-2, tuberculosis, HIV, malaria and other infectious diseases. This meeting will provide a unique opportunity to bring together leading experts in infectious diseases, host-pathogen interactions and evolutionary biology to examine new insights into infectious diseases, including pathogen evolution and emergence, and their treatment. Participants will include evolutionary biologists, immunologists, virologists, researchers studying microbial pathogenesis, human geneticists, and clinicians-- a diverse group who might normally not encounter each other in field-specific meetings.
November 13, 2023 Conference
09:00 CET - 17:45 CET, 3:00AM - 11:45AM Eastern
Luxembourg. Hosted by the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety. Recent epidemics and pandemics have made it unmistakably clear that human, animal, plant and environmental health cannot be dealt with separately, but need to be addressed in a ‘One Health’ approach. Their interdependencies need to be better acknowledged and require work at the interfaces in a multisectoral, transdisciplinary and an integrated approach. All sessions will be web-streamed and presentations will be published after the event. Agenda and registration details available soon.
December 4, 2023 9:00 EST
Bucharest, Romania. If you are a Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D and want to share your research, we have good news! Now on you can register for the One Health International Student Conference, which will take place at the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest, Romania between 3rd-6th December 2023. More information,
June 18-21, 2024
Sydney, Australia. "The mission of the Global Health Security conference is to provide a forum where leaders, researchers, policy-makers, and representatives from government, international organisations, civil society, and private industry from around the world can engage with each other, review the latest research and policy innovations, and agree solutions for making the world safer and healthier." This conference will bring together practitioners, researchers, educators, representatives and decision-makers across the fields of public health, medicine, veterinary science, agriculture, government, defense, international relations, sociology and anthropology to examine the progress made to date in strengthening health systems and identify the gaps and opportunities for enhancing the international community’s ability to respond more efficiently and effectively to future adverse health crises. Registration and call for abstracts is now open.
June 18-24, 2024 Conference
One Health at the Singapore international Water Week 2024 (SIWW2024)
Singapore international Water Week is an international conference held every two years with a focus on drinking water management and technology. Included in its program is a scientific/technical segment, the Water Convention, with six Themes for which parallel sessions are organized over two days. In 2024, Theme 5 is titled Water Quality and ONE Health.  Thematic Topics include:
  • Global Climate Change, Water Quality and Health
  • Recent Progress in the Application of Genomics in Water Quality Management
  • Wastewater-based Epidemiological Surveillance (WES) beyond SARS-CoV-2
  • Emerging Technologies and Methods for Water Quality Monitoring and Management
  • Water Quality in the Context of Health and Medical Care
  • Recreational Water Quality and One Health
  • Communication between Sectors and to Affected Communities
Under this new SIWW ONE HEALTH banner, abstracts are anticipated focusing on the role that water plays in the links between human, animal and ecosystem health. See the Theme 5 promotional video. Abstracts submissions are open.    
Recent (and not so recent) PAST EVENTS (You might have missed)
These events have passed but we would like for the world to be aware of them!
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August 2, 2023 WHO-EPI-WIN Webinar
At the interface of animals (insects), environment and humans, Dengue (also known as bone-break fever) is a viral infection caused by the dengue virus (DENV), transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. About half of the world's population is now at risk of dengue with an estimated 100–400 million infections occurring each year. This webinar gave an overview of the current situation across the world, and the speakers discussed the latest evidence on managing Dengue successfully. Interpretation for this webinar was available in French, Spanish and Portuguese. See previous and upcoming WHO-EPI-WIN webinars,
July 29-August 4, 2023 Conference
On the list of topics: Links between human and wildlife health. More information, &
July 17, 2023 Summit
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
Global Health Summit
Denver, Colorado, USA, at the annual AVMA Convention. Hosted by the AVMA Committee on International Veterinary Affairs. Speakers summarized how and why biodiversity impacts infectious diseases and global pandemics and which diseases are of paramount concern to global animal and human health. Speakers discussed international surveillance methods for identifying and forecasting emergent pathogens and why an integrative approach is difficult but necessary to mitigate the costs of these destructive outbreaks. See speakers and their topics of discussion,
July 13, 2023
Dorset, England, UK. Hosted by Dorset LEP.
Aim - to build a One Health Enterprise Network (OHEN) to support an emerging One Health (corporate) Business Cluster. Attendees met with other One Health professionals, learned about new research and initiatives, enterprised partnering opportunities, and shared ideas for improving global health. This was an event for One Health focused researchers, policymakers, government, and businesses, and anyone interested in improving the health of people, animals, plants and the environment. See the Program and previous One Health Conferences led by OHEN in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. More information,
July 10-11, 2023
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. Hosted by Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine
The Interact Symposium targeted scientists, public health and industry experts, clinicians, and other stakeholders engaged in research and application of technologies at the interface of human and veterinary medicine. It showcased a remarkable lineup of speakers, including distinguished individuals such as the Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture, NIH Program Director, Presidents of the AAVMC, the Director of the Center for Biosecurity at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the CEO of One-Health Solutions, among other esteemed industry colleagues and highly respected academic investigators. More information,

July 10, 2023
MedInfo2023 Conference
Sydney, Australia. A group of Telemedicine and Telehealth specialists from the International Medical Informatics Association participated in the MedInfo2023 Conference in Sydney by conducting a workshop on applying telehealth for One Health surveillance. See more conference information.

July 5-7, 2023 Hybrid Conference
One Sustainable Health For All - First Global Forum on Inclusive and Adaptive Systems for Health 2023
Lyon, France. The One Sustainable Health For All Forum was launched in Lyon, France in July, 2021. It brings together more than fifty professional and civil society organizations working across the globe on a holistic approach to health that takes into account human, animal and environmental health. This international event brought together high-level political and technical stakeholders from different countries to discuss the recommendations drafted by the six international working groups and map out the path towards the integration of a One Sustainable Health approach in budgets, programs and projects at country-level.
July 5, 2023 WHO-EPIWIN One Health Webinar Series
This webinar provided an understanding of the One Health approach proposed to countries as well as the available tools and how they are used in the six regions of WHO. Showcasing examples from national users, it illustrated concrete and operational implementation of the One Health approach for improved preparedness to zoonotic diseases in countries. See this, previous and upcoming WHO-EPI-WIN webinars. To receive EPI-WIN webinar invitations, you can subscribe here.
June 12-14, 2023 Conference
11th One Health Bangladesh Conference
Dhaka, Bangladesch. Hosted by One Health Bangladesh and the Bangladesh One Health Secretariat. A multidisciplinary conference that gathered professionals and institutes to discuss the inter-connectedness of human, animal, and environmental health in Bangladesh. Focusing on the One Health approach, the conference promoted collaboration, shared knowledge, and addressed the challenges of zoonotic diseases and spillover events in our country. See Conference Program,

Volunteer with One Health Alliance Jordan
One Health alliance Jordan Is looking for New Board Members and Qualified Volunteers to join our Group and activities (Coordination, virtual lecturer and Press). We are accepting applications from all nationalities and scientific backgrounds. If you would like to join our team, please fill the following application form:
One Health Alliance Jordan Social media pages:
Diversity in One Health Activities Research Assistant (Australia only)
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
In 2023, the Women for One Health (WfOH) international network was established. A primary ongoing role of the network is to advocate for better inclusion of women and other underrepresented groups, not only at the World One Health Congress, but within all international One Health activities. One plan for advocacy is to demonstrate the barriers that underrepresented groups face in contributing to and participating in One Health activities. A project has been created to identify these barriers and propose concrete steps that can be taken to create more inclusive and representative events using a survey the results of which will be published in a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. The Research Assistant’s role will be to assist with an Ethics Application, survey design and data analysis. Experience in Qualtrics and NVivo would be beneficial. The individual must be a resident or citizen of Australia, and ideally would come from an underrepresented or marginalised background. In addition to monetary compensation, the RA will benefit from co-authorship of any resulting papers, and ongoing mentorship with the project leads. Time commitment: 50 hours from August – December 2023. Remote working arrangements available. Contact:

At the entry level of this position, you will evaluate hazards and risks from exposure to industrial chemicals, biological agents, and nanomaterials; prepare hazard and risk characterizations in support of assigned programs; perform analysis on hazard prioritization, screenings, and assessments; ensure proper collection of data, and evaluate hazard assessment methods, tools, databases, and models; prepare routine reports and make presentations on issues related to hazard prioritization, screening, and assessments.

Indiana University is seeking a highly motivated individual to become the Chair of the newly formed Department of Community and Global Health (CGH). The new department of CGH is the product of a merger of the former Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the former Department of Global Health. See the position posting here.

The IITG at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Germany is seeking applications for the positions:
Submission Deadline: 9 September 2023. More information contact

Pascagoula, Mississippi Gulf Coast. Perform laboratory testing and other duties in support of the catfish and other aquatics food research program.
Postdocs, Fellowships

University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (UTMB)
Galvaston, Texas, USA. UTMB is world-famous for its excellence in emerging infectious disease research and training. We are looking for a new team member who has a passion to protect the world against today’s and tomorrow’s emerging infectious disease threats. Contact Professor Greg Gray
U.S. CDC One Health Office
Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The ORISE fellow will support the U.S. CDC's One Health Office in the implementation of capacity building activities globally to support global health security. Specific projects involve epidemiological, programmatic, and education projects related to advancing One Health, prevention and control of zoonotic diseases, and contributing to the development of resources for use by One Health partners to enhance preparedness, response, surveillance, and prevention and control of zoonotic diseases in the US and globally. Application deadline September 18, 2023.

Seattle, Washington, USA. The University of Washington Global and Rural Health Fellowship is now accepting applications through October 31 for Internal Medicine and Medicine-Pediatrics physicians who are interested in becoming leaders and experts in the fields of global and rural health. This is a two-year training program where fellows spend one year living and working with Native populations in Alaska and South Dakota and one year working abroad on medical education and/or research projects with University of Washington faculty and mentors. More information contact or visit
See the One Health Commission's Online One Health Library
  • Stratégie Biodiversité 360 Public Consultation
  • VEE celebrates 30th anniversary
  • IPBES -10 Invasive Alien Species Primer
  • Guidebook on National Biodiversity Platforms
  • Belgian Focal Point for CBD: Political Monitoring
  • Upcoming Biodiversa+ call for research announced
  • EU Roadmap to 2030 for Research and Innovation on Nature-based solutions

  • Addressing the degradation of ecosystems through scenario-making
  • Biodiversa+ is hiring!
  • LifeWatch News
  • Biodiversity News: Every month we present interesting items in the news that are worth sharing

  • CABI One Health Case Competition Winners Announced
  • One Health Knowledge Bank Featured Blog
  • CABI One Health Journal - Latest articles
  • CABI One Health Cases - Latest Cases
  • New CABI Book - One Health for Dog-mediated Rabies Elimination in Asia
  • Potential of joint crop-livestock clinics
  • Linsey Marr honored as University Distinguished Professor
  • Margie Lee named associate dean for research and graduate studies at veterinary college 
  • Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series in Infectious Diseases
  • Veterinary professor finds harmful bacterial pathogen in Virginia farm-raised rainbow trout
  • What Wildfire, Smoke, Gas Stoves and Covid Tell Us About Our Air
  • The least toxic ways to protect yourself from ticks
  • Team prepares for vampire bat research in Columbia 
  • CeZAP affiliated faculty outreach activities
  • Recent Publications by CeZAP Affiliated Faculty
  • One Health Masters Application Deadline
  • Professional Certificate in Understanding and Operationalizing One Health
  • 2023 Conference Videos Now Available
July 2023 Featuring multiple stories exploring:
  • Domestic Violence and pet protection legislation
  • Child welfare advocacy 
  • Veterinary forensics advancements 
  • Law enforcement collaboration to prevent cruelty
  • Link awareness campaigns
  • One Health Report 2022/2023
  • OHI Behind the Scenes
  • In the News
  • Featured Faculty Member
  • Opportunities
  • July 3, 2023 - Malnutrition contributes to mortalities from drug-resistant infections.
  • July 12, 2023 - Food safety and AMR; COVID-19 self-tests in Peru
  • July 17, 2023 AMR and One Health; Equitable access to sustainable & healthy diets
  • August 7, 2023 AMR testing capacities in Africa; Candida auris & COVID-19
  • Updates and ways to take action
  • Research and policy
  • Opportunities
  • Events
  • Read, watch, listen

  • SARS-CoV-2 in a Hanoi Hippopotamus
  • Five Mongolian Scholars Receive Advanced One Health-Oriented, Environmental Health Research Training in the United States

  • Second Annual Mongolia GEOHealth Hub Meeting and First National Environmental Health Conference
  • Texas Tech University Debuts a Very Novel PhD Program in One Health Sciences
Publications Worth Revisiting

Kouba V, Agricultura tropica et subtropica 50(3), September 2017, pp.147-152. DOI: 10.1515/ats-2017-0016

Hosted by One Health Trust (formerly CDDEP)
This podcast series brings forward the latest ideas to improve the health of our planet and its people. Our world faces many urgent challenges, from pandemics and decreasing biodiversity to pollution and melting polar ice caps, among others. This podcast series highlights solutions to these problems from the scientists and experts working to make a difference.
June 27, 2023
Hindsight is 20-20 – it’s an old saying and never more true than when looking back at an epidemic. But sometimes looking backward can help people think more clearly when planning ahead. Dr. Sabine Franklin went to west Africa to talk to people about the Ebola epidemic (2014-2016) that killed 11,000 people, most of them in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. She’s found that people don’t always apply lessons learned to diseases. In this podcast she describes where she sees the world falling short, and how she thinks things could be turned around in time using the One Health approach to help us all better handle the next pandemic.

August 1, 2023
The world seemed ill-prepared for the COVID-19 pandemic, but in reality, experts had extensive plans in place. They just did not get put into action. In this episode of One World, One Health, listen as Dr. Jesse Goodman describes the threats that face us, how to successfully plan for them, and what to do when those plans go wrong or fall short.

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in the One Health Commission’s


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And a Special Thank You to One Health Commission's Sponsors!
Without you we could not do the Commission's global work to
 'connect, create, and educate' for One Health.
Prepared by Blair Budd, Caitlin Holly and Cheryl Stroud
with support from OHC part-time staff, Ayinka - A. Brown and Neil Vezeau

The news reported in One Health Happenings does not necessarily reflect the official position of the One Health Commission.

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