Over the last 15 years, we have met and worked with many amazing people and companies. We would like to stay in contact, especially with the many people we have only met online. So, occasionally, we will send you an email with useful topics.

Here are some articles that you might find interesting.
Google slammed over ad cookie replacement flip-flop

Google is set to replace its system of third-party cookies that track users browsing history to target adverts, but has just announced another new proposal. Read more...
15 Tips on how to rock a small PPC budget

Having a smaller Pay Per Click budget doesn't mean you can't get good results. All you need is some practical planning and a laser focus on your goals. This article contains some great tips Read more...
Google tests favicons in text ads

Google has confirmed they're running a small experiment that might help users more easily identify an advertiser. Look out for a favicon that looks like an emoji next to the URL in text ads.. Read more....
Andrew has just passed the Google Search Ads Certification again!

And finally... in news closer to home, Andrew Merrifield has just passed the Google Search Ads exam that is a requirement for all Google partners, proving his expert knowledge of Google advertising. Max-e-biz has been a Google Partner since 2014 and Certified for Google AdWords before that.
Andrew Merrifield

Best wishes,

Andrew Merrifield
Let's have a catch-up.

Feel free to call for a chat, or use this link to Book Time with Me, it would be great.

Occasionally we will send a newsletter with updates and information to help with your e-Commerce and online marketing. You can unsubscribe at any time below.

If there are any topics you are particularly interested in please let me know.
Further Max-e-Biz Information and links to websites
Check out the Max-e-Biz brochure
Max-e-Biz Trustpilot Reviews
Max-e-Biz Google Partner
Microsoft Advertising Partner
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Company Name Max-e-Biz Ltd. T/A GetSalesLeads