11 August 2023

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor

Today's Top Story

Celebrity chef Mark Best calls on consumers to back Australian olive growers

A celebrity chef wants Australian consumers to embrace locally-grown olives, as growers warn cheap imports are leading to losses in an industry that is already very small. Mark Best said domestic table olives were a better quality product that followed truth-in-labelling laws and helped reduce the impact of food miles on the environment.


Mid-winter temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius in South America leaves climatologists in disbelief

Maximum mid-winter temperatures upwards of 35C have been recorded in South America this week. (Supplied: University of Maine/Climate Reanalyzer)


Climate scientists have been left "flabbergasted" as temperatures in parts of South America near 40 degrees Celsius in the middle of what is supposed to be its winter.


While on climate matters closer to home …

Drought fears in eastern Victoria as July rain record lowest in 160 years


Chris Nixon has seen dry years before, but he is worried about what might be ahead for communities in eastern Victoria after the hottest, driest winter on record.


And …

NSW budget to address El Niño planning as more districts are declared in drought

Last year's flooding has given way to drought conditions for a growing area of NSW. (Supplied: Centacare CQ)


More parts of New South Wales are moving into drought as the state opposition calls for further action to prepare the state for dry conditions. The Department of Primary Industries has declared parts of the Clarence, Mid-Coast, Dungog and Port Stephens local government areas to be in drought.

Communities fear Victorian mining law changes could leave them without a voice, as bill clears lower house


Now, the residents of Glenaladale, about 260 kilometres east of Melbourne, in the heart of Gippsland's food bowl, fear a proposed change to how mining projects in Victoria are assessed will leave them without a voice.

Growing NSW kangaroo population prompts warning from farmers, scientists concerned about drought

Mixed farmer Gavin Stuckey has spent the last five years battling drought, mice, floods, and now a rise in kangaroo populations is putting his farm's future at risk. An annual survey by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries found the estimated kangaroo population rose by almost a million in one year.

Australian food giants making more profit from grocery sales than overseas peers

Coles and Woolworths have consistently expanded their profit margins in a cost-of-living crisis, outstripping their UK counterparts


We’d be keen to hear whether those of you who supply the big supermarkets have seen your end of the pricing structure also rise.

Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 

If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

Wanted - Australian EVOO


We are looking for a supplier of Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil in larger volumes on a long-term supply basis.

To discuss further please contact Brian Dominic - email or call 0418 832 001.

Fried harissa-stuffed green olives

Looking for party food ideas? If you're searching for a fabulous finger food recipe, try these fried green olives. They're made with a spicy harissa and sundried tomato stuffing and served with a lemon and fennel seed aioli - delicious!

Is it just me, or is anyone else disappointed that the Australian Womens Weekly is recommending its readers use ‘Sicilian’ olives.


Have a question? Need some advice? Ask a fellow grower!


Dave is planting in a small grove (120 trees on 6 x 5m spacing) in NE Tasmania, planning to graze sheep in the grove and may need to mow also. He’s keen to set everything up to limit problems.

How does he set up irrigation droppers or sprinklers so they don’t get damaged by animal or machine - “Is subterranean irrigation an option or do I suspend the drip line (like in a vineyard)?”

He’s planting 3-4 year old trees so the emitters may need to be moved as the trees grow.

If you can offer some experiential advice, please contact Dave at

3G networks are being switched off across Australia but some still rely solely on the service

Kristy Sparrow wants more clarity on Telstra's network upgrade before the 3G network closure. (ABC News: Pip Courtney)

A 3G network switch-off deadline is looming despite large parts of Australia still relying solely on the service. Vodafone will switch its off on December 15 this year, Telstra on June 30 next year, and Optus in September 2024.

Contract Olive Pruning - Riverland Pruning & Harvest


All aspects of olive pruning - tree training,

re-shaping, re-juvenate,

pruning for shaker or hand harvesting.  

All tools supplied.

Fully licensed and insured.

Servicing all areas of SA and VIC. 

Contact Rajab – 0469 718 719


Coping with stress, anxiety, and mental health

Life is constantly throwing us curveballs and they’re not always easy to keep on top of. If things are getting a bit weighty for you, Ifarmwell is a free online tool kit to help farmers cope effectively with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day, regardless of the circumstances they face. The tool kit has been designed based on what Australian farmers have said they want and what research shows will help.

The ifarmwell modules are designed to help farmers effectively manage things beyond their control and get the most out of life, regardless of the circumstances they face. They are free, farmer-focused, confidential, and accessible anytime via the internet.

Find out more here

Survey on use of recycled organic products and soil health

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has partnered with Whereto Research to understand stakeholder need and preferences regarding the use of recycled organic products (such as compost) in agriculture to improve soil health, and they’re interested in your opinions.

Whereto is conducting the survey in accordance with the Market and Social Research Privacy Code. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Dr Angela Baker at

Or click here to complete the 15-minute online survey.


AOA Webinar: Managing Olive Lace Bug - last days to register

Olive lace bug remains an important pest for the Australian industry and has recently been a major problem for many locations in NSW (particularly Hunter Valley) and southern Western Australia.

One of the reasons has been the weather patterns that have favoured survival of the initial (and in some cases, later) generations of developing bugs. This means that monitoring and implanting management practices for the first generation is critical in reducing later-season problems.

This webinar addresses these issues, as well as providing opportunities for growers to discuss this and other olive pest problems.

Presented by: Dr Robert Spooner-Hart, Research Associate Professor of Sustainable Plant Production Systems, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney University.


Tuesday 15 August, 11.00am AEST - FREE. Register here

This webinar series is part of the Olive levy project Australian olive industry communications and extension program (OL22000), funded by Hort Innovation, using the Hort Innovation olive research and development levy, co-investment from the Australian Olive Association and contributions from the Australian Government.

2023 AIOA entries now open - Last weeks to enter

The 2023 Australian International Olive Awards (AIOA) is open for entries, with less than three weeks to go until the closing date of 1 September. *Note: this is also the final day for receipt of entry samples*

Australia’s premier olive competition, with increasing international recognition and status, the AIOA provides benefits for entrants including:

  • Entries individually assessed and awarded on merit.
  • All entrants receive comprehensive judging feedback.
  • Successful judging provides eligibility for OliveCare® certification.
  • Unprecedented opportunity for international recognition of winning products and producers.
  • Official AIOA Results Book, providing a great marketing tool for all medal and award winners.
  • The opportunity to purchase high-resolution professional product images for use in social media, website and media purposes at only $35 plus GST. 

Find out more and enter here.

“I work so hard and it’s just wonderful to get something for all the hard work. I put my heart and soul into it, and I think it’s paid off with this award…and it’s expensive to make, so the boost in sales is such a bonus. Instead of three bottles, now people will ask for 12 – when it’s won Best in Show, it makes a great present.”

Liz Tonkinson, Leisal Rose, 2021 AIOA Best of Show EVOO

New Zealand

Olive oil prices expected to continue rising as some growers struggle with harvest

Extreme weather and the spread of disease has seen some North Island olive growers ditch harvesting altogether this season. The country's 300 or so olive farms have been crunching the numbers from harvest which runs from late March through to July. Olives New Zealand executive officer Emma Glover said heavy rainfall, low sunshine hours and Cyclone Gabrielle resulted in lower yields which will have flow on effects for olive oil supply.

Here’s an interesting description of one causative element:

Tasman tornado clean-up: Salvaging the trees that 'became missiles'

Andrew and Cathie Gould have spent a week trying to replant the olive trees they lost when the tornado tore through their orchard. Photo: LDR/Waimea Weekly/Max Frethey.


Clean-up and repairs are on the mind of affected residents after a tornado tore across the Moutere Hills on Easter Monday. The tornado - which is thought to have formed somewhere in Gardener Valley - knocked out power by throwing a shed into a power line before it wreaked havoc along Petra Way, just off Old Coach Road.


Concerns mount over olive oil shortage in Spain

With olive oil stocks expected to run out by the start of the coming harvest and predictions of another low yield, experts anticipate prices to continue rising.

Sustainable energy solutions: turning olive oil waste into biofuel

The global quest for sustainable energy solutions has taken an exciting turn, with researchers now exploring the potential of transforming olive oil waste into biofuel. This innovative approach not only offers a promising alternative to fossil fuels but also presents a viable solution to the environmental challenges posed by olive oil production waste.

Olive oil production returns to Pompeii 2,000 years after volcanic eruption

Archeologic ruins of Pompeii, Italy

Ministers and farming organizations tasted local extra virgin olive oil and table olives while promoting a UNESCO nomination for Italian cuisines.

Türkiye bans olive oil exports for three months

The shortage of olive oil production in Mediterranean countries has negatively affected domestic prices, prompting the Turkish Trade Ministry to introduce additional measures, including the suspension of olive oil exports until November, to prevent a price increase in the domestic market.

Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news

The year is racing by and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) will continue to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.

And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

In Greece, olive oil remains absent from restaurant and tavern tables

The use of bulk olive oil in cruets for customer consumption has been banned in eateries since 2018. However, sealed, non-refillable bottles of olive oil have failed to replace them.

Italy becomes largest market for Tunisia’s organic olive oil exports

Italy has become the leading destination for Tunisian organic olive oil exports, according to the National Observatory of Agriculture (Onagri).


14 August 

Entries open, 2023 WA Olive Awards 

15 August

AOA Webinar – Managing Olive Lace Bug

15-16 August

2023 Soil Biology Master Class - Western Sydney University, NSW


15-18 August

2023 Soil Science Soil Biology Certification Course - Western Sydney University, NSW

30 August

Awards Dinner, 2023 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

1 September

Entries close, Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW

1 September

Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards - Adelaide, SA

1 September

Awards announced, Australian Golden Olive Awards - VIC

4 September

Entries close, 2023 WA Olive Awards

9 October

Medals announced (email), Australian International Olive Awards - Adelaide, SA

12 October

Awards Night, Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW

21 October

Awards Night, 2023 WA Olive Awards

26-27 October

AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition - Canberra, ACT


27 October

Awards dinner/Trophy presentation, Australian International Olive Awards - Canberra, ACT

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at

Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
 Olivegrower Communications:

Olivegrower & Processor 

June Issue

Australian and New Zealand

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