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Reflections from our C0-Pastors

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Holy Intimacy

… I am in the Father and the Father is in me… John 14:11


What is the most intimate relationship, the most intimate moment, you have ever been part of or witnessed? Perhaps the babe newly emerged from the womb, resting on the mother's breast. Perhaps the hand of the dying patient, gripping the outstretched hand of the beloved one at the bedside.

Beyond the deepest intimacies we may imagine or experience is the intimate relationship of the Holy Trinity. And into that holy intimacy, we are invited without reserve, with nothing held back. In the Eucharist, Christ enters within us, in our hearts, our blood vessels and sinews. When we open to receive, God enters. And God invites us to go forth to encounter our neighbor, our sister and brother, with new depth and presence.

Enter into me, God, and guide me to encounter my neighbor anew.


Mary Morocco

Living Faith-- Daily Catholic Devotions

News to Use - Action Required


Join us for our May 'Isaac Reads' book.

Don’t be Afraid, Gringo: A Honduran Woman Speaks from the Heart:

The Story of Elvia Alvarado”,


**Note New date** - We will be meeting virtually on May 24th. A link to RSVP will be sent later this week.

Read about the book here. For questions, email Lisa Jones.

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Colorado Faith Communities - United To End Armed Violence

Firearms became the leading cause of death among children and teens aged 1 to 19 in 2020 - a 29% increase from the year before as reported by the CDC.

As congregations of diverse faith traditions, we are called to take action in protecting and preserving life. Please join us virtually on Thursday, May 19, as we hear from experts addressing the reality of firearm deaths and then commit with others of faith to the work necessary to drastically reduce this horrific statistic.


General meeting via ZOOM

Thursday, May 19 from

4:00 PM - 5:30


RSVP for ZOOM link

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We Need You!

People power is needed for the "Bike to Work or Wherever" morning on June 22nd from 6:30 to 9:30 am. The application for our t church to participate is needed by May 4th so a quick turn around is needed for identifying volunteers. 

For all those is interested please contact Wally Jacobson at or call (970) 223-2276.


How Does Our Garden Grow? With Volunteers!

If you have an interest in gardening and love fresh veggies, maybe you would enjoy helping at the 301 Faith Partners 2022 garden at our beautiful location on the south side of the campus by Spring Creek.

This garden was created in 2012 and has been producing every year except for a COVID pause in 2020. We do have a great group of volunteers, but could use some more help.

So, to share in another garden of plenty this upcoming season, contact Pam or Wally Jacobson at or call (970) 223-2276. Hope to hear from you! We start plantings soon.


Social and Annual Meeting

Yes, we are looking forward to our first

Social on May 15 after Mass

Our Social and Annual Meeting is set for May 15th immediately following our 5:00 pm Sunday Mass. This will be our first community social in a very long time and we hope all who can will attend. We will also conduct our annual business meeting. (In-person and on Zoom.)

A variety of food and drink will be available to all.

If you cannot attend the business meeting virtually or in-person, you can assign a PROXY to vote for new leadership council members and to ratify the budget. Just print and complete this form and have a Mary of Magdala member present it at the meeting sign-in table.

Please be sure to review the Leadership Council nominee's messages via this Link.

Request for Prayers

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Praying for peace, health and well-being through challenging times

+ Edward for healing and Marge for hope, relatives of Ruth Conley, member

+ Heather, daughter of Don Heyse, (TLC)

+ Fr. Jim DeMuth - member

+ Dick Life - member

+Paul Wagner, brother of Co-Pastor Rev.Jane

+Dave Skinner- friend of Sharon Friedman

+Linda Browell - member

+ Gale -beginning chemo. Uncle of Gaston Lopez, member

+ Harry11 year canine companion to Gray La Fond.

+ Yvonne Keefe - member

+ Michael Juranek - friend of David and Mary Lou Devlin  

+ Everly Parks - friend to Lynne and Jim Barnes, members.

+ Rosemary - Fr Michael's mother

+ Suzanne King - member

+ Joanne Gallagher member

A blessed and peaceful repose of souls for those who've passed and comfort for the friends and families.


+ Lauren Roob - friend of Rosanna Bateman, member

+ Dona Bosse - member

+ Blanca Mattalia Wyrzykowski, friend of Mother Rosean

+ Gloria Farrell, aunt of Co-Pastor Jane

+ Tom Froehlich, brother of Ann Russell, member

+ Howard, brother of Joan Crawford, ECC Deacon

+ Verna Bodig, member

+ Kathie Reiten, mother of Pastor Rick.

+ Mary Lynn Eyestone, sister of Joan Chapman Smith, member

+Jerry Foxhoven, uncle of Bill Smith, member

+ Craig Starbird, brother-in-law of Mary Lyons, member

+ Leo Six – Father of Michael Six, member

+ Dolores Orsi - mother of member

Jared Orsi


Please send prayer requests to Prayers will be listed for one month unless requested for longer. Prayers for the repose of souls will be listed for six months unless requested for a longer time.

Service Recordings and More

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Recording - 2nd Sunday in Easter, May 1, 2022

Here is the video recording of the readings and the homily by Father Teri Harroun. The worship aid is available for you to print or view to assist with prayer.

Sunday May 1

Social Justice Reflection

An advocacy group for Climate Change is in need of leadership - organizers and champions. If interested, please contact Tom Moos (

Climate change may be the earth’s most important existential issue. Opponents argue that climate has changed before, greenhouse gas impacts are minor, and that animals and plants can adapt. But these arguments are based on partial evidence and disregard the fact that natural warming cycles developed slowly over centuries or millennia giving animals time to adapt.

Our oceans absorb most of the radiation from the sun as well as heated air trapped by greenhouse gases. Reef-coral are a symbiosis between coral polyps, anemone-like animals, and algae. The polyps provide shelter and nutrients for the algae, and the algae provide 90% of the polyp’s food. The algae live in polyp skin tissues and produce the pigments which make coral reefs visually spectacular. With rising ocean temperatures, the algae produce higher levels of oxygen which send the polyps into toxic shock. The polyps expel the algae, producing a "bleached" effect. The ghostly white coral are severely weakened and die of starvation. In the past decade, widespread coral bleaching events have been reported with increasing frequency around the world with shorter recovery times between events.. Coral reefs are vital to more than 1/4 of the ocean’s animal species. Marine biologists estimate that in 8 years, 90% of the world’s coral reefs could be dead, some species extinct.

Polar bears also face challenges due to rising ocean temperatures. They are almost exclusively meat eaters relying on a fat-producing diet of ringed and bearded seals. Permanent, multi-year ice is more important to polar bears than the ice that melts and reforms every year but multi-year ice is increasingly rare. The bears also spend time on land where they eat bird eggs and other food sources, but none of these are abundant enough to sustain the bear’s large body mass. Though the bears are excellent swimmers, they must swim longer distances to find permanent ice or land as Artic ice recedes. Warming temperatures also produce storms which can drown the swimming bears. Loss of Artic sea ice also increases the “fasting period” between seal hunting seasons to 240+ days which leads to starvation and negatively impacts reproduction cycles.

What can we do? First, recognize that burning fossil fuels adds CO2 to the air contributing to global warming. Even most electricity is produced by burning coal. Assess our energy usage patterns and commit to reducing consumption. 

Also, the 301 Faith Partners is forming an advocacy group and is in need of leadership and advocacy event organizers and champions. If interested, please contact Tom Moos (

Past Recordings, Bulletins, and Announcements

For all bulletins, reflections, Sunday recordings during, visit our webpage. Please contact us with questions, concerns and ideas for better connection with and for the community - And feel free to call the office at 970 493-9536

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Our Vision – ‘Our guiding Light’

Weaving a tapestry of love, hope and justice for the world.

The 301 Faith Partners--Mary of Magdala, Trinity Lutheran, St Paul's Episcopal --have a Vision, Mission and Values statement that guides our relationships, interactions, and shared projects and ministries.

Read about our Mission, Core Values and Covenant here.

Newsletters of Trinity Lutheran Church and the St. Paul's Episcopal  

What are our partners in ministry up to? Click here for the Trinity Lutheran Church monthly newsletter, "Tidings". And here is St Paul's weekly bulletin.