Super Bowl Squares
For anyone interested in participating we will go digital again this year since we still are not fully recovered from the pandemic.
The full rules and instructions are in the attached link, but in a nutshell, please enter your name(s) directly into boxes (if you would prefer to just email me, I can enter the boxes for you). It is preferred that you let me know and advise how you will pay so that I can keep track. 50% of the proceeds go to St. Martin's and 50% are used to pay the winners - $10/box. You can pay the church directly (check with "SuperBowl" noted in the comments) or you can Venmo me @Clay Kellam or find me at church.
As always - if you have any issues or questions drop me a note or give me a call. My cell is 908-419-5838.
Copy the link below and paste in your browser to enter your name:
Theological Musings
The Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Holy Communion, is the Sacrament by which Jesus Christ continues to be present with us.
We believe that the consecrated bread and wine truly are the Body and Blood of Christ- but we Anglicans are not so concerned about how that happens. We are content to celebrate the mystery of this work of the Holy Spirit.
The ancient Church taught that Holy Communion is the Medicine of Immortality: as we feed on Christ, we receive the forgiveness of sins, find peace and healing, and are made more and more to be the Body of Christ in the world.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion assumes a person is baptized (that is that they have already been joined to Christ in the sacrament of new birth), but we celebrate an open table at St. Martin's- which means that anyone who feels drawn to the love and grace offered by God in this Sacrament, are welcomed to receive it.
Epiphany House Blessings
It is traditional to have homes blessed during the season of Epiphany. This blessing may occur in one of two ways:
Option One: You and your family may bless your home by inscribing an Epiphany blessing on the lentil of your door with blessed chalk. The blessing uses the initials of the names of the three wise men (Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar) to create an anagram which represents a latin prayer, Christus Mansionem Benedicat- which means "Christ bless this house." The blessing is written as: 20+C+M+B+22
Blessed chalk will be available in the narthex on Sunday and a simple liturgy for the house blessing will be posted on the website.
Option Two: You may make an appointment with Father Rob to come to your house blessing at your home during the season of Epiphany. The season of Epiphany begins on January 7, and ends on Mardi Gras, March 1. The cycle of Christmas ends on the feast of the Presentation, also known as Candlemas. The greens will be removed from the church after the end of the 12 days of Christmastide, but the creche will remain throughout the season and will be removed after Candlemas (February 2).
Diocesan Convention 2022
The diocesean convention is scheduled for March. Information will be forthcoming regarding whether it will be in person, via zoom, or hybrid. Participating in the diocesan convention is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other Episcopalians in our diocese and to see the inner workings of the church. Because the Episcopal Church values the voice and discernment of all the people of God, the diocesan convention allows delegates from various parishes to participate in prayerfully discerning God's desires for the church in this place.
Parishioner in Need of Transportation
Linda Virtue is in need of some help with transportation to her health/ recovery facilities. She needs someone who might be able to provide transportation once a week. Could be any time of the day but would be a commitment of at least an hour. The facilities are maybe 20 -30 minutes away depending on whom she’s seeing that day. Please call her at 732-271-8026 for more details.
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, February 6 - Candlemas
We will be celebrating the Feast of Our Lord's Presentation in the Temple. This feast is also known as Candlemas because it is on this day that the Church blessed candles in remembrance that Christ is the Light of the World. You are invited to bring a candle that you use in your prayers to be blessed on this day.
It is also customary to bless throats and to ask for God's protection against colds and diseases of the throat and the respiratory system on St. Blaise Day (Feb.3) using two blessed candles. We will be offering you the opportunity to have your throat blessed, if you desire it, during the Candlemas liturgy.
Stolen Checks
Last week, Fr. Rob informed the parish that checks had been stolen from St. Martin's mailbox.
Here is something that you can do if you think one or more of your checks have been stolen:
First, definitely report this to your bank. If your checks were cashed, the bank should be able to help you recover the funds. Either way, they should be made aware this happened.
Second, our warden, Larry Ottenstroer, has reported this to the Bridgewater Police, and they have assigned a case number. However, since you, as an individual are the actual crime victim, not (technically) the church, it would be most helpful for you to make your own police report.
Larry spoke with Officer Grasso, and the case number assigned is 22024050. You can reference that number so they will group our cases together.
Our new mailbox which is a lockbox has arrived, and hopefully will be installed in short order.
Due to last weekend’s weather, Outreach will again collect books this weekend. Please leave them in the back of the church. If you have too many books to bring to church or are unable to bring them yourself, please call Kathy Shanklin at 908-904-9421 and she will be happy to pick the books up at your home.
Starting next weekend, Feb 12th thru Feb 27th, Outreach will be collecting personal care products for the Jail Chaplaincy. They may be left in the labeled container in the Narthex.
Prayer Requests
- Jane Linn's, granddaughter-in-law, Rachael, was diagnosed with breast cancer and will have radical surgery in February.
- Lauren Limauro has requested prayers for her Great Uncle, Ray Richards, who passed earlier on Sunday.
- Keep Mike, Christine Kellam's dad in your prayers.
- Mary Irwin is experiencing some health issues.
- I ask your prayers for the repose of the soul of Margaret Perritt, who passed away while in Hospice Care. Margaret was Alison Evans' mother, and was one of the founding Members of St. David's Episcopal Church in Cranbury, NJ in 1968, and continued to be active in the church until a few years ago. Please keep the Perritt and Evans families in your prayers.
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at
Summer Mission Opportunity
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in New Providence is sponsoring a work mission trip in the summer and inviting all parishes in our convocation to participate. It is a trip similar to an ASP trip, where those who participate will be working on light construction projects to improve the lives of the poor in Connellsville, PA. There will be opportunities for fun and recreation on the weekend and evenings, including white water rafting and possibly a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water.
The trip is open to anyone in 8th grade and older. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to do a mission trip together. The cost is $450-$650 per person.
To learn more about the trip and requirements for participating, please plan to attend a zoom meeting on Sunday, January 25 at 7:30 pm. You can also see Fr Rob+ for an information sheet.
Meeting ID: 329 858 9321