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November 2023

District 4 Officers  
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Contact your District 4 board members.

Jeanne Gehret

Betsy Cutler

Bill Bauer

Pat Civale 

Joann Glasson 
President's Message


By the time you read this, the Lancaster Regional will be underway, and I hope many of you are participating.

If you’re not able to join us in person, there is still an opportunity to participate in an online Lancaster Regional event to get some gold points. Online pairs games are scheduled for Sunday, November 5. Below are a few of the details about it:

·       Start times are 12:15 and 4:00

·       Both sessions must be played

·       District 4 members only

·       Registration on BBO begins a full 24-hours before the game

·       Three levels of competition – Gold Rush, Mid-Flight, and Open

·       Instructions on how to find the games on BBO are found at this link:  INSTRUCTIONS

Additional information about the Lancaster Regional can be found on the District 4 website, 


Looking ahead to the next, and final Regional of the 2023 season, is the first-ever I/N Regional in District 4. This is an event that is open only to non-life masters with less than 750 masterpoints.

Game times are 10 & 2:15. Pairs games are on the schedule both days, all sessions: 0-200 Pairs, and 0-750 Pairs. Lunch is not included in the entry fee, but can be ordered in advance. See the tournament flyer and the website for menu and ordering details. You may also bring your own lunch.

Want more bridge talk in your day? Then arrive early to enjoy the 9am guest lecture, and get a second lecture each day over lunch. It’s a great opportunity to compete against and make friends with even more bridge players. 

For more details about the schedule, area hotels, and lunch options, check out their webpage at

***WINNERS***  District 4 North American Pairs 


Congratulations to the top finishers of the 2023 District 4 NAP Finals. They have earned the opportunity to represent District 4 at the Spring NABC’s in Louisville, KY (March 2024).


1.     Louis Glasthal & Jay Apfelbaum

2.     Kenneth Chatzinoff & Bharat Rao

3.     Martin de Bruin & David Hoffner



1.     Gene Marks & Lawrence Kidder

2.     Benjamin Hawn & Russell Poppleton

3.     David Dresher & David Dodgson

4.     Edward Ritvo & Everette Harris


1.     Art Ford & Bill Tannery

2.     Joseph Marter & Kamrul Khan

3.     Jane Davenport & Robert Davenport

4.     Clifford Sokolic & Bruce Pedretti


A Fond Farewell

As this is my final column as your District 4 President, I wanted to take a moment to tell you it has been an honor to serve you. The road of my 3-year term was very twisty, who could have imagined face to face bridge coming to a complete halt? And getting back to the tables and tournaments also had (and continues to have) challenges. I applaud each and every one of us who in any way – large or small – contributes to keeping this game we all love alive. The journey isn’t over, and I have high-hopes for the future of bridge.

What did we accomplish?  

·      A new, modern District 4 website:

·      Approved what has been a very successful Regional at Rehoboth Beach

·      Created the monthly “Silver & Gold” email, which is delivered to members in an effort to keep you apprised of upcoming Sectionals and Regionals

·      Improved inclusivity in the District 4 volunteer ranks, utilizing talented members across the District

Believe me, “I” did not accomplish these things alone. A whole host of volunteers and advisors have given their skills, time, and energy to get it done. Thank yous are in order, but at the risk of forgetting someone, I’ll just say “you know who you are,” and thank you!  

Of everything I take with me from this experience, I will tell you it has been the opportunity to meet so many District members that has been the most meaningful. You’ve made me smile….  

Until we meet again,

I welcome your comments or suggestions (


From the District Director 

Bridge is fun! Our new Executive Director, Bronia Jenkins, is working on bringing that sense of fun back to our bridge clubs, tournaments and NABCs (North American Bridge Championships).

Her latest initiative for face-to-face clubs is Eight is Enough and Four is Enough – special mentor/mentee games that will be held in clubs during the balance of the year.

Eight is Enough: A team game in which advanced players team up with newer players. Players are assigned a rank of 1, 2 or 3, according to their skill level or masterpoints. The total of the rank amounts for the team can’t be more than 8. (Example of a team: one player ranked 3, two ranked 2, and one ranked 1 — 3+2+2+1=8.)

Four is Enough: A pair version of the advanced/newer player matchup in Eight is Enough. Each pair can have two players who have at most 4 combined (2 + 2) or (3 + 1).

Special masterpoint rewards are offered and there is even a contest for the club that runs the most of this style game this year.

Encourage your club to run these games as a tool to keep new members engaged and interested in our game. There are videos about these two new events on the ACBL website at this link:

Here’s a short video of Bronia talking about these games:

This ACBL initiative is one of many being tried to attract and maintain new members. Studies show that it is the sociability and camaraderie of the game that keeps us coming back.   

As always, please contact me with any questions –

District 4 Schedule


Manheim, PA

October 30-November 5

Allentown, PA NLM

December 15-16


Wilmington, DE

December 8-10

Camp Hill, PA I/N

December 29


D4; U135 (D6)

November 13-19

For a full year D4 calendar, click here.

Our Monthly Feature
The 4Spot features fantastic contributors, on a regular rotation:
January, April, July, October:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen
February, May, August, November:
For Novices Only by Marti Ronemus
March, June, September, December:
Schwaidelson's Fractured Four-Hand Tales

November Guest Feature

Stay tuned for February when Marti will be back. Meanwhile, enjoy this guest piece provided by Ellen Luchette, and check out her interview on an upcoming episode of the bridge podcast sensation, Sorry, Partner. Thank you Ellen!

Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

Don't be galline! And to find out what that means, make your bid and see how the gang did here.

Then visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here.
News from Around the Units
Unit 112: Central New York
Betty Youmans

The Rochester Fall Sectional Tournament was held on October 7-8. The tournament drew 66 tables and attracted some players who had not previously competed in a Rochester sectional. Many thanks to David LaTart, Chairperson, Lori VanDerlinde, Partnership Chair, Denise Slattery, Hospitality Coordinator and Jim Patton, Rochester Area Bridge Association President.   

To help attract and retain new members as well as to promote participation in our Face-to-Face games, new ACBL members in Unit 112 will receive 2 free plays at their local Face-to-Face games. The Unit treasury will reimburse the local clubs for these free plays. 

Unit 112 Congratulates its Advancing Players:

Junior Masters

Bonnie Blair, Ithaca

Dennis Bowler, Canandaigua

Joseph Pintar, New Hartford

Advanced NABC Master

Stephen Younger, Ithaca

Life Master

Kenneth Kallio, Avon

Silver Life Masters

Marjorie Callahan, Aurora

Dave Valvo, Henrietta

Ruby Life Master

Robert Nowacki, Victor

Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 
Doreese Torrey

Hello Unit 120!! We have a few achievements to honor for October 2023: 

New Club Master:     Gary Stack, Hawley, PA

New Junior Master:   Charla L Cain, Hawley, PA

Please take the time to give a resounding “HOOT HOOT” to each of them.

The annual fall bridge party in Beach Lake was held on October 15. Beverages and snacks were available all through the game. The dinner was delicious turkey and pork, mashed and/or sweet potatoes, stuffing, green beans, gravy, cranberry sauce, rolls and butter, salad and either apple pie ala mode or strawberry shortcake.  

Everyone who attended had a great time. We missed those who were not able to attend (maybe next year?).

Sounded like a Thanksgiving dinner menu? Well, did you know:

1.    The first Thanksgiving was in 1621.

2.    Every Thanksgiving, the current U.S. president pardons a turkey.

3.    Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been put on since 1924.

4.    Thanksgiving is the biggest travel day of the year.

5.    Thanksgiving dinner menu hasn't changed much since 1621.

6.    Americans eat over 280 MILLION turkeys a year.

7.    Cranberries are native to North America.

8.    The first Thanksgiving was celebrated over a three-day harvest festival.

9.    That Thanksgiving was attended by 50 pilgrims and 90 Wampanoag Indians.

   10.  Turkey wasn't on the first Thanksgiving menu.

May you all enjoy your family and friends while feasting on yummy goods this Happy Thanksgiving.

See you all at the virtual and/or face-to-face bridge tables.

Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 
Carl Ziegler

Check back next month for Unit 121 news.

Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini

As we look forward to the Thanksgiving celebrations we are planning with family and friends, we think of the many things we are thankful for. Unit 133 thanks you for your participation at our games, tournaments, and special events. We are grateful for everything you do for our unit and for one another. Happy Thanksgiving!


We are saddened to report the passing of two of our members. They will be missed by all the people who knew and cared for them. 

Jon Keith Clemens

Jon K. Clemens, 84, passed away suddenly Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Cedar Crest.

Jon owned Clemens Trucking Company for many years. He participated in car racing and the Hoosier Tire Franchise. He loved to play golf and participated in many duplicate bridge games and tournaments. His kindness and sense of humor made him a very popular partner at the many bridge events he attended. Jon will be truly missed by those who were lucky enough to know him.

Philip Rhodes

Philip Rhodes, 77, of Macungie passed away peacefully in his home on Sunday October 15, 2023.

Philip worked as a printer for most of his adult life, then later as a caregiver. He will especially be remembered for his humor and quick wit and his dedication to helping others.

He will be deeply missed and fondly remembered by all who knew him, especially his children, grandchildren, and all his family and friends.


Congratulations! New Rank Achievements

Junior Masters

Clyde Halstead

Martha Phelps 

Club Master 

Thomas Hohl 

NABC Master 

Pat Saegar

First-Ever District 4 NLM Regional


Lehigh Valley Active Life

1633 West Elm Street

Allentown PA 18102


Friday, December 15 and Saturday, December 16

10am and 2:15pm - 0-750 NLM pairs 10am - 0-200 pairs

2:15pm - 0-200 pairs

No player may exceed the event limit. 

Fee: Cashless Tournament

$15 per person per session

Payable through Entry Express or credit card at the door.

Lunch: $10 prepaid lunches can be ordered from Lois Fuini. Please send a check payable to LVBA to Lois Fuini, 3944 Shirley Drive, Schnecksville PA 18078. Choose an Italian, Ham, Turkey, Roast Beef, Roasted Veggie or Cheese Hoagie. Questions, contact Lois at

ACBL and local COVID protocols will be followed. 0-750 games pay gold and red points.

0-200 games pay red points only.Watch for more information on our website at

Annual Meeting and Holiday Party


Brookside Country Club

901 Willow Lane

Macungie, PA


Saturday November 11

12:00pm Social and Cash Bar

12:30pm Dinner and Meeting

2:00pm Bridge Games (Open & 0-500 NLM)

Fee: $30 for Unit 133 members, $45 for non-members (due by October 30) 

How do I make a reservation?

1. Mail checks (payable to LVBA) and registration form (one for each player) to:

Bryan Snapp

4658 Parkview Drive S.

Emmaus PA 18049 -1212

2. Pay by cash or check (payable to LVBA) at club games. For registration form, click here.

2022 STaC Games 

WHERE: Lehigh Valley Active-12:30pm

WHEN: Monday, November 15th Friday, November 17th

WHY: STaC games provide players the opportunity to earn silver points at the club level. Increase your silver point count in a comfortable atmosphere with no additional travel time or expense.

COST: $8 per person

REFRESHMENTS: Free bagged snacks and water/soda will be provided. MORE INFORMATION: If you have additional questions, please email:

Betsy Cutler at or Lois Fuini at

In Memoriam Games Saturday, December 9th

The In Memoriam Games are scheduled for December 9th at Lehigh Valley Active Life at 12:30pm.


Please join us to recognize the members of Unit 133 who have passed away in the past year. We will celebrate their lives and achievements by playing two charity games of duplicate bridge in their honor. Proceeds from the games will benefit active older adults at Lehigh Valley Active Life.

Please join us at one of these games:

● 0-500 NLM game

● Open game

If you have questions, please email Lois Fuini at lafuini@yahoo. 

Unit 141: Philadelphia 
John Dickenson

The PCBA sectional at South Jersey Bridge Club was a great deal of fun – we had a whopping 15% increase in table counts since the last time we used that venue. Bernadette Hennessy May and her staff were terrific hosts and the hospitality was superb. It’s a bit of a drive for our Philly based players but so worth it!

On the Saturday of the sectional we held our Annual Meeting for the first time since COVID, and approved an amendment to the bylaws. The up-to-date bylaws are displayed on our website here.

Our application for a January sectional has been approved and for the first time we will hold it at two sites. The Open events will be held at KOP Bridge Club, and the I/N events will be held at North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club. See the flyer here.  It makes so much sense to hold sectionals at our clubs instead of sending our money to an outside venue – the problem being now that more and more players are coming back to face-to-face bridge, we have outgrown the capacity of most single clubs – this is a good problem to have, and thanks to Jay Apfelbaum for coming up with a solution. Mark your calendars for January 5-7 of next year.

We will be holding elections for PCBA board members during the January sectional. There are three openings and the nominating committee headed by our immediate past president has put forth three candidates: April Apfelbaum, John Nothdurft, and Pam Scalamandre.  Others desiring to run should submit a petition signed by 50 PCBA members to our secretary, Joan Goldstein, by the deadline of 30 days before Jan 7th, 2024.

In addition to administering bridge play, ACBL also has a Charitable Foundation which makes grants to worthy organizations in the communities in which we play. I was able to successfully apply for a $3000 grant from ACBLCF to Manna on Main Street, a Lansdale PA charity which helps our most vulnerable with food insecurity, as well as employing people in their cafe where they learn valuable job skills.  When we play in an ACBL charity game and pay an extra dollar or two, we not only have a chance to win more points, we are giving back to our communities.

Unit President John Dickenson presenting check to Sheldon Good of Manna on Main Street at North Penn Duplicate Bridge Club

A warm welcome to our newest PCBA members!  

Richard Greenstein

Amy Greenwood

Clifford Hence III

Diana  Mason

Melanie Nordlinger

Barry Shrut

Jamisen Shrut

Andrea Stern

Robb Yasenka

Congratulations to our members who achieved a new rank!

Junior Masters

Jan Biresch

Ronald Campbell

Kathleen Carter

Myrna L Cohen

Laura Di Virgilio

Denise B Kenyon

Christine Szarka

Club Masters

Marita Hirt

Mardi A Holliday

Surya K Shah

Elinor K Wapner

Sectional Masters

Gerry M Conte

Michael J Donnelly

Francine Fineman

Sheila Herron

Larry Kimble

Stephen H Leech

Michael Perilstein

Mark Teseny

Gary Whitson

Marcia A Yanoff

Regional Masters

Marilouise Berdow

Christine H Berrettini

Traci H Highbloom

Sharon O Neill

Diana Turek-Gever

Harriet Young

NABC Masters

Carol A Gahrs

H Russell Hamm

Advanced NABC Master

John C Matera

Life Master

Mindy H Goldberg

Bronze Life Master

Ross A Currie

Silver Life Masters

Karen L Gold

Mindy H Goldberg (This is not a typo – Mindy won her 75th silver point - having already won all her golds and being over 1000, she made Silver LM at the same time she made LM.  Congrats Mindy!)

Barbara Patterson

Ruby Life Master

Mimi A Schneirov

Gold Life Masters

Janis S Kritzer

Larry I Plotkin

Sapphire Life Master

Estelle P Bogart

Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 
Russell Poppleton

When I came home from the grocery store the other day a couple of questions came to mind:

  1. Why do eggs come in a flimsy Styrofoam carton and batteries come in a package that you need a chainsaw to open?
  2. When you buy produce, why do you need a rocket science degree to open the plastic bag to put the produce in?

Congratulations to the following for progressing up the ACBL ladder:

Junior Master

Fran Firestone

Club Master

Michelle Hovis

Sectional Masters

Monica Knopf

Karen Miovas

Joan Rottmann

Regional Masters

Ronald Chronister

Claudia Hostetter

Art Kress

NABC Master

Gerald Skurcenski

Advanced NABC Master

Jim Fitzgibbons

Life Masters

Lee Morrison

Mary Moyer

Bronze Life Masters

Judith Reynolds

Paul Sekula

Silver Life Master

Joshua Whittaker

Gold Life Master

Ben Hawn

Russ Poppleton

Unit 168 face-to-face Clubs will be participating in the District 4 STAC the week of NOV 13-18. Enjoy the friendliness of face-to-face play and take advantage of the opportunity to win silver points at your local Club.

Central PA continues to host virtual games, see the website for a complete virtual schedule. Games are held daily.  

Harrisburg Bridge Club (HBC) will be hosting its monthly Swiss Team game and dinner on Wednesday, November 15. Both a 0-750 and an open game are scheduled. Game time is at 6:30 pm with food available at 5:45. As noted above, this is STAC week and silver points will be awarded. See the HBC website for full details and COVID protocols. Advance registration is requested to plan for sufficient food.

As we enter November don't forget Daylight Savings time concludes the first weekend this month. With Thanksgiving approaching, don't forget to thank the many bridge volunteers that keep your local Club afloat, make tournament play possible and help out the ACBL.

This hand along with the analysis contributed by Ben Hawn.

The auction: 

N   E  S   W

P   P 1C P

1H P 2C  P

P   P  

Yes, I was the dealer as West. I would have opened 1D, or possibly 1C, but North passed out of turn, and then my partner passed. South opened 1C and that was that!

Three points of interest:

Point 1: Sometimes you have a lot of high cards, but just can’t get in the auction. With fifteen HCP, I'd have liked to get in there, but RHO had bid my best suit. I suppose overcalling 1D was possible, but it was a bit rich for me; likewise 1NT. Pass it was. 

Point 2: When can you rebid five card suits, absent a reverse from partner? Answer: once a year, maybe twice if you play a lot. Over North's 1H response, a pass by South was possible (partner was a passed hand) and so was a raise to 2H. Really, I thought 1NT should have been close to automatic. South rebid their five-bagger club suit instead, and 2C became the final contract. 

Point 3: Leading shortness when you have four trumps is usually wrong. But leading from shortness when you have *five* trumps is often right. (We have a rule at my club - when you have four trumps and a singleton, you must lead the singleton. I’m the only one who doesn’t follow it.) I led my singleton spade. Declarer won the queen. Now what? There was no good play. A low club from South's hand might look best with double dummy, but that was just not happening. Declarer took an inverted finesse in diamonds (Q, K, A), then led dummy’s club to the jack and my queen. I continued diamonds and things fell apart from there. Declarer ended up with five tricks, so it was our side that made 2C instead. 

As always, one hand proves nothing. But next time you have a five-card suit, even a good one, promise me you won’t rebid it unless partner has reversed. And next time you have five trumps and a stiff (and it might be a while for that), lead the stiff. But not with four!

Unit 190: Delaware 
Tammy Holm and Paula Varrassi

Delaware Clubs 

The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington

Harold Jordan


MOT, Middletown

Cheryl Shields


Monday Morning Bridge Club

Friday Nooners


Clare O’Brien


Shore Bridge


Monday @ 12:30

Wednesday @ 9:30

Anna DeLapo


Shuffles 2

Ocean View Presbyterian church

Thursday @12:30

Donna Heckscher


Unit 217: Susquehanna 
Jim McKeown

Check back next month for Unit 217 news.

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4Spot | November 2023 | Editor: Susan Morse