January 2021 MASS FLASH
We officially made it to another year ladies and gentlemen! How amazing is that? I know one thing’s for sure it feels absolutely incredible! 

I wish you all nothing but the absolute best this year and for the years to come! 

As always we have wonderful things coming your way so stay tuned, and as always keep reading kings and queens!
February 13-February 20, 2021
Self-Advocates, Family, Friends, Providers, and Allies, you are invited to register for the event of the year!

YOUR IDEAS COUNT is MASS's 22nd Annual Conference. This self-advocacy conference celebrates ideas and topics important to self-advocates and people of all abilities. Attendees take part in workshops & learn new skills while having fun with friends old and new. Join us from Saturday, February 13th through Saturday, February 20, 2021; come advocate to make YOUR IDEAS COUNT!
Need help registering? Email Grant at or call 857-360-0134

👇Click below to register (it's FREE!) for the 2021 MASS Conference:
Kamisha’s Corner!
As I enter this new chapter of life, something I continue to realize every day is how much everything can change in a matter of minutes.

We must cherish all the moments we have. In the end, they all make us who we are today! We are all unique and special in our own way.

With that being said, nothing is perfect. We are all human beings and are bound to make mistakes. Mistakes make us stronger each and every day.

As long as we learn from them, at the end of the day that is all that matters. Another thing I continue to realize is that you can’t take care of everyone if you don’t take care of yourself first.

Another thing I realize more and more is that there are some things out there that we can’t control. All we can do right now is continue to keep our heads up and keep moving forward.
January Birthdays!
Calling all January babies out there, it’s your time to shine!
Shine as bright as the stars in the sky! I wish you all nothing but peace and love this year and for many years to come!
Words of Encouragement!

Every year is a new beginning!
Make it your own. Live like there’s no tomorrow!
Meet Jack Berry
Hi, I am Jack Barry. I’m 39 and I have Spina Bifida. I live in East Boston. I work at the Malden YMCA and I absolutely love my job.

When I’m not working, I watch TV with my parents (or by myself) and I’m into playing video games. I am also a big sports fan.

Self-advocacy means being able to speak for yourself for what you want and/or believe in. 

My whole adult life I have loved children so I wanted to be in the childcare field for a long time.

I have always thought that it was a good thing to do my part in helping expose children to the reality that people are all different, in some ways but at the same time we do not differentiate other ways.

Meaning that even though someone can’t walk, that person is still able to be productive.
January 27, 2021
In 2021, The MASS Voting club will be meeting statewide once a month on Zoom.

Please join other self-advocates interested in legislative and voting advocacy at the statewide MASS Voting Club monthly meeting.

Date: Janaury 27, 2021
Time: 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Topic: COVID-19 Vaccine and Accessibility
MASS Voting Club January 2021 Meeting-COVID-19 Vaccine and Accessibility
RSVP below to receive Zoom link

01/27/21 5:30pm - 01/27/21 7:00pm

Yes! Send me the Zoom Link
Maybe, send me the Zoom Link
No, hopefully next month.
JANUARY 14, 2021
The Southeast Region will be hosting a forum about the ISP; self-advocates from across the state are welcome!

Date: Thursday, January 14, 2021
Time: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm

Special presentation by Bex Fillmore and her ski slope of dreams and goals! Hear about how she made it to the top of Mt. Washington.

Hello to all my kings and queens out there, I just wanted to bring this to everyone’s attention, now more than ever. Even though we are in an unpredictable time right now I believe that it’s really important to keep an open mind and take the time to do whatever is truly important to you, at the end of the day you and your well-being are what truly matters.
The Vaccine!

Ladies and gentlemen, the time has finally arrived. I can’t believe I’m saying this but there are a couple of vaccines out there for COVID-19. Every day I hear a new announcement about it along with the numbers continuing to rise. It’s important to know and realize even though we are getting the vaccine, we still must do our part by social distancing, following the rules, and wearing a mask because we are not “out of the woods yet.” We have to do everything we can to keep each other safe.
The Arc of Massachusetts and Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council

43rd Annual Legislative Reception
March 3, 2021
Equity in the Face of Uncertainty:
Moving Forward Together
The 43rd Annual Legislative Reception
Wednesday, March 3 | 10:00 - 11:30 AM
This event will be held virtually.

Presented by The Arc of Massachusetts and Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council

Unlike in previous years, the 43rd Annual Legislative Reception will be held virtually to accommodate social distancing measures.

Stay tuned for additional information on how to register and how the event will be held and structured, as well as guidance on how to arrange virtual meetings with legislators and their staff members.

More information can also be found via Facebook.

#MALegRec2021 #EquityForIDD
More information is coming soon!
MASS Rights for Change/The Office Against the Violence of Women (MRFC/OVW)                

Congratulations to the OVW Grant team for their success in completing their 3-year grant project!

John Mullaly, Pauline Bosma, and Brian Kelly, you are stars!
Thank you for your commitment to the work of helping survivors of abuse!
Brian Kremer, Francis, Kelly, Sue, Adrienne, Amber, and Kelsey, wow, takes a village here at MASS!

Our MASS team, Pathways Rape Crisis Center, and Victim Rights Law Center partners came up with some exciting ideas and useful tools that we can offer in the future to make services more accessible for survivors of abuse. 

We look forward to helping shape the future for survivors and moving things along in some exciting ways!
Central Regional Coordinator: Sue Moriarty
Happy New Year from Central!

Wow, what a year 2020 was! Central enjoyed winding down 2020 together in December! Thank you to our talented Beth Kollett, who presented the theme song from the theater production “Once Upon a Mattress."

We are also talking about ISP’s since our workshop called “Tools for Tomorrow: Your ISP Success Story” was presented. Fran Hladysz has been a great support to those who need it. People are inspired by Fran’s success and “can do” attitude! We ended December by kicking back for some holiday fun and games! We enjoyed holiday tunes by DJ Brian Kelly and Jackie’s musical back up! 

Central’s Fran Hladysz and John Mullaly presented with fellow self-advocates at the DDS Human Rights Forum in December. The presentation was titled "Advocacy Through Adversity," how we support each other through these challenging times.

We have had highs and lows, successes, and losses during 2020. Think of all of the people and places we got to connect with on Zoom! Thank you, Central, for suggesting a 2021 Conference Award to remember Janet Laperle, and what a wonderful idea to call it an encouragement award because she surely has encouraged us through 2020.

Some of the other Central region self-advocacy groups are up and running. Blackstone Valley self-advocates had a holiday celebration this month! We visited the Building Bridges group to talk about self-advocacy. Some of us have attended Dr. Sally’s groups. We are seeing some new members at the Central Regional Meetings and opening up local groups to build stronger Central connections.

Justin Bernard continues to keep us up to date on legislative issues. Justin and Fran attended a steering group to discuss the future of the MASS Voting Club. Deb Pierce serves on transportation groups, Zero Fare meetings, and the REDD group, and Deb sends cards and cheerful notes to members. Thank you, Justin, Fran, and Deb!

As always, we are amazed at the work of our Central leaders!

We look forward to an even brighter year ahead in 2021!
Northeast Regional Coordinator: Bridget Crowley
Northeast Regional Members kicked off the month with a lively Holiday Dance Party featuring DJ Laser Latham from the Self Advocates Speaking Freely group in Washington state. 

It’s safe to say that ZOOM has made it easier to meet others from around the country and the world. We met on December 9th and talked about our upcoming Regional Election this month for Chair and Vice-Chair positions. 

Sandra A. created a book about her life and what she wants. She will share her book with us at our January 20th meeting so “Everyone can have a good life and have more love in their lives.”

Thank you to Tim Holmes, Donna Jay, and Derek Spear for joining MASS leaders from the Southeast and Central to present at the DDS Human Rights Forum on December 10th.

Self-advocates shared how we stayed connected, learned about holding good meetings online, and continued to speak up!

We wish everyone a healthy and happy 2021.
Southeast Regional Coordinator: Gail Delgado
The Self Advocates from the Southeast want to remind everyone to continue to stay safe and wear your mask.  

December 10th was a busy day for self-advocates, with both the DDS Human Rights Forum and the December regional meeting. Cynthia Goldberg shared her story of facing adversity during COVID-19. Many self-advocates and their staff participated in the DDS Human Rights Forum. Thank you to all Southeast self-advocates that attend this first statewide forum focusing on Human Rights.  

Southeast regional officers are meeting monthly on the first Tuesday to plan out the monthly agenda; thank you, Albert, Deb, and Jojo, for helping with this.

The Southeast regional meeting was held on December 10th at 6 pm on Zoom. After regional business, they enjoyed requesting songs either thru Spotify or Gail sharing Youtube videos of their favorite songs. Ashley Quick gave a speech, and an election was held, so we now have a new representative on the MASS Board. Thank you, AJ Caldaron, for your past 3 years of service.

The Southeast Region Chairperson, Albert Milne, is a LEND Fellow with ICI/Boston Children's Hospital and has reported that he is doing well with all projects, classes, and learning about other non-profit organizations in the Boston Area.

Happy Holidays to all from the Southeast Self-Advocates!
Metro Regional Coordinator: Gail Delgado
During the last months of 2020, Metro self-advocates continued to hold their monthly meetings on a Zoom call. Self Advocates want to remind everyone to continue to stay safe and wear your mask.  

Metro region self-advocate Anne Fracht at the December meeting updated us on Fernald's protest and what the participants plan going forward. She shared the plans to continue to advocate for a disability rights museum and will keep us posted. Anne would also interview anyone who lived at Fernald or work at Fernald.

Matthew Bander has been selected to represent the Metro Region on MASS Board for his first 3-year term. Janice Smith was voted to be the Chairperson/President of the Metro Region, Matthew Bander, VP or ViceChairman, Deb Lord, Secretary, and Kim Plaut, Treasurer. Thank you to everyone for their continued support and involvement in the region.

Keith Miller has completed another college semester, and we want to congratulate him for his continued efforts to further his education during COVID-19. Keep up the good work, Keith.

The last meeting of 2020 was on December 17th, after new officer elections, they enjoyed a Zoom game of Jeopardy. Everyone answered the questions and had a great time sharing their thoughts about some of the classic movies and songs listed.  

Happy Holidays to all from the Metro Self-Advocates!
Come to our Rainbow Group. We make sure the fun comes with more fun! We make sure that everyone shows how their colors shine as bright as a rainbow in the sky. I always attend these meetings because they are helpful and fun. Do not wait around, come join our rainbow support group. I promise you will feel inside that you were at the Boston pride. Let’s go shine!
By Francesco Hladysz

Check out our Facebook and website.

Our meeting this month is January 26th from 5:30-7:00 pm. Click below to sign up to receive the Zoom link for the meeting:
January 2021

West Region Self Advocacy will continue to host Zoom meetings on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm. These meetings are open to any self-advocates who want to join us, even if you are not a part of a self-advocacy group or do not live in the West region.

To join, use this Zoom link:

or call 1 (408) 638-0968 -or- 1 (646) 558-8656

and enter Meeting ID: 403 979 9018

Every Wednesday and Friday at 2 pm, West Region Self Advocacy will be hosting a drop-in zoom self-advocacy space on Zoom. This will not be a formal meeting with an agenda; it will be a casual space where advocates can come if they need support or chat with other advocates and staff.

To join, use this zoom link:
Or call 1 (408) 638-0968 -or- 1 (646) 558-8656

and enter the Meeting ID: 403 979 9018
April 25th-28th

The West Regional Board has begun planning our annual West Region Self Advocacy Conference, which will be held virtually on Zoom April 25th-28th. We are currently accepting applications for workshops and a keynote speaker.
Workshop Applications

We are seeking informative and fun workshops! Please click below to download the application for submitting a workshop.
Keynote Speaker Applications

We seek a keynote speaker who is a self-advocate who would like to speak on the theme of “Rocking our Advocacy Rights." Please click below to download the application.

If you have any questions or need the application in a different format, please reach out to Ness:
We Want To Hear From You!
Is there anything exciting happening in your life that you are just itching to talk about? Want to share it with the world?!

If so, great because I, Kamisha Heriveaux, am always on the look out for interesting events, your hobbies, and topics that interest you - so please don't hesitate to reach out!

I can't wait to hear from all of YOU! Have a great day and keep on reading!
~ Kamisha
MASS Advocates Standing Strong |P.O. Box 560100
Medford, MA 02156|