NASD Elementary Redistricting - 4th Grade In-Person Students
Deadline to select the Continuation Option is Sunday, February 28
Dear North Allegheny Fourth Grade Family,

North Allegheny School District is moving forward with plans to redistrict elementary schools at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. On Wednesday, February 17, the North Allegheny School District administration presented a Redistricting Update to the School Board. Visit our website to view the full presentation from the Board Meeting, including details regarding what specific streets will be redistricted.

Do my students have to change schools?
  • Because of your home address, your student(s) current home school will be impacted by redistricting.
  • Families can use to see which school their address is assigned to starting with the 2021-2022 school year.

will attend beginning at the start of the 2021-2022 school year.
What is the Continuation Option?
  • Students currently in fourth grade who are being redistricted have the option to remain at their current elementary school for the 2021-2022 school year. 
  • If you elect this option, you are responsible for transporting your student to and from school for the entire 2021-2022 school year.
Next Steps for ALL Redistricted Fourth Grade Families

  • Visit the redistricting webpage on the NA website for additional information and transition tips designed to assist families in having conversations with their children and preparing them for this change in schools at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. 
  • School Counselors are available to assist students and can be contacted by calling the main office of your child’s current school.
  • If you have any questions, email
The staff at both your child’s current school and new school are dedicated to making this transition as smooth as possible. North Allegheny looks forward to working with students and their families to help them successfully transition into their new school for the start of the 2021-2022 school year.

Other Transition Activities
  • Early March: Principals and counselors from all impacted buildings will convene to discuss further transition activities for the students who are moving to a new building. They will conduct activities at students’ current buildings in order to get to know the students and also present students with a gift from their new school. 
  • Late March: Pen pal projects will be initiated between students being redistricted and future peers at their new school in order to establish relationships and form friendships prior to the transition.
  • April: Principals and counselors will visit students’ current schools to meet with students who will be redistricted.
  • Spring: Parents/guardians will be invited to attend PTA/PFA events and/or other school events at their new school.
  • May: Students will participate in a Move-Over Day to visit and tour their new school.
  • August: Teacher assignments will be sent to families and new student orientations will be held.

North Allegheny continues to be committed to approaching redistricting in a manner that is supportive of all involved. Please continue to pay close attention to your email for further communications regarding redistricting. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move forward with plans to accommodate our rapidly growing and flourishing community.