SRPC's Monthly Newsletter: August 2023


It's been quite a wet summer for New Hampshire! As such, this edition of our monthly newsletter includes some relevant webinars with FEMA. You'll also find several employment resources, public input opportunities, and lots of great community happenings along the Seacoast in the month of August.

Stay cool and happy planning!

Autumn & Mark

This summer, American Farmland Trust and the Farmers Market Coalition have teamed up for the 2023 America’s Farmers Market Celebration. $15,000 in prizes (and more!) will be awarded to the nation’s favorite farmers markets. For additional information about voting, visit America’s Farmers Market Celebration Information Page.

Check out the Employer Toolkit developed by SRPC’s Seacoast Economic Development Stakeholder’s consultant for local businesses.

Looking for a job in the agricultural sector? Visit AFT’s job posting page for positions in New England.


Barrington Seeks Input on Housing Master Plan Chapter

Partner Spotlight: Dover Launches Flood Resilience StoryMap

SRPC Preparing for Greater Online Presence

Staff Fun

Planning Events of Interest

Public Input Opportunities

Community Happenings  

Gather NH is Hiring!

FHWA Publishes High-Level Findings from the 2023 National Complete Streets Assessment

View Upcoming Mobile Health Clinic Dates & Locations with Greater Seacoast Community Health

University of New Hampshire's 2024 Calendar Photo Contest

“The New Hampshire State Council on the Arts has issued a Call for Workshop Proposals for its Arts Partnership Conference. The theme of this year’s biennial event is Woven: Gathering at the Intersections. The conference will take place in-person at Sanborn Mills Farm in Loudon, N.H. on October 27 & 28, 2023."

Clean Energy NH Publishes New Careers in Energy Website.

Barrington Seeks Input on Housing Master Plan Chapter

The Town of Barrington has begun work on updating the housing chapter of the Master Plan. SRPC is assisting the Town through this process using funds provided under the Invest NH program administered by NH Housing. As part of the data collection, we have recently launched a survey to help us understand the housing needs of Barrington, now and into the future. We are also planning a Barrington Housing Forum on September 30 at 9:00 a.m. that will be held at the Early Childhood Learning Center, 77 Ransdell Lane in Barrington.

Please visit the Barrington Master Plan: Housing Chapter Survey to provide input.

For additional information on the project, visit SRPC's project page.

Partner Spotlight: Dover Launches Flood Resilience StoryMap

Dover recently developed a StoryMap to help residents better understand how a Stormwater Utility might work and how it might affect them. To learn more, visit the Stormwater and Flood Resilience Utility StoryMap.

SRPC Preparing for Greater Online Presence

Through the month of July, SRPC’s outreach team has been hard at work evaluating its presence on social media sites and scripting and storyboarding potential Youtube videos. These will include bite-sized videos that explain some aspects of the regional planning process in New Hampshire as well as some traffic counting training videos for future staff use. Our bite-sized shorts series will use little jargon and clearly explain how RPCs in New Hampshire help our communities. Our training videos are aimed at improving safety for our staff as they venture out onto the region’s roads every summer.

Staff Fun

Staff is making the most of the summer with vacations and quality time with four-legged family members!

Planning Events of Interest

Changes to the Elevation Certificate Form

August 9, 2023 2 PM

During this webinar, FEMA will walk attendees through the newly released Elevation Certificate. Instruction will include reviewing the newly added sections (H and I), the expanded form sections and more detailed instruction pages. This webinar is open to ASFPM members and nonmembers and is approved for 2 CECs for CFMs.

To attend the webinar, visit the Zoom registration form.

FEMA Substantial Damage Training Webinars

August 7, 9 AM and August 8, 2:30 PM

“The purpose of these trainings is to prepare local officials with the tools needed to make substantial damage determinations in areas impacted by recent flooding. While this training is directed towards Vermont officials, the substantial damage requirements are the same for all National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) participating communities. Even if your community hasn't had any recent flooding, this training may also serve as a good refresher of the substantial damage requirements in your local floodplain regulations.”

Register online for the August 7th webinar on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 161 860 5472

Passcode: 743706

Register online for the August 8th webinar on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 161 493 9765

Passcode: 702364

Changes to the Floodproofing Certificate Form

August 10, 11 AM

“During this webinar, FEMA will walk attendees through the newly released Floodproofing Certificate. Instruction will include reviewing the revised format, which requires separate certification of building design, elevation, and construction; and the separate sections to certify the design, as-built elevation, and confirm performance standards. This webinar is open to ASFPM members and nonmembers and is approved for 1.5 CECs for CFMs.”

Register online for the August 10th webinar on Zoom.

Building Tomorrow’s Government: The Future of Community Development Departments

August 16, 1 PM

In this thought-provoking session, we will explore the emerging trends and technologies that are reshaping this vital area of government. Attend to get valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for planning and building. Join us to learn how to navigate an ever-changing landscape bombarded with technological innovations and growing public demands.”

Register online for the August 16th webinar on Zoom.

Innovation Unleashed: Collaborative Strategies for Advancing Future Housing Solutions

August 16, 2 PM

Join our experts to discuss groundbreaking approaches to address housing challenges in a post-COVID world. We'll cover advances in technology that help foster collaboration, new, cutting-edge design concepts to improve housing choice, and financing models aimed at expanding access to groups typically locked out of affordable homeownership.”

Register online for the August 16th webinar on Zoom.

Administration for Community Living Seeks Input on Proposed Older Americans Act Updates—Comment Period Ends August 14

“The proposed rule is the culmination of many years of engagement with the national aging network. It also reflects input received through a formal request for information and a series of listening sessions, including formal tribal consultations and other engagement with tribal grantees. ACL now seeks feedback on the proposed rule from all who are interested in improving implementation of the Older Americans Act programs and services.”

For more information on the proposed updates, visit the Administration for Community Living's Webpage.

Veterans & Families: Act Now to Claim PACT Act Benefits!

“Veterans won’t be eligible for up to a year of retroactive benefits unless they tell the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs by Aug. 9 that they plan to file a claim. The PACT Act legislation, signed into law last August, expands health care benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. It adds more than 20 “presumptive” conditions that allow veterans to receive benefits without having to prove exposure during their military service caused their health condition. Veterans’ surviving family members may also be eligible.”

To claim your benefits, visit the U.S Department of Veteran Affairs to complete the Intent to File form.

Community Happenings

Prescott Park's Art Festival has an event for everyone. To check out upcoming events, visit the Prescott Park website.

Attend the NH Sunflower Festival at Coppal House Farm in Lee! To purchase tickets, visit the event website.

Family-friendly Events: Kids Sail Free aboard the 'Piscataqua" at Gundalow Company & August Family Fun at Children’s Museum of NH

For information on these events and more, visit the Seacoast Kid's Calendar.

Learn about plants with health benefits and register for the Wild & Weedy Wellness Workshop on August 13th through Eventbrite.

Register for Brunch & Bubbles at Flag Hill on August 13th through Eventbrite.

Register for Paint Nite at Revolution Taproom & Grill on August 13th through Eventbrite.

Register for the Portsmouth Food Truck & Craft Beer Festival on August 20th through Eventbrite.

Strafford Regional Planning Commission 

150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12

Rochester, NH 03867

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