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February 2021
Food Service Rebates
Reduce your restaurant expenses with high-efficiency appliances. Rebates for refrigeration, ice machines, cooking appliances and automated hood ventilation are available. Call David Suckling at 970-406-4251 or click below to learn more.
How We Compare
See how Fort Collins Utilities commercial/industrial electric rates compare to other utilities across Colorado.
2021 Rates: Commercial Water Allotments
Whether you own or lease a commercial space, exceeding your account’s annual allotted water can be costly.
ClimateWise – Celebrating 20 Years
Utilities is partnering with Art in Public Places to create a public mural that will commemorate 20 years of environmental stewardship of ClimateWise business partners. 
Building Energy and Water Scoring
Do you have a 20,000+ square foot multifamily building or a 10,000+ square foot commercial building? If so, find out if you are covered by the Fort Collins Benchmarking ordinance.  
ForFortCollins: Put Your Best Face Forward
How will you be supporting local business this year?
Efficiency Works Trainings
LEDs - The Right, Bright and Controllable Way to Provide Light
Feb. 25, 8:30-10 a.m.
Virtual Event
Building Energy and Water Scoring
Find upcoming trainings, both live (virtual) and recorded, to help you benchmark your building:
Stay Connected!