Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association Works for You
TCNA May 2020 Newsletter
In this Issue
Nominations for Tuscany- Canterbury Board and Officers for 2020-2021

TCNA June Annual Meeting: June 17

Updated Residential Permit Parking Information

Coronavirus Information

Streets and Greens Committee

Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
  • UPDATE: Demolition of old Carnegie Building
  • Highfield House Construction

Neighborhood Questions and Comments

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (April)

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Spring has arrived in Tuscany-Canterbury.

Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to
Nominations for Tuscany Canterbury Officers and Board for 2020-2021

The election of officers and board members will take place at the TCNA Annual General Membership meeting on June 17, 2020.

Co-Presidents:  * Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President:  * Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents:  * Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: * Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: * Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members :
  • *Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • *Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • *Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • *Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • *Hannah Mazo (Ridegmede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • *Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • *Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
  • *Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • *Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)
*Indicate current member or officer

New recommended board members:

Pat Hawthorne
  • Has lived in the Gardens of Guilford for 5 years.
  • Served on the Gardens of Guilford Board of Directors for 2 years; President for 1 year.
  • Served on the Gardens of Guilford Garden Committee for 4 years.
  • Served on the TCNA “Woods” Committee representing the Gardens of Guilford.
  • Currently a member of the Calvert Project Committee representing the Gardens of Guilford
  • Lived in Dickeyville for 38 years.
  • Served on the Dickeyville Board of Directors for 6 years; 3 years as Vice President; 2 years as President; 1 year as Past-President.
  • Chaired the Dickeyville Architectural Committee for 3 years; served as a member of the Committee for an additional 6 years.

Brian ten Siethoff
Brian ten Siethoff grew up in the Baltimore suburbs and currently lives with his husband, Andy Gordon, and their son, Caleb, on Cloverhill Road. They enjoy gardening, cycling, cooking, and spending time getting to know Baltimore's many neighborhoods. Brian works as a consultant to public sector transportation agencies, helping them with strategic planning, performance management, and restructuring their business architectures to become more reliable, resilient, and responsive to the needs of the community.
TCNA June Annual Meeting
June 17 at 7:00
While we will miss having everyone together in one place, in person, fear not, the meeting will still go on! It will be conducted via Zoom. Information about how to access the meeting will be sent out the week prior to the meeting.
permit parking sign
Residential Permit Parking

Due to the current health emergency, residential permit holders in Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association do not need to renew their permits. The Parking Authority of Baltimore City office is not renewing any residential permits until further notice. We will keep you informed. In the meantime, feel free to go to the Parking Authority’s website ( ) for updates.

Coronavirus Information
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighbors Helping Neighbors

A group of neighbors on Canterbury and Cloverhill Roads have set up a "buddy system" to help people during the social distancing phase of the COVID-19 outbreak. It is very important for people at risk to avoid exposing themselves to virus. Those at risk of severe illness include:  Elders and adults over 60 years of age; people with heart and lung disease; people with diabetes. 
The Waverly Farmer's Market..
The Market has devised a Two Phase plan to allow for social distancing and promote safer shopping on Saturday mornings! A new temporary layout uses the back parking lot on 32nd street giving market shoppers much more room to stay 6 feet apart. And rest assured that your favorite vendors are still there!
Neighborhood “kids’ camp” with social distancing
A nother resource suggested by a neighbor.
The Daily Dose isn't your average health podcast. It's medical expertise mixed in with humor and down-to-earth perspectives from doctors Clenton Coleman and Suraj Saggar. They're two physicians with a unique spin on what's making headlines in healthcare.

If you have any resources that should included on the list, please send the information to
Health Resources:

For resources on COVID-19, the City, State and Federal Government all have information on their websites: 

Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center

The Washington Post also has a good update page:  

The Sun is doing frequent updates, not only the numbers but also context:

Be Heard

University of Baltimore Project

The University of Baltimore launched the BeHeard Baltimore project to gather public opinion from Baltimore residents on the issues and events that are most important to them. The survey provides members of your community with the opportunity to help inform city leaders about their needs and views.

Joining BeHeard Baltimore is easy. City residents just need to go to the website –  – and click the Join Now button. There’s a short sign up questionnaire to complete, then individuals will receive notifications by email about new BeHeard Baltimore surveys.

Participants will be able to complete surveys at a time and location convenient for them. We would appreciate if you would forward this message to the members of Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association. If there are any questions, we invite people to contact us at  .

We look forward to hearing from your community.

Dr. Ann Cotten
Director, Schaefer Center for Public Policy

Highfield House Condominium Construction
The Highfield House is undertaking complete restoration of the concrete plaza that runs underneath and behind the building. The work is necessary because the 55-year old flat concrete plaza is in poor shape and is allowing water to infiltrate the structural slab below the surface topping, which threatens the roof of the garage and some occupied spaces below. 

The project has been delayed and should start by June 1st.

UPDATES : JHU demolition project at the
Old Carnegie Building
115 W. University Parkway (St. Martin's Drive and University Pkwy)
UPDATE : Old Carnegie Building (115 W. University Parkway)

May 2020: The project is continuing, but they hit a bit of a delay waiting for BGE to disconnect power into the building. At this point, the interior demolition has been completed. Once BGE is able to disconnect the power, the structural demolition can begin. The demolition is anticipated to be completed by the end of June.
Questions or concerns, contact Mike Loester
443-997-4457 or
If you have a neighborhood question or issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Andy and Lu Parsley.
What ever happened to the sidewalk in the 3700 block of Charles Street where several seniors fell?
The past history: The Northway was built in 1933 as a beautiful apartment building (3700 N Charles Street). It was sold in 2014 to be completely renovated as student apartments. The sidewalk was also to be redone. It was not completed in the renovations.

Fast forward several years to 2020.

Now the sidewalk has been completely redone. It is now safe for everyone to use.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen.
Stumps, Stumps, Stumps
What can be done about all the stumps throughout the neighborhood where City trees once grew? The City removes only the trees and leaves the stumps.
More trees in the neighborhood has been a priority of the TCNA Board. The Greens Committee has been working on this issue. They are currently locating all the stumps that exist in the neighborhood. Then TCNA will work to get them removed. If you are interested in helping, please let us know.
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
April 2020
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price:

  • 4000 N Charles St #506. $135,000 
  • 4100 N Charles St #215. $251,000
  • 3908 N Charles St #203. $750,000 

Note:  This data represents real estate activity from April 1 to April 30, 2020 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   

Source;  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Support our neighborhood businesses.

Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly.

During the COVID-19 period, dine-in is closed.

Take-out and delivery orders only
Tuesday - Sunday 5 pm - 9 pm

See website for menu and information on dining room opening. 

During the COVID-19 period, the dining room is closed.
Take-out and curbside pick-up only
Available 11:00 am - 7:30 pm, lunch and dinner, 7 days a week
Please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and
for menus, events and other information.

410 366-6603

10% off in-store purchases and pick-up (except tobacco products) for TCNA members. Show this to the cashier on your phone or a printed copy for your discount.

A large selection of wine, beer, and liquor; grocery items, prepared foods, medicine; and delivery service.

Open 7 days a week
10:00 am - 10:00 pm
during Covid-19 period
11:00 am - 11:00 pm for delivery
Liquor sold on Sundays
Events Happening In and Around

Event Cancelled: Household Hazardous Waste Drop off Days
June 5 and June 6
DPW's Household Hazardous Waste Collection drop off event, originally scheduled to be held on Friday and Saturday June 5 and 6, has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Future Household Hazardous Waste collection drop off days have been suspended until further notice.
June 17 7PM
TCNA Annual General Meeting
Meeting will be virtual and use Zoom Meeting.
Information will be in June Newsletter
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association         
T uscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Co-Presidents:   Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President:   Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents:   Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer:  Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary:  Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members :
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridegmede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)
  • Steve Summers (Ridgemede Road)
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)