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In this update:

View previous updates

The SHORT Report

Member Updates

  • Welcome / Farewell

Culture and Conflict

  • Welcome to Diane and Basia
  • Executive Retreat News
  • Communication Tip


  • Get to Know Jillian Vandenbrand
  • Resident Research Supervisors Database [PDF]
  • Resident Research Website
  • Call for Volunteers - Reviewers
  • Research Evening - Date TBA


  • Dr. Chris Koilpillai Receives Lifetime Award
  • Dr. Whitney Faiella Wins Recognition Award
  • Dr. Simon Jackson Completes Interim Role
  • Cardiac Catheterization Lab for Cape Breton
  • Dr. Rockwood in DMRF Impact Report 2021/22
  • CEHA's First Research Project
  • CIHR Features Hematology Team for World Thrombosis Day
  • Dr. Lori Wood Receives Excellence Award
  • Dal Med Ranks Seventh in Maclean's
  • QEII Redevelopment: Celebrating a Milestone

Notices / Events

  • Oct 16-21 - Accreditation Canada On-Site Visit at NSH
  • Oct 18, 27 and Nov 2, 7 - FoM Strategic Plan Findings
  • Oct 24 - Happy Diwali
  • Nov 4 - Medicine Matters 2022
  • Nov 4 - Improving Accessibility Survey Closes
  • Nov 9 - QI Collaborative - Call for EOI
  • Nov 21 - Nova Scotia Health Quality Award Nominations Due
  • Dec 1 - Doctors Nova Scotia 2023 Award Nominations Due
  • Dec 15 - Call for Applications - CIP
  • Dec 31 - MANDATORY LMS Modules Due Annually
  • Oct through Dec - Community Conversations About Healthcare
  • Sign-up for NSH Quality and Patient Rounds
  • Ongoing - Dal CPD & Medical Education Events & Courses

Quick Reference / Recurring Content



Jillian Vandenbrand, DoM Research Office

Jillian Vandenbrand


Hi everyone,

We have a lot of information to share with you this month. I hope you will find some time to review and enjoy the content of our October newsletter.

Acute care pressures continue, and I want to thank all of those who continue to go above and beyond for our patients, especially our teams in the Emergency Department. I also want to thank those exploring and advocating for new and innovative ways to take care of patients, get them out of the hospital sooner and keep them out of hospital in the first place. Dr. Willem Blois, PGY3 Core IM (Regional) Resident, gave an excellent presentation on “Hospital at Home” at the August 23 Grand Rounds session and it is evident that these types of programs and this philosophy could truly transform the work we do to care for the patients we serve. We have a number of proposals that have gone in during the last few years to do just this. We are updating and resubmitting these over the next few months and working with the Research and Innovation office to try to get these initiatives off the ground.

Our Clinical Systems and Innovation Committee has heard from several people and teams along the same vein. We are working with the Virtual Hallway pilot program to better support our primary care colleagues in the community. Although we are not progressing as fast as we’d like to, we will be persistent in our efforts to improve our patient care and our work environment. I encourage you to provide direct feedback to the health leadership team at NSH in upcoming Community Conversations about Healthcare. The link is included below.


To help further the work of the strategic plan, we are focusing on strengthening our toolkit to improve culture and conflict in our workplace. Please join me in officially welcoming Basia Solarz, Dr. Diane LeBlanc, and Brennan Dempsey who will be working with us over the next year, along with experts from Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine and NSH, to help us promote an environment for us to thrive in our daily work and interactions with each other. Please keep an eye out for opportunities to participate and inform this important work. To kick things off, Diane’s team will be providing updates and brief learnings in our monthly email - their first submission is included in this month’s newsletter.

As you may have heard, the Faculty of Medicine is engaging in a strategic refresh this fall. We had an opportunity to provide input through a survey and department meetings this past spring. There will be four focus groups held this fall. The first meeting is today (October 18) on research. There will also be sessions on education, valuing our people, and serving and engaging society. I encourage you to attend these sessions so together, we can be the voice of the Department of Medicine.  I know this is a busy time for many of you – you are being pulled in many directions and are being stretched by your clinical demands. I hope you can find some time for this important work. We have a limited window of time to provide our feedback. If you would like to provide specific feedback to any of the focus groups, and are unable to attend the session(s), please let me know so I can share your thoughts with the Strategic Plan Steering Committee. Please include “FoM Strategic Plan” in your subject line so I can keep track of departmental feedback.

Medicine Matters is coming up at the Atlantica Hotel Halifax on Friday, November 4. If you haven’t registered yet, please see the agenda and registration link below. Registration will close on Friday, October 28.

October is a time for many celebrations. I want to recognize those in our Department celebrating Diwali, Festival of Lights and the Hindu New Year. Isha Seth has provided a summary below.

Before I sign off, I would like to recognize: Dr. Lori Wood (Medical Oncology) is the recipient of the Michael AS Jewett Award of Excellence for her Kidney Cancer research; Dr. Chris Koilpillai (Cardiology) received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Society of Echocardiography; Dr. Whitney Faiella (PGY6 Cardiology) received the 2022 Trainee Excellence in Education Award from the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS), and Dr. Ken Rockwood (Geriatric Medicine) is recipient of the globally acclaimed Ryman Prize for his ongoing research in Geriatric Medicine. Please see the Kudos section of the newsletter for more details. Congratulations to these very deserving individuals.

Stay well,


Christine Short, MD, FRCP(C), FACP

Associate Professor & Head/Chief, Department of Medicine

Dalhousie University / Central Zone, Nova Scotia Health

Dr. Christine Short

Dr. Short

DoM Grand Rounds Playlists on YouTube

DoM Grand Rounds Sept 2022 - June 2023

Summer Grand Rounds 2022

Please note: Videos are unlisted. You must have the link to view.



We welcome the following members to their new positions:

  • Dr. Gaeth Al-Zaneen, Division of Nephrology, started a Home Dialysis Fellowship program on September 21, 2022 and will be working with Drs. Karthik Tennankore and David Clark.

  • Dr. Alfredo De La Torre, Division of Hematology, joined the AFP as a full-time member effective October 1.

  • Dr. George Worthen, Division of Nephrology, will locum from October 3, 2022 to January 2, 2023.

  • Dr. Firouzeh Daneschmand, Division of General Internal Medicine, will do a short locum from October 20-27, 2022.

  • Dr. Matthew Miles, joins the Division of Digestive Care & Endoscopy as a full time member on November 1, 2022.

  • Dr. Sherry Hu, joins the Division of Neurology as a full time member on November 1, 2022.

  • Dr. Scott Lee, Division of General Internal Medicine, will do a short locum from November 11 – 17, 2022.

  • Taylour Stevens is working part-time with the DoM Finance Office.


We say farewell and best wishes to:

  • Nicole Deveau, Team Lead, Division of Medical Oncology, left the Division in September.

  • Shelley Melanson, Administrative Assistant has left the Department for another opportunity.

  • Dr. Clifford McCarville, Division of General Internal Medicine (Dartmouth General Hospital) retired in June 2022.


Welcome to Diane and Basia who will be leading their team to help us develop a robust process for dealing with culture and conflict.


Diane LeBlanc, PhD

After leading and collaborating with people aiming to transform the telecommunications industry, Diane shifted her focus to her own education. She completed an BSc (Hon) in psychology and statistics, and MSc and Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology. Driven by a need to understand behaviour, armed with knowledge that workplaces are critically important to well-being, and excited by the power of collaboration, Diane has developed practical approaches that help people and organizations to realize their potential. 

In addition to her formal education, Diane has substantial knowledge and experience in organizational development activities related to project management, process improvement, leadership, change, and conflict management. Diane’s goal is to partner with leaders to implement evidence-based changes designed to improve organizational health and performance. Diane has worked extensively with healthcare organizations to improve processes, advance collaboration, and help healthcare workers reconnect with their passion for care.


Basia Solarz, MAdeD, PCC

Basia brings over 25 years’ experience facilitating difficult conversations in educational, workplace, and community settings. She served as the Consultant for Communication & Conflict Competence for the award-winning conflict resolution program at Nova Scotia Health, where she offered conflict coaching, mediation, and educational services. A Certified Transformative Mediator and Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Basia is particularly interested in the moral-ethical dimensions of conflict as well as the intersection of adult learning and the transformative approach (Bush & Folger) to working with conflict. She is the founder and president of Braver Path Coaching, Consulting and Facilitation.

Executive Retreat News

On September 29, the executive of the Department of Medicine met for a day-long retreat at the Atlantica Hotel.

Dr. Jackson and Dr. Anderson opened the event by talking about the challenges we have faced in the last few years, and how these are common issues, the purpose of the day's activities, and the role leadership will play in supporting change in the DoM. Participants heard from Lorie Campbell and Basia Solarz about the work done at previous retreats, and how the department's issues line up with the issues the leadership expert Brene Brown suggests are universal across organizations. The day then turned to the main theme, which was giving and receiving feedback well in order to advance organisational goals. Diane LeBlanc led a value exercise and introduced the feedback process. Basia Solarz spoke on how to prepare one's self for this process, and then Dr. Gaynor Watson Creed spoke about anti-oppression and how to deal with problematic behaviours. Finally, Diane LeBlanc presented on counterproductive behaviour, and how peer-to-peer feedback is the most effective way of dealing with conflict and similar issues in the workplace. The day closed with each attendee identifying one concrete step that can be taken to help improve the function of the Department of Medicine. The facilitators will return with recommendations in the coming weeks. Thank you all for being there and engaging in the retreat!

Communication Tip

“Are they delivering the feedback in a respectful manner (by e-mail? Are you kidding?)."

- D. Stone and S. Heen.

When delivering feedback, it's best to sit down face-to-face with the person in question. Feedback via email or text is always a fraught proposition. When we are physically present with someone, we read their body language to complement their words. But in email, we lack that critical information, which makes misunderstandings much more likely.


That said, sometimes we can only reasonably reach someone through email or via text. In that case, it's important to write your body language into the email, or find another way of providing context

For example, "As I write this email, I feel worried that you will interpret it to mean I'm not satisfied with your work. I am very satisfied, and I only raise this issue with you because I want you to excel." This way, we can insulate ourselves from some of the problems that email communication can create.


Jillian Vandenbrand

Get to Know Jillian Vandenbrand

Jillian (Jill) Vandenbrand joined the department as the Research Program Administrative Coordinator in July of this year. Originally from the South Shore, Jill recently returned to her hometown after living in Calgary, Alberta for the past 17 years. Jill is an avid gardener and is currently in the process of turning her family farm back into a working acreage. She is a fan of heavy metal and a self-professed coffee addict: “I drink too much coffee for one human to reasonably consume!” she says.

Prior to joining DoM, Jill worked in research project coordination with the Alberta health system. She has earned certifications in patient-oriented research and the administration of large clinical trials within hospital and community settings for local and national projects. Jill specializes in facilitating system access, grant application assistance and anything related to starting up and closing out projects, including contracts, facilitation of hiring of research assistants, and project archiving. She is eager to learn and will be supporting the work of the department’s research initiatives. While Jill is still new to NSH, she said she is enjoying learning about the wide breadth of research that is currently underway in the department. To reach Jill, you can email or call her at 902-473-2255.

image of database

Resident Research Supervisors Database

Revised: October 12, 2022

View PDF

DoM Resident Research website

Resident Research website

Call for volunteers - reviewers

The Faculty of Medicine Scholarship committee needs additional reviewers in advance of our next round of scholarship competitions.

We are looking for faculty members at all career stages, both basic science and clinical faculty, to participate as reviewers in support of the work of the scholarship committee. The work of this committee ensures that research excellence among our students and postdoctoral is supported. Please consider serving as a reviewer. We are especially interested in expanding the diversity of the committee makeup.

Please email Sandy ( if you are interested in serving as a reviewer for a three-year term starting 2023.

Research Evening – Date TBA

Stay tuned for more information on Research Evening coming in November!


Dr. Chris Koilpillai receives lifetime award

Congratulations to Dr. Chris Koilpillai for receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Society of Echocardiography.

Dr. Whitney Faiella wins recognition award

Congratulations to Dr. Whitney Faiella on winning the 2022 Trainee Excellence in Education Award.

Each year, the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) recognizes the outstanding achievements of individual Canadians and Canadian organizations for their contributions to cardiovascular health and care. All awardees are nominated by peers, and all nominations are heartily celebrated. 2022 marks the Society's 75th anniversary.

Recipients will be formally recognized at #CCCongress on Thursday, October 27.

August 24, 2022

Dr. Simon Jackson completes interim role as Central Zone Medical Executive Director

The Department of Medicine recognizes and appreciates Dr. Simon Jackson’s leadership involvement within Nova Scotia Health. He completes his interim role as Central Zone Medical Executive Director.(October 2022).

“I would also like to take a moment and extend gratitude on behalf of the entire organization to Dr. Simon Jackson. Dr. Jackson stepped into this leadership role committed to only taking it on for the interim. Dr. Jackson does nothing with half of his intention and during his interim role moved so much work and collaboration forward, starting new initiatives like the Central Zone urgent bulletins for physicians and a regular communication tool for medical staff in Central Zone.” ~ Dr. Nicole Boutilier, Vice President of Medicine

“We extend our deep gratitude to Dr. Simon Jackson, who held the ZMED role on an interim basis. We all benefitted from Dr. Jackson’s compassion and superior communication skills during a highly challenging time. The organization is stronger having had him in this role as a trusted partner and we appreciate his leadership over the past 10 months.“

~ Eileen MacGibbon, VP Operations, Central Zone

~ Jill Flinn, Executive Director, QEII, Central Zone

~ Randi Monroe, Executive Director, Health Services, Rural and Community, Central Zone

Cardiac Catheterization Lab for Cape Breton

October 7, 2022

"A cardiac catheterization lab is the biggest healthcare initiative announced for Cape Breton since the opening of the Cape Breton Cancer Centre in 1998. It will improve patient outcomes, reduce wait times for cardiac services and free up hospital beds in Cape Breton and across the province. This is a major step forward for healthcare in Cape Breton and for all Nova Scotians."

Dr. Paul MacDonald, Medical Site Co-Lead, Cape Breton Regional Hospital, and Chief of Cardiology, Eastern Zone, Nova Scotia Health

Did you know?

There are two physicians at Nova Scotia Health named Dr. Paul MacDonald. Dr. Paul MacDonald referenced here is a Cardiologist and member of the Department of Medicine. There is also a Dr. Paul MacDonald in General Practice (Pictou County Health).

'Lifesaving' heart catheterization lab coming to Cape Breton Regional Hospital | CBC News

When the Cape Breton Regional Hospital expansion project is finished, the facility will include a new heart catheterization lab that will keep almost 900 patients a year from having to travel to Halifax for diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.

Read More
Rockwood feature

Dr. Rockwood in DMRF Impact Report 2021-2022

Dr. Kenneth Rockwood was featured in the Outstanding Achievements section of the 2021-2022 Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation Impact Report for receiving the globally acclaimed Ryman Prize. Congratulations Dr. Rockwood!

Since 2001, DMRF donors have contributed $2.2 million to Dr. Rockwood’s frailty and aging research.

Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation Impact Report 2021-2022 (PDF)

CEHA's first research project

Congratulations to the Centre of Excellence for Healthy Agency (CEHA) at Cape Breton University for launching its first research project. CEHA is serving as the Atlantic node of the CAN THUMBS-UP, a clinical research trial sponsored by the Canadian Collaboration on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). THUMBS-UP is part of an international trial looking at community-based interventions to prevent the onset of dementia.

CEHA has opened a home base in the new CBU complex in downtown Sydney, has hired a project manager and support staff, and has enrolled the first cohort for the trial, which will start later this fall.

The Centre of Excellence for Healthy Aging was created in 2021 by Research Nova Scotia, the Department of Health and Wellness and Nova Scotia Health to mark Dr. Ken Rockwood’s receipt of the Ryman Prize, which is given annually for the “world’s best discovery, development, advance or achievement that enhances quality of life for older people”. Dr. Rockwood serves as an advisor to CEHA.

References (October 5, 2022):


Is it Ageing or Aging?

Aging and ageing are the same word spelled in two different ways. The UK keeps the “e” when adding a suffix, while North Americans drop the “e”. Use aging when writing American English; use ageing in The UK, New Zealand, and Australia.

CIHR features Hematology

CIHR features Hematology Team for World Thrombosis Day

In connection to World Thrombosis Day on October 13, congratulations to Dr. Sudeep Shivakumar, Susan Pleasance, and team for being featured by the CIHR for their continued research in the simplification of blood thinners after hip and knee replacements.  

Read the full article here:

Dr. Lori Wood Receives Michael A.S. Jewett Award of Excellence

"Please join me in congratulating Dr Lori Wood, on receiving a very prestigious award at the recent Canadian Kidney Care Foundation meeting in Toronto. The Michael AS Jewett Award of Excellence recognizes extraordinary vision, leadership, and dedication in kidney cancer research. A well-deserved award for someone who has done so much for both research and patient care of so many people in Nova Scotia and beyond. We are so very lucky."

Debbie for Dr. Bailly

Maclean's ranking

Dal Med Ranks Seventh in Maclean's

October 2022

"Dalhousie has advanced into seventh place in Maclean’s ranking of Canada’s best Medical Doctoral universities — an improvement over its eighth place ranking last year."

Read full article:

QEII Redevelopment: Celebrating a milestone

October 2022

The week of October 3, the first procedures were performed at a new hybrid operating room (OR) located at the QEII’s Halifax Infirmary. The project is a first for Atlantic Canada and a significant milestone in the QEII Redevelopment Project.

Here is a virtual tour of the new space.

Patients will benefit from the advanced technology a hybrid OR provides for surgeons performing diagnostic imaging, minimally invasive procedures, more complex surgeries or a combination of all three. Patients also now have shorter recovery times, resulting in improved health outcomes.

This project, started in 2018, would not be possible without a $4 million contribution from donors to the QEII Foundation, $1 million of which was donated by Stewart E. Allan of Truro. The hybrid OR will be named in his honour.  Thank you and congratulations to all involved. 

Excerpts from:

Eileen MacGibbon, Vice President Operations, Central Zone

Dr. Christine Short, Senior Medical Director, QEII New Generation Project  

Stephanie Walsh, Senior Director Clinical Planning, QEII New Generation Project

Stewart E. Allen Hybrid OR

Matterport 3D Showcase. (

Read More


October 16 - 21

Accreditation Canada visit October 16–21, 2022 at Nova Scotia Health

If you have any specific questions throughout the week, please reach out to the Accreditation coordinator in your zone:

Accreditation Team Contacts

Northern Zone Coordinator:

Western Zone Coordinator:

Central Zone Coordinator:

Eastern Zone Coordinator:

General debrief:

Friday, October 21

2 to 3 p.m.

Meeting link TBA

Open for all staff and employees


Complete your Learning Module System (LMS) modules - due Dec 31 annually

  1. Sign in
  2. Go to My Learning (see image below) to complete mandatory courses
  • Please use Microsoft Edge to receive credits.
Various dates - see details

Strategic Plan findings – Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine will share draft conclusions about its upcoming strategic plan and is holding sessions to receive final feedback.

• Research: October 18, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

• Valuing our People: October 27, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

• Serving & Engaging Society: November 2, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

• Education: November 7, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Please RSVP to Megan Dixon at

A full agenda, a draft strategy document and login details will be distributed to those who RSVP.

October 24

Happy Diwali


When: October 24, 2022

Happy Diwali to those celebrating this month! Diwali is the festival of lights, mainly celebrated in India. It lasts for five days and symbolizes spirituality in the form of good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, and knowledge vs. ignorance. Diwali means ‘a string of lights,’ derived from the Sanskrit word ‘dipawali.’ Diwali is celebrated by people across different faiths in India, including Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Muslims and Buddhists. Many people with South Asian heritage in other parts of the world also celebrate Diwali. The date of the holiday varies each year based on the lunar calendar. Popular Diwali traditions include making and eating sweet treats, wearing new clothes, and lighting firecrackers and sparklers.  

November 4

Medicine Matters 2022

Medicine Matters 2022 logo

When: Friday, November 4, 2022

Time:8:15 – 4:30 pm

Where: Atlantica Hotel Halifax

This year, the morning sessions will focus on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion considerations in clinical medicine.

The focus of the afternoon sessions will be approaches to common undifferentiated clinical symptoms for internal medicine specialists/subspecialists.


Dal CPDME logo

Medicine Matters 2022 is "educationally approved/co-sponsored by Dalhousie University Continuing Professional Development and Medical Education.

Registration open until October 28, 2022

To register, please complete the online form:

Medicine Matters 2022 registration link


Use the camera on your phone

Bring the QR code into focus

Tap on message "go to website" to complete form.


Please contact Dr. Trudy Taylor, Chair of the Continuing Professional Development Committee ( or Isha Seth (

November 4

Improving Accessibility

Nova Scotia Health and IWK Health are seeking public and internal engagement from now until Nov. 4 as part of the preliminary consultation to develop a shared Accessibility Action Plan by spring 2023.

Survey open until Nov. 4:

November 9

Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative - Call for EOI

"Quality improvement (QI) initiatives have a well-defined aim statement change idea(s), selected / developed by a QI team, who work collaboratively to implement time bounded small tests of change (plan-do-study-act cycles) which require dedicated human and/or financial resources, and continuous measurement to determine if the change is an improvement." ~ Nova Scotia Health definition

Participants will learn core knowledge, skills and techniques designed to support teams in using a QI approach that will improve the likelihood that your work is successfully implemented, sustained and improves care and outcomes.

The collaborative is capped at 25 participants who each have access to an improvement coach.

Deadline to submit your EOI is Nov. 9.

November 21

2023 Nova Scotia Health Quality Awards now open

Deadline Monday, November 21, 2022 at 4:00 pm

The package of submissions will be sent directly to the judging panel, so unfortunately, extensions cannot be granted.

Winners will be announced by Jan. 2023.


The NS Health Quality Award competition welcomes submissions for the following categories:


  • Health Care Quality Team Award
  • Award of Excellence in Mental Health and Addictions Quality Improvement
  • Excellence in Patient Experience Award
  • Excellence in Patient Safety Award

For more information:

Your entire submission should be in one PDF file. All submissions should be sent to

December 1

Doctors Nova Scotia 2023 Achievement Award nominations now open

Deadline for nominations: Thursday, December 1, 2022

December 15

Call for applications

Clinician Investigator Program (CIP) 2023-24

The Dalhousie University Clinician Investigator Program (CIP) provides a training stream for residents in clinical specialty programs who wish to pursue graduate-level research training. The aim of the CIP is to encourage residents to pursue careers as clinician-scientists and join the academic faculty at Dalhousie or other Canadian academic medical centers. Clinical trainees are provided with a minimum of two years of protected research training in which they can enroll in a thesis-based graduate degree program (MSc or PhD). Up to 20% of these two years may be spent performing clinical activities. The Dalhousie University CIP is a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada accredited program.

The application deadline for submission is December 15, 2022. Information on eligibility, application guidelines and submission process visit the link. For more information about the program or application inquiries, please contact, Dalhousie-Clinician Investigator Program Office at


Various dates - see details

Community Conversations About Healthcare

Health and Wellness Minister Michelle Thompson, Deputy Minister Jeannine Lagassé and Nova Scotia Health CEO Karen Oldfield will hold community conversations with Nova Scotians about the work underway to improve healthcare in their area and across the province, starting October 19.

Additional Resources:

Action for Health, the government’s strategic plan to improve healthcare in Nova Scotia:

Various dates

Nova Scotia Health Quality & Patient Rounds for Physicians

Each session will run for an hour followed by 30 minutes of questions and discussion.

All sessions will be recorded and available to watch here:

Sign up for reminders about Quality Improvement Seminars

Various dates - see details

Dalhousie CPD and Medical Education

The Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie offers a variety of online faculty development courses and resources to support teaching during COVID 19. Click on the link below for a listing of upcoming events and online courses. Physicians interested in the Dalhousie Medicine Certificate in Clinical Teaching can email to be added to the waitlist.



COVID-19 Protocols at Nova Scotia Health

Nova Scotia Health is taking a phased approach to COVID-19 health and safety measures based on risk level in each zone.


Documents below subject to change; refer to online version for latest updates.

This document outlines the protocols required for each level of risk (last revised July 26, 2022).

This map shows a visual representation of the risk levels (last revised July 19, 2022).

COVID-19 Hub

More info:

Mental Health & Well-Being

Doctors Nova Scotia: Professional Support Program

Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

Canadian Psychological Association

LifeSpeak (Nova Scotia Health)

Nova Scotia Mental Health Crisis Line

  • 1-888-429-8167

Nova Scotia Crisis Text Line

  • Text – NSSTRONG to 741741

Online Wellness Sessions (NSH Library Services)

Nova Scotia Health’s Mental Health and Addictions Program (MHAP) has free e-Mental Health and Addictions tools available to all Nova Scotians including health care workers and physicians. These tools include:

Mindwell U - free online support that takes just five minutes a day, and can be accessed anywhere and on any device. This service is available in English and French.

Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) – free and private online resource that includes interactive activities and videos for people having challenges with their mental health. This service is available in English and French.

Wellness Together Canada – mental health and substance abuse support that contains free online resources, tools, apps and connections to trained volunteers and qualified mental health professionals when needed.

Togetherall – free and safe online peer-to-peer mental health community that empowers individuals to anonymously seek and provide support 24/7. It is available to all youth and young adults aged 16-29, providing an inclusive and supportive place to connect with others with real lived experience with common mental health concerns. To sign up go to and use your Nova Scotia postal code to register.

For more online tools, and how to register, visit

Department of Medicine

DoM Grand Rounds

YouTube Playlists

DoM Grand Rounds Sept 2022 - June 2023

Summer Grand Rounds 2022

DoM Grand Rounds Sept 2021 - June 2022

Summer Grand Rounds 2021

Videos are unlisted on the Department of Medicine YouTube channel, so you must have the link to view. All recordings are copyright.

DoM Research

Resident Research

The page was initially developed for the resident group but it’s also useful to faculty and their research teams. DoM Research wants to ensure that the link is easily accessible to anyone in the department.

Nova Scotia Health


PPE Videos

Donning & doffing: PPE used for droplet and contact precautions

Donning, doffing, and storage of healthcare procedure masks

Library Services

COVID-19 resources for health care providers

Occupational Health Safety & Wellness

OHSW Reporting Forms

  • Do you have symptoms of COVID and need help with OHSW?
  • Phone 1-833-750-0632

Spectrum MD App

(Antimicrobial Stewardship)

Nova Scotia Health logo needs to be visible in 8the upper left corner of the home screen to ensure you are accessing local content.

Zoom for Healthcare

Additional Links

Dalhousie University

Faculty of Medicine

Doctors Nova Scotia

Personal Directive

Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia

Complete online then download or email document. Once signed and witnessed, it is valid.

Nova Scotia

When you take care of yourself, you take care of others.

DoM-Dal-NSH logos