The Decibels Foundation

Friday, April 9th
Wave Maker of the

Joss Kendrick

American Girl Doll
of the Year 2020

Joss is a fierce surfer girl who never backs down from a challenge—even if it means taking a chance on something new, like trying out for cheer. But landing a spot on the cheer team is harder than it looks: Joss is hard of hearing, and often misses the count. She's determined to prove herself as a cheerleader and a surfer girl and realizes that an all-in attitude and an open mind might help her fly higher than ever before.

American Girl wanted to show their support for helping others like Joss, so they donated $25,000 to the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)!

Facts of the Day

Professionals who help Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

A licensed hearing health care professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss and balance disorders in adults and children.

A head and neck surgeon, commonly referred to as an ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT), is a physician who treats diseases of the head and neck, both medically and surgically. This includes diseases of the external, middle, and inner ear, the nose, oral cavity, neck, and facial structures.

Speech Language Pathologist- (SLPs) work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders in children and adults.

Teacher of the Deaf- (TODs) work to ensure that the educational needs of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing are met and that they become independent learners and achieve their full potential. Also to advise educators and families regarding the needs of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

Post a picture or video of yourself waving your hands, waving a flag, jumping in the waves
All Babies
Post a picture or video of yourself making waves for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children
Post a picture or video of someone that is making waves for Deaf and Hard of Hearing children
Thank you for making this a great week raising awareness and funds for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children & their Families.

The Decibels Foundation sincerely appreciates you!