Kansas e-tips

Upcoming environmental-related events and information for Kansas businesses are listed below.  If your small business has environmental compliance questions, give us a call at 1-800-578-8898 or email us at

For pollution prevention technical assistance or P2 intern program information, email
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Virtual hazardous waste handler training

In Kansas all staff who handle hazardous waste must be trained within six-months of taking their position and then annually. This training must be documented. Lack of this documentation is one of the top noncompliance items noted by hazardous waste inspectors. In many cases one (or a few) primary lead staff can be formally trained and then simply train other staff on their specific tasks related to hazardous waste handling.

One low-cost training option includes the KDHE approved virtual training course offered through K-State SBEAP. The course will take the user about 60-90 minutes to complete, but remains open to the user for 30 days. The cost is $30 and a certificate of completion is provided at the end of the course. If you have questions about this training or other hazardous waste management procedures, feel free to contact SBEAP at 800-578-8898 or Check out the other hazardous waste resources including a container management video and the  2020 Hazardous Waste Compliance Calendar
Environmental Compliance Training for Small Businesses and Technical Providers

The small business branch of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is partnering with the National Small Business Environmental Assistance Program to host virtual training sessions Sept. 8 -11, 2020, daily from 1to 4p.m. The agenda will include a variety of EPA experts and technical topics including the following:
  • EPA deputy administrator, Doug Benevento - welcome
  • EPA's Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization - updates
  • EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance - new compliance initiatives
  • EPA's new Learning Management System - introduced
  • EPA's Office of Air Quality and Planning Standards - updates on new initiatives
  • State Small Business Environmental Assistance Program representatives - variety of topics including assistance during COVID, annual report review and virtual resources for 2021 and beyond
Representatives from small businesses with air permits, and environmental compliance and pollution prevention technical experts as regulators are expected to join the event. EPA is providing registration at no cost but participants will be required to pre-register. Registration will open in late July and updates will be posted on the Annual Training webpage.
EPA to add new chemical to hazardous air pollutant list

On June 18, 2020, EPA finalized its decision to add 1-bromopropane (1-BP), CAS 106-94-5, also known as n-propyl bromide (nPB), to the l the Clean Air Act List of Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs).  I-BP is a common solvent used in dry cleaning, as a metal degreaser, in lubricants, asphalt production and adhesive sprays.

EPA's next step will be a formal announcement adding 1-BP to the HAPs list through the notification in the Federal Register. A webinar about this change will be available on  Wednesday,J uly 29, 2020, at 1:30 - 2:30 PM (CST). To register, you must provide your full name, organization, phone number, and email address to Rhonda Wright by email at

Although it would officially require sources to track their emissions from 1-BP as HAPs, there are no EPA emission standards in place for 1-BP. After 1-BP is listed, EPA will evaluate whether new emissions standards need to be promulgated or if current standards, such as the Halogenated Solvent Cleaning NESHAP (40 CFR Part 63, subpart T), need revised to include 1-BP emission standards. 
If you have questions about your HAP emissions or need assistance finding an alternative solvent for your process, please contact us at 800-578-8898, or
Greener options easier to find

If you have been looking for safer, less toxic products to use at your facility in your processes, EPA's Safer Choice website has a searchable listing that will assist you to identify Safer Choice chemical replacements for use in your facility operations.

One example from the website under the listing for degreasers, Safer Choice has 116 alternative chemicals you can review to determine which one would be right for the specific task needed performed.
Making the switch from less toxic materials to environmentally friendly materials can reduce your hazardous waste, air emissions, and employee exposures.

If you would like assistance making sustainable changes to your operations, contact us at 800-578-8898 or .
National SBEAP is on YouTube
Have you visited the
National SBEAP YouTube channel yet? It serves as an archive of National SBEAP presentations and training and hosts a variety of environmental resources for small businesses specifically, and for industry in general. Topics include the following:
  • regulatory updates regarding stationary engines, industrial coating operations and management of hazardous waste in pharmaceuticals
  • trends and new developments in environmentally preferable practices such as solvent replacement for various industries
  • tools available to businesses and communities for EPA Risk-Screening and Environmental Indicators, or RSEI
  • advice and relevant information for specific industries including dry cleaning, oil and gas, and cannabis
The National SBEAP YouTube channel features presentations from assistance providers, regulators and technical experts in multiple fields and is a great way to stay informed about environmental news relevant to your facility.
Upcoming events

July 29:1-Bromopropane webinar email Rhonda Wright, EPA, to register
Sept. 8 - 11: National SBEAP Virtual Training (see article above for details) 
Sept. 15:-16: A&WMA Conference, Lenexa, Kansas
Sept. 29 - Oct. 2:  KDOL Safety Conference , Wichita, Kansas
Dec. 1-2: Midwest Environmental Compliance Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
Important dates to remember

Tier II reporting due annually March 1
Class I and II air emission reports and fees due annually April 1
TRI reporting due annually July 1
July 2020

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About us

Established in 1989 within the College o f Engineering at Kansas State University, the Pollution Prevention Institute (PPI) has been providing environmental compliance and pollution prevention (P2) technical assistance to Kansas and Region 7 industries, communities and institutions for 30 years.
Entirely grant-funded, PPI provides a number of services including, 
P2 technical assistance, P2 engineering interns, P2 and environmental-compliance training. 

PPI partners with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment to host the Kansas Small Business Environmental Assistance Program known as SBEAP and with U.S. EPA to support the National SBEAP .