Announcing Workshops, Retreats, Tai Chi, and Community Acupuncture!!!!!


January 15th


Back Workshop

Enjoy rolling up your spine? Come check out this detailed workshop focusing on tailbone all the way to the base of the skull!! You will need 2 black balls, and 1 gold ball. This workshop can be done in the comfort of your home or in-person. Please register via zoom and follow link to email Balancing Meridians if you need balls. or if you are going to be coming in-person. Each roller will be given access to the workshop after it is completed.

Now only $60  

Register Here

February 19th


Pelvic Floor Workshop

What better month then February to get in touch with your pelvic floor. This workshop is for men and women. We will start with grounding ourselves, and opening our hips. We will then dive into stimulating the pelvic floor bone connections. We will spread our sits bones, release our tailbones, and create connections between the pubic ramus, tailbone, sit bones, and anus. You will need 2 black balls, and 1 gold ball. This workshop can be done in the comfort of your home or in-person. Please register via zoom and follow link to email Balancing Meridians if you need balls. or if you are going to be coming in-person. Each roller will be given access to the workshop after it is completed.

Now only $60   Register Here

March 19th.


Hands & Forearms Workshop

Getting the itch to get back into the garden and outside activities without the bulk clothes. This is a great workshop to put a little bit of spring back into your hands and forearms, and prepare them for the season ahead. We will start at the finger tips and work all the way to the chest. You will need 1 foot saver and 1 black ball. This workshop can be done in the comfort of your home or in-person. Please register via zoom and follow link to email Balancing Meridians if you need balls. or if you are going to be coming in-person. Each roller will be given access to the workshop after it is completed.

Now only $60   Register Here


Rolling Retreat at Kinstone!

Kinstone is a magical place! We will be putting on a rolling retreat with lots of rolling, outside activities including Walks, Wood Sauna, Tai Chi, Fire Circles, Singing Bowls, Forging, Great Food, Private Treatment Sessions, Rolling Workshops, Personal Vision Board Creating, and more!!! Date to be announced shortly! Planning for May!!!!!

Kinstone Website for more info

Functional Community Acupuncture starting in January!

Clinic Hours

Mondays & Thursdays


Welcome to Our Community


        Please take a moment to read this introduction to our Community Acupuncture Clinic. We are delighted that you are interested in joining us!


What is Different about the Functional Community Acupuncture Clinic (FCAC)?


We treat in a community setting.

        Most US acupuncturists treat clients on tables in individual rooms. This is not traditional in Asia, where acupuncture usually occurs in a community setting. In our clinic we primarily use zero gravity chairs, in a line, in a large quiet, soothing space. Treating patients in a community setting has many benefits: It’s easy for friends and family members to come in for treatment together; many clients find it comforting; and a collective energetic field becomes established which actually makes individual treatments more powerful. In some styles of acupuncture, the needles are removed after only a few minutes or after a half hour at most. The style of acupuncture we practice at FCAC allows clients to keep their needles in as long as they want, and the “right” amount of time varies from client to client. Most clients learn after a few treatments when they feel “done”. This can take from twenty minutes to a couple of hours! Many clients fall asleep and wake feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day again. 


We have a Sliding Scale Fees

      The only way FCAC can make acupuncture affordable and still make a living ourselves is to streamline our treatments and see multiple patients in an hour, so we have returned to the traditional approach. Instead of asking you lots of questions, we rely on pulse and tongue diagnosis to decide how to treat you. This is exactly how acupuncture is practiced traditionally in Asia—many clients per hour and very little talking.    

        Our sliding scale fees are as follows. $20-$45 per treatment. Because we have sliding scale, we can’t do insurance billing (that’s the insurance companies’ rule). If you have insurance that covers acupuncture, we’ll be happy to give you a payment receipt, and you can submit it. That is okay with the insurance companies. You will need to pay, and you will have the opportunity to schedule your next appt prior to your treatment. We find the paying and scheduling prior to appt much more blissful approach. Who wants to make their brain work after an acupuncture treatment!

Our Commitment to You

      We want to make it possible for you to receive acupuncture regularly enough and long enough to get better and stay better. We want to give you the tools to take care of your own health so that you will not need to rely on corporations like Big Insurance or Big Pharmaceuticals for costly, high-tech interventions. We will provide a safe environment with skilled practitioners.

What We Need from You


      FCAC does not provide primary care medicine! Acupuncture is a wonderful complement to Western medicine, but it’s not a substitute for it. If you think you have a problem that isn’t usually treated with FCAC you need to utilize Western medicine. What we are talking about is a serious infection, malignant growth, or an injury that won’t heal, and all symptoms that you would normally call 911 for. We don’t have emergency medicine capabilities at the clinic. Once you have been cleared by a physician, you are more then welcome to return to our clinic for continued care. See list below of usual alignments that FCAC can treat. We can provide complimentary care for conditions that require a physician’s attention. For instance, we often treat clients for side effects of chemotherapy. But we need you to take responsibility for your own health. 

        FCAC doesn’t receive grants, state or federal money, or insurance reimbursement. FCAC exist because of clients pay for their treatments –it is a sustainable community business model.


      The community setting requires some flexibility from you. For instance, many clients have a favorite spot. When we are busy, someone may be sitting in yours. Similarly, we have few clients that snore. Other clients who dislike snoring bring earplugs to their treatments. We are grateful for this! Some of our clients even bring favorite pillows or blankets from home with them, because they prefer theirs to ours. That’s fine with us. Basically, we need you to participate in making yourself comfortable in the community room before we arrive to treat you. We also request that you clean your chair prior to sitting down.  We will provide cleaning solution (Thieves cleaning solution) for you to use that is safe for you and the environment. 

        In terms of how long you want to stay - - tell the acupuncturist if you need to be somewhere at a certain time. We will do our best to get you out in time. In general, if you feel done, open your eye and give us a meaningful look - - if your eyes are closed, we think you’re still asleep/cooking and we won’t wake you up.


        The soothing atmosphere in our clinic exist because all our clients create it by relaxing together. We appreciate everyone’s presence! This kind of collective stillness is rare and precious thing in our rushed and busy society. Maintaining this reservoir of calm requires that no one talk very much in the clinic space. If you want to have a substantial conversation, we will need to schedule that separately and can even be done over the phone or video chat. Please see Balancing Meridians website to schedule another kind of appt.

        Part of our success is that our patients learn the “routine” and take on a lot of responsibility for the appointments. Re-scheduling and making payment happens at the front desk BEFORE each treatment, so you can relax and enjoy your treatment. Please take all personal belongings, (except shoes) with you into the treatment area. Also, please turn off your cell phone and other electronics prior to entering treatment area. 


      Acupuncture is a PROCESS. It is very rare for an acupuncturist to be able to resolve a problem with one treatment. In China, a typical treatment protocol for chronic condition could be acupuncture every other day for three months! Most of our clients don’t need that much acupuncture, but virtually every client requires a course of treatment rather than a single treatment, in order to get what they want from acupuncture.    

        One big reason that we can keep our pries so low is because of the extraordinary amount of marketing our clients do on our behalf!!! We don’t have to advertise!!! We cannot express how grateful we are for this. Our clients are such effective marketers because they have first-hand experience of how well acupuncture works. All our satisfied clients basically made a commitment to a course of treatment. 

        On your first visit, your acupuncturist will suggest a course of treatment, which can be anything from “we’d like to see you once a week for six weeks” to “we’d like to see you every day for four days”.   This suggestion is based on our experience with treating different kinds of conditions. If you don’t come in often enough or long enough, acupuncture probably won’t work for you. The purpose of our sliding scale is to help you make that commitment. If you have questions about how long it will take to see results, please ask us, or if you think you need to adjust your treatment plan, please let us know. We need you to commit to the process of treatment in order to get good results. 

        Lastly enjoy the space. You can book sauna, and bio mat time as well, to enhance your acupuncture appts! 



Functional Community Acupuncture Staff, at Balancing Meridians




Sunday Rolling


All equipment provided for class when in-person. Please make sure you have balls for zoom class.

Zoom Link


Wednesday Rolling


Class will be moving to

11am-12:15 in January!

All equipment provided for class when in-person. Please make sure you have balls for zoom class.

Zoom Link


Tai Chi for Rehabilitation

Thursdays, 10:30am - 11:30am

TCR will help with recovery from almost any condition including stroke, illness, injury, surgery, and significant stress. The forms increase chi energy and provide a powerful self help program for optimal health and wellness. You can turn setbacks into a positive outcome and return to your original health or better.

This is drop-in class, although registration is helpful. Please register with:

Amy Stoddard, Tai Chi for Health Instructor


Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention

Thursdays, 1:30pm - 2:30pm

TCAFP uses primarily the Sun style of Tai Chi with it’s higher stance for joint protection and tension release and step through for increased movement. Arthritis pain makes us want to stop moving, yet ironically, movement helps reduce the pain of arthritis. Recommended by the CDC, and the Arthritis Foundation for relief from Arthritis and for fall prevention. This is drop-in class, although registration is helpful. Please register with:

Amy Stoddard, Tai Chi for Health Instructor

Tai Chi General Information

All “Tai Chi for Health” programs use the most optimal blend of traditional Tai Chi styles of Chen, Yang, Sun and Wu, to achieve the health goals of the class. The classes have been developed by a team of Tai Chi professionals and Traditional Chinese and Western medical doctors, headed by Dr. Paul Lam, a Tai Chi practitioner and instructor and Traditional Chinese Medical and Western medical doctor. They are extensively researched and adapted based on scientific, professional and participant feedback for efficacy. 

The best results are achieved with regular and sustained practice (at least two times a week for 16 weeks). Yet any amount of Tai Chi at any level will improve immunity, energy, relaxation, empowerment, strength, flexibility, and balance along with many other health benefits. 

The classes are safe for anyone who is independently mobile with or without an assistive device and are adapted to match your current level of function and mobility. Even those who don’t have arthritis, balance challenges, or health conditions to recover from, will benefit from these classes. 

You are encouraged to work well within your comfort level, use minimal effort and rest whenever you need to. Visualization of the full movement is used if full range is not possible, which has been shown to promote similar health benefits as the full movement. The forms can be done lying down, sitting, or standing with or without support and in any combination that best meets your needs. 

Qigong is incorporated into the sessions for healing and relaxation. Like a river with a strong current underneath a calm surface, powerful health benefits and a sense of serenity are achieved with the gentle movements. 

The stepwise progressive teaching approach makes the forms easy to learn. 

Every class begins with a centering/warm up activity and ends with a cool down. The goal is to have fun and leave class feeling uplifted.


The classes are offered in person on a drop in basis at Balancing Meridians, 136 Owen Road in Monona. 

Registration and Feedback

Filling out a registration form before or at the first class in addition to a feedback form after taking one or more classes is appreciated. 

Free Will Donation

Classes are offered on a free will donation basis. Anything you feel good about contributing is greatly appreciated. Classes are accessible to everyone regardless of ability to pay. 

For more information

See the Tai Chi for Health Institute website for more information about the classes I teach and many different programs that they offer. If you see a program that you are interested in, please let me know. I most likely have the DVD that we can either go through together or that you can check out from my library. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or to register for a class. 

I look forward to seeing you,

Amy Stoddard, Tai Chi for Health Instructor


Home - Balancing Meridians

Body Rolling Treatments & Classes, Acupuncture, Functional Community Acupuncture Clinic, Infrared Sauna Therapy, Body Thermography, Healing Himalayan salt therapy, Tai Chi, Yoga(soon), and Reiki!

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Balancing Meridians | 608-406-3844 | |