Updates from Sarah Giddings,
Vice President of Programs and Services
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During the past few months as I've stepped into this role, I’ve been reminded of how incredible our WSA family is - the kindness, talent, dedication, and strength of the parents, siblings, caregivers, volunteers, medical professionals, researchers, staff, and all the individuals with Williams syndrome we know and love. And now, as we begin 2023, there is so much to look forward to here at the Williams Syndrome Association. Our team is working diligently to continue the programs and services you've always counted on, and we're thrilled to offer new or enhanced opportunities to support everyone in our community. | |
One of our goals is to ensure we have support in place for those important steps in the life of someone with WS: diagnosis, early intervention, entering school, learning reading and math, transitioning to middle school, transitioning to high school, transitioning out of high school, navigating adult life and aging, and so many things in between. We’re creating programs and partnerships with experts and consultants to ensure you have the support you need when you need it.
I want to share a few of the things that are happening soon with you. Watch for a newsletter in early February with more details!
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Sarah Giddings
Vice President of Programs and Services
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In February, we’re kicking off a new series focused on reading. Carolyn Mervis, PhD and WSA education consultant Robin Pegg, MEd, COTA, ATP, will host a "listening club" (similar to a book club, but with a podcast) to listen to and discuss the recently released Sold A Story podcast, which reinforces the instructional practices we believe are best practices for learners with WS. Watch for more details and a registration link next week. Until then, save these Mondays at 8 pm ET: February 13, February 27, March 13, March 27, April 10, and April 24.
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If you’re an adult 18 or older with WS, or their parent or caregiver, you’ve probably heard that the Adventure Seekers are traveling to Orlando, Florida September 28 - October 1, 2023! A few important dates are coming up soon:
ROOM BLOCK OPENS: The room block at the Drury Plaza Hotel at Disney Springs opens for registration Monday, January 30 at Noon ET. Watch for an email with more details about registration Monday. A limited number of rooms will be available a few days before and after our trip for families who may want to extend their stay. The rooms are $139/night, plus all applicable taxes and fees. All details will be provided Monday.
ORLANDO TRIP INFO SESSION: If you’d like to learn more about the trip, how it will work, associated costs, and more, please join us for an information session Wednesday, February 1 at 8 pm ET. This session will be recorded if you’re unable to attend.
TRIP REGISTRATION: Registration for the trip will open in March. All necessary information related to the trip will be released prior to registration opening so you and your family can determine if you’d like to participate.
To learn more about the trip, visit the Adventure Seekers Orlando FAQs.
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It’s been fantastic to see our WS community connecting in person again! Events have been happening throughout the country, from coast to coast. I was thrilled to have dinner with some families in the Denver and Atlanta areas over the past few months. Joel Liestman, our Family Support Director, was in San Diego last weekend, visiting with families and spending time with the adults with WS who live at Villa de Vida. Special thanks to Julia Uhll for her efforts to arrange a magical day!
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It’s almost time to kick off our Family Support Groups this year. Watch for an email early next week with dates and registration links for our family support groups. We also plan to add new groups this year, including siblings, grandparents, parents of only children with WS, and more! Visit the Family Support Network page to learn more about these groups and the groups we’re currently offering.
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Youth and Teen Summer Camps
Summer camp is BACK! Our summer camps have found a new (and hopefully permanent!) home in Rutledge, Georgia, about an hour outside Atlanta. Our Whispering Trails Therapeutic Camp Experience for children with WS ages 6 - 12 will be held Sunday, July 30 - Thursday, August 3, 2023, and the Teen Camp Experience for teens with WS ages 13 - 20 will take place Sunday, July 30 - Friday, August 4, 2023.
Yes - we’re trying something new this year and holding both camps concurrently! There’s an incredible opportunity for collaboration, learning, and growth with this model. Watch for updates over the next few months, in emails and on the camp page of our website. An enhanced registration experience is scheduled to go live in early Spring. Scholarships will also be available.
Camp Blue Skies for Adults
Looking for a great way to spend a week having fun and making new friends with other adults with Williams syndrome? Camp Blue Skies has the answer. Apply now for the next session, which takes place March 6 - 10 in Rutledge, GA. Applications are open through Feb. 1.
Check out the new post on our blog with details here.
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Family Camp
You read that right! The WSA is hosting Family Camp, November 10 - 12, 2023 at Morgan’s Wonderland Camp in San Antonio Texas! We’re thrilled to offer the opportunity for everyone in your family to experience an incredible, accessible camp experience. Watch for more information later this year.
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Save the date for the 2024 WSA National Convention!
July 9 – 13, 2024
Hyatt Regency Downtown, Phoenix, AZ
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