Kile's Corner
Hi to all self-advocates,
This Kile, I’m back from my trip to Baltimore, Maryland and I am so happy to talk about what I have been working on. A group of people within the state, our DD network, a parent of a young adult that has a disability, Monique and I attended a National Self-Directed Conference.
I feel we should have done this a long time ago, but never in Maine before now. I am happy to talk about the new service that will soon be coming into Maine. A new service that will give adults with disabilities the choices to sit at the table and make choices to hire or fire their own staff. They will be a boss in their own life with the ability keep the staff we like and have the hours that we want.
The money will be used for staff instead of the agency and this new service is called Self-Directed Service. This service will be all the things I said it would be and will make our life better. This will stop agencies from telling us what we can and can’t do. With this service we can show them we will be able to pick our own staff.
So, now I would like to tell you that my travel to Baltimore Maryland for the 2022 National Self-Direction Conference, that I must brought back some information about how other states are using Self-Directed Service. I listened to life stories that tells me that self-direction really works and I learned about different tools that we can use and are easy for people.
I had a good time learning about all the ideas that are out there. I’m so happy to show you guys, what come out of all of this. I hope you have good day