October 1, 2023:

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time


The Church of St. Mary :: 201 E. Illinois Lake Forest, IL 60045 (office)

Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday - Friday

Phone: (847) 234.0205 :: Email: [email protected]

www.churchofstmary.org :: www.facebook.com/ChurchofStMaryLF/


------Recently the Parish Finance Council met to review the previous fiscal year. We are working on our Parish Annual Report to communicate to the parish the result of the previous fiscal year from a financial perspective. The parishioners have once again demonstrated generosity in the offertory, School and Religious Education programs, and other parish events. A number of parishioners include the parish as beneficiaries in their wills.


------In the Annual report we will communicate the generosity received for the second collections throughout the past year. We are a generous people, in giving of time, talent and treasure. Beginning in October, we will resume taking up a special collection for the second collection. Thus, we are asking you to place the offerings to the church in the first basket, and then the second collection in the second basket that is passed. We are returning to the “pre-Covid pandemic” means of receiving your offerings.


------Many find using GiveCentral a very easy and wonderful way to support the parish. You can register for GiveCentral through the Church of St. Mary website. (Click on “Donate” at the top right corner of our homepage.)


------Animal lovers and St. Francis lovers are welcome to gather this week for the annual pet blessing. Deacon Bob looks forward to praying with you and blessing your animals, on St. Mary’s Green - rain or shine - on Wednesday, October 4 at 4:00pm.


------The following article is included in my weekly bulletin to encourage your reflection on the truths offered in it and your full participation in the Eucharist at the Church of St. Mary.  

-------Interestingly, although a closing hymn is sung at nearly every Mass in parishes in the United States, it is mentioned in few liturgical documents.


-------The last liturgical actions mentioned in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) are the dismissal of the people by the deacon, if one is present, or by the priest, followed by the kissing of the altar by the priest and deacon and then a profound bow to the altar by the priest, deacon, and other ministers (see GIRM 90, 168, 169, 185, 186), with the presumption of there being some kind of procession to leave. The Roman Missal echoes this at number 145 in the Order of Mass. The only reference to anything else taking place at the end of Mass that is mentioned in both of these sources is that if another liturgical action follows the Mass, the concluding rites are omitted (GIRM, 170, RM, 146).


-------That being said, however, there is nothing that specifically prohibits a closing hymn. Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship references a closing hymn, explaining that “Although it is not necessary to sing a recessional hymn, when it is a custom, all may join in a hymn or song after the dismissal” (199). Yet nothing more precise can be found as to what is appropriate and not appropriate concerning the behavior of the assembly at that time.


-------It would seem, then, that in the absence of norms that dictate any liturgical behavior, the answer to this question lies in the realm of the ars celebrandi. Looking at the purpose of music and singing, the meaning of this part of the Mass, and the nature of liturgical participation can give us some insights.


-------Singing is meant to express joy and communal prayer and to foster deeper participation in the liturgical action. Singing fosters unity as human voices join together as one. Participants, then, should stay until the end of the hymn, out of a deference to the common ritual action in which all are engaged. The GIRM is clear that it is the common spiritual good of the assembly, rather than “private inclination or arbitrary choice,” that must be fostered at liturgy; joining in common actions expresses and fosters an inner spiritual attitude (42). Those who leave before the end of the hymn are not heeding the call “to avoid any appearance of singularity or division” at liturgy (see GIRM, 95).


-------Recall, too, that the liturgical dismissal is meant to be a true sending forth, so that those who have just offered the sacrifice of the Mass “may go back to doing good works, praising and blessing God” (GIRM, 90). Thus, staying until the closing song ends becomes a participation in the action of being sent out for the sake of mission, an action that the text of the closing hymn often refers to.


-------Finally, that the closing hymn is meant to accompany an action of the liturgy is alluded to in Sing to the Lord, which states “When a closing song is used, the procession of ministers should be arranged in such a way that it finishes during the final stanza” (199). It’s clear that the ministers exiting in procession should not be in a hurry to rush out but should rather allow the closing song to be a full and dignified moment within the entire liturgical action. Concerning the ars celebrandi of full, conscious, and active participation, what is true for the ministers in procession is also true of all who make up the liturgical assembly.

Monsignor Joseph DeGrocco in Pastoral Liturgy July-August 2023

------God bless you in “Eucharistic lives” of gratitude, generosity, and compassion,

St. Mary’s Church Livestream has moved to YouTube™
Go to the Official Church of St. Mary YouTube™ channel to view any and all live-streamed Masses. See the link to our Livestream YouTube channel at the top of our Facebook page.

SCHEDULE: Saturday, September 30 - Sunday, October 8, 2023

Saturday, September 30, 2023:

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

+ 8:00 am: Confession - Church

+ 5:00 pm: Livestream & Mass - Church


Sunday, October 1, 2023:

+ 8:00 am: PUBLIC MASS

+ 10:00 am:  Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Children's Liturgy of the Word

+ 12:00 pm: PUBLIC MASS

+ 5:00 pm: PUBLIC MASS

+ 6:00pm: - COR Youth Ministry - PC

Monday, October 2, 2023:

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS

------------------with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

+ 11:00am: Guild Rosary - Church

Tuesday, October 3, 2023:

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS

-----------------with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

+ 3:45pm: Altar Server Training - Church

+ 7:00pm: Bible Study

Wednesday, October 4, 2023:

+ 6:30am: Men's Morning Prayer - CCR

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS

-----------------with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

+ 9:15am: Guild Board Meeting - PCCR

+ 4:00pm: Blessing of Pets - St. Mary's Green

+ 6:45pm: RCIA - PCLR

Thursday, October 5, 2023:

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS

-----------------with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

+ 4:00 pm: Handbell Choir - CCR

+ 6:45pm: Men's Faith & Fellowship Group - PCCR

+ 7:00 pm: Adult Choir - Church

Friday, October 6, 2023:

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS

-----------------with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

Saturday, October 7, 2023:

+ 7:30 am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS

-----------------with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am

+ 8:00 am: Confession - Church

+ 5:00 pm: Livestream & Mass - Church


Sunday, October 8, 2023:

+ 8:00 am: PUBLIC MASS

+ 10:00 am:  Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Children's Liturgy of the Word

+ 12:00 pm: PUBLIC MASS

+ 5:00 pm: PUBLIC MASS

+ 6:00pm: - COR Youth Ministry - PC

Here is a List of Places You may watch Mass on TV, Radio or Online:

  • Online:
  • Church of St. Mary Livestream can be found on our YouTube Channel. View past celebrated Masses or join us for a current Livestream Mass according to the schedule in this newsletter.

  • TV: EWTN
  • DirecTV Channel 370
  • Dish Network Channel 261
  • Verizon Fios Channel 285
  • XFinity Channel 33, 291, 1668

  • Relevant Radio:  
  • 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT. 
  • These Masses will be broadcast live on your local station, on the Relevant Radio® app, at relevantradio.com, and on my Father Rocky Facebook page so you can tune in from wherever you are. The Mass will be rebroadcast each evening at 8:30 pm ET / 5:30 pm PT on your local station.

To read the Daily Scripture readings you may go to usccb.org and select "Daily Reading" at the top left menu.

You may also go to "Today's Reading" at http://www.usccb.org/bible/readings


III Morgan D'Arcy and Emily Woidat

II Ryan Rubio and Jacquie Audet


Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, especially:

Jamie Bostelman

Carmie Caluag

Victoria Mansfield  


Camille Devaney

Joan Dolan

Sharon Ebelhardt

Gary Gwizdala

Bern Herold

Christian Jenko

Terry Thomas Kearns

Suzanna Kocis

Deacon Joe Krakora

Theo Kramer

James Krueger

Ruth Ann Lachenauer

Kenneth Leitch

Danny Leemputte

Caroline Lyczko

Jim MacNaughton

Carolina Martinez

Reese Marcusson

Pauline Mohr

David Pierce

Philomena Randazzo

Mark Russell

Shannon Schweiger

This new sick list began on September 3 and will continue through November.

If you would like to add a family member to the Prayers for the Sick, please call our Parish Office at: (847) 234.0205.

Please remember in your prayers those who have gone to their eternal rest with Our Lord, especially:

Ralph Stoll

(husband of Sally Stoll)

Maria Francesca Garcia

(mother of Gustavo Garcia)


William Allingham            

(father of Peg [Sam] Ciccarelli)


Mass Intentions will be prayed for during a private or public daily Mass.

Saturday, September 30

7:30am -  Art Fox; Special Intention for Bern Herold

5:00pm - Dorina Mentucci; Nancy Jane Verkler; Josephine & Linda Lund


Sunday, October 1

8:00am - Anne Leiser; Radic-Neverka Family; James Luxem

10:00am - Joseph Egan; Mary Scopelliti; Mark Miara

Noon - Margaret Davidson; Jennie Rose Cascio; Mary Scopelliti

5:00pm - Carol Jean Talbot; People of St. Mary’s; Special Intention for Lisa Rigsbee

Monday, October 2

7:30am - John McManus; John Meany


Tuesday, October 3

7:30am - Mary Scopelliti; Elizabeth Verkler


Wednesday, October 4

7:30am - Joseph Milite; Rosemary Sheahen; Frank & Ann Cimarrusti; Gloria Menzies 


Thursday, October 5

7:30am - Walter Rahn; Joan Geldermann

Friday, October 6

7:30am - Bruni Mangiardi Collins; Liz Bessette


Saturday, October 7

7:30am - Mary O’Brien; Peter Rukavina, Jr.;

---------- - 49th Anniversary of St. Mary’s Rosary Group 

5:00pm - Catherine Kierzel; Aldo Raganelli;Tom Geldermann


Sunday, October 8

8:00am - Special Intention for Andrew Schroeder; Isabella Leone

10:00am - Mary Margaret Pawl; Craigmile-Maurer Family;

------------ -- Special Intention for St. Mary’s Adult Choir 

Noon - Anne & Ted Clifford; Mark Miara; Mercedes Foley

5:00pm - People of St. Mary’s


If you would like to request a special Mass Intention, please email our Parish Receptionists at: [email protected] and they will kindly assist you!

Sunday Collection----------------------------------------Actual----------------Budgeted---Surplus/(Shortfall)

September 24, 2023 -------------- -------- --------- - -- $19,657------------ -- $26,000----------------- ($6,343)


Total Sunday Collections Fiscal 2024 YTD----- --$323,881--------------$338,000----------------($14,120)

Total Seminary Collection Fiscal 2024 YTD---------$5,356

Total Sharing Collections Fiscal 2024 YTD--------$24,010

Catholic Charities Refugee Relief

------Parishioner Lead Gift-------------------------$10,000

------Parishioner Donations----------------------------$625

Total Catholic Charities Refugee Relief-------$10,625



Schedule your recurring donations via our online Giving safe and secure portal, GiveCentral Go to:  Church of St. Mary GiveCentral or click the image to the left.
Thank you! 
Church of St. Mary Website
Bookmark our parish website for information on all parish ministries, events, contact information, and more!  
Information on our Mass Schedule, Sacraments, School, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Guild of St. Mary, Liturgical Ministries, Bible Study, RCIA, Bulletins, Gospel Reading Podcasts, Homily Podcasts, and more can all be found on our webpage.
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page 
See updates from popular Catholic pages such as the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, and the USCCB. See news from the School of St. Mary, Guild of St. Mary, Religious Education Program, Youth Ministry, and upcoming events at our parish!

Church of St. Mary YouTube channel

Look for the black and white image of the Church of St. Mary when searching for the channel or click on either image here to go straight there! Don't forget to subscribe!