Growing in faith, serving with love
  • The Church Office will be closed this week and will reopen Monday, January 4.
  • If you have not seen it already, be sure to watch our Christmas Concert video, Musical Garlands! You can find a link to the movie here on our website and Facebook page.

December 27, 2020 Order for Worship
1st Sunday of Christmas

Christmas time is here! We gather to proclaim God’s presence that has become known to us in Jesus Christ. If you would like to participate with the Call to Worship liturgy, please download today’s bulletin here.
If you would like to share a joy or prayer concern, please email Pastor Dan at and your request will be shared in next week’s worship packet. Prayer requests will remain for 3 weeks unless updated.
  • We give thanks for the life of Bob Britton, who passed away this past week. Please keep his wife Chris and their family in your prayers.
  • We pray for our veterans and their families, for those who need healing, those who need strength, those who need encouragement.
  • For all impacted by the COVID-19 virus. For our medical professionals, paramedics, firefighters, and police officers. For those suffering from illness or facing treatment.
  • For families planning to travel for the holidays.
  • For peace in our communities and opportunities for reconciliation. For the softening of hearts and the desire for justice. For the willingness to have conversations that lead to understanding, reconciliation, and healing.
  • Our leaders at every level, for wisdom and discernment as they make difficult decisions, for our Session and deacons.
  • For those burdened with stress and anxiety during this time, as well as those who facing financial uncertainty.
  • For our members who are traveling to their winter homes.
  • Eric Anderson, Mary Helen's nephew, Brian and his family. Mark Sundrud's sister, Jessica, Bryan Fox, Tom Banks, Carl Smith,Karen ,Bea Walker, Sybil Dickerson, John and Judy Campbell, Chloe King, Michael Owens, Kenly Drummond, Deb Gervais, Beth Mathias, Mark, Ed Layman, Joyce Hawkins, Chris Moats, Chet and Mary Jane Downs, Families who have lost loved ones
Carolyn Quigley - Dec 27, Libby Over - Dec 28, Stella Williams - Dec 29, Bob Ause - Dec 30 Leon Greyvensteyn - Jan 1st,
As we close out the year, every gift of generosity helps us live out our mission as a Church. If you’d like to give a portion of what God has given you in Jesus Christ, you can do so by clicking the “give online” button or by mailing a check to our church office at:

FPC Tequesta
482 Tequesta Drive
Tequesta, FL 33469
Children's Sermon
Scripture Readings
Psalm 148
1 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights! 2 Praise him, all his angels.
praise him, all his host! 3 Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! 4 Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! 5 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he commanded and they were created. 6 He established them forever and ever; he fixed their bounds, which cannot be passed.7 Praise the LORD from the earth, you sea monsters and all deeps, 8 fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling his command! 
9 Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars! 10 Wild animals and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds! 11 Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth! 12 Young men and women alike,
old and young together! 13 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his glory is above earth and heaven. 14 He has raised up a horn for his people, praise for all his faithful, for the people of Israel who are close to him. Praise the LORD!
Galatians 4:4-7
4 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children. 6 And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through God.

Sermon: Goodbye, 2020
No matter how difficult this year has been, God has carried us through every step of the way. May God’s love shape us and form us as we move into the New Year. As we walk our journey of faith, may the Lord bless and keep you, be kind and gracious to you, look upon you with favor, and give you peace, amen.
The Presbyterian Women invite you to “Chalk Your Door” on January 6th
Christmas has passed. Now we count down the “12 days of Christmas” to Epiphany, which celebrates the arrival of the three wise men, known as the Magi, on January 6th. On Epiphany, the day following the Twelfth Day of Christmas, we invoke the Magi’s and Christ’s own blessing upon our homes by “Chalking the Door,” which is writing – with chalk – the initials CMB interspersed with crosses and flanked by the numbers of the present year, on the lintel of a house’s front door. 
20 + C + M + B + 21
Tradition has it that the three wise men were called Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. CMB also abbreviates a Latin blessing, Christus mansionem benedicat, meaning “May Christ bless this dwelling.” After chalking the door, light a candle and say an Epiphany prayer. 
On Sunday, December 27th & January 3rd, a basket with chalk and prayers will be in the courtyard to help you observe this tradition.  It is our wish for you to have a Blessed and Happier New Year.
First Presbyterian Church | 561-746-5161 | |