October 2022

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Update from the Hudson River Watershed Alliance

Annual Watershed Conference: Registration Now Open!

Sessions on October 24, 25, and 26

More Information and Registration

Across the watershed, communities are experiencing climate hazards including localized flooding, intense drought, Harmful Algal Blooms, beach closures, wildfires, and other impacts on water resources. To further community understanding of climate change, its impacts, and how we can prepare for it, our Annual Watershed Conference theme is Climate Change Impacts on Water in the Hudson Valley.

This year, Hudson River Watershed Alliance is using a hybrid model for the conference, taking advantage of the respective strengths of both virtual and in-person programs.

The schedule includes:

  • Monday, October 24 from 1-3:30 PM: a virtual session to share climate change projections and other context-setting information.
  • Tuesday, October 25 from 9 AM - 12:30 PM: an in-person session at the Henry A. Wallace Center, FDR Presidential Library & Museum in Hyde Park, NY to discuss climate change adaptation strategies and share case studies.
  • Tuesday, October 26 from 1-4 PM: an in-person session an in-person session at the Hudson River Maritime Museum Barn in Kingston, NY focused on flooding issues faced by municipalities along the Hudson River shoreline. This session will be facilitated by River Network, and will inform the Hudson River Flood Resilience Network’s strategic roadmap.

The conference agenda, with speakers and more details about each session, is available here. Registration is open on the conference webpage here.

View Conference Agenda

Featured Sessions:

Centering Equity in Climate Resilience and Adaptation

Clara Fang, Antioch University New England

Climate change disproportionately impacts historically marginalized communities. The Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience has developed principles and best practices for centering equity in climate adaptation and resilience planning. This presentation will provide an overview of findings and recommendations.

Day 1 virtual presentation via Zoom at 2:55 pm

An Introduction to Key Coping Strategies and Principles of Trauma-Informed Care: A Disaster Mental Health Perspective

Andrew O'Meara, Institute for Disaster Mental Health, SUNY New Paltz

As climate change worsens the intensity and frequency of natural disasters, a trauma- and mental health-informed approach to emergency planning and disaster management is ever more needed. This presentation will share how we can cope with overwhelming reactions to extreme events, and best practices when working with others.

Day 2, in-person in Hyde Park, NY at 11:50 am

Sponsor the Annual Watershed Conference!

Interested in sponsoring the watershed conference? More information is here.

Each year, the conference shares key information and actions with over 120 people from across the region. Your sponsorship will help to fund the conference proceedings and enable participation by individuals and groups in need of financial support. 

Thank you to our sponsors! 

Watershed Sponsors:

River Sponsors:

Hudson River Maritime Museum

Hudson Valley Regional Council


Creek Sponsors:

Capital District Regional Planning Commission

Delaware Engineering

Pace University


Stream Sponsors:

Barton & Loguidice

Gordon & Svenson LLP


Brook Sponsors:

CEA Engineers

Center for the Urban River at Beczak

Common Ground Consulting, LLC

Strong Outcomes, LLC

Wallkill River Watershed Alliance

Philip DeGaetano

Breakfast Webinar: NYS DEC Climate Smart Communities Grants & Cayuga Creek Floodplain Restoration

Thursday, October 13, 8:30-9:30 AM

Register here

Myra Fedyniak from NYS Department of Environmental Conservation’s Office of Climate Change will present on Climate Smart Communities Grants. The Climate Smart Communities Grant Program is a competitive 50/50 matching grant program for municipalities to implement projects focused on climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation. Project types also include certain planning and assessment projects that are part of a strategy to achieve Climate Smart Communities Certification.

Emily Root from Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper will share their work with the Town of Niagara to restore and reconnect the floodplain of the Cayuga Creek, with funding in part from the Climate Smart Communities Grant program. This project restores habitat, mitigates downstream flooding, and improves community access.

Photo: Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper

This program is supported by funding from the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.

Breakfast Webinar: NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation Green Innovation Grant Program

Thursday, November 10, 8:30-9:30 AM

Register here

Brian Gyory from NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation will present on the Green Innovation Grant Program (GIGP). GIGP supports projects across New York State that utilize unique EPA-designated green stormwater infrastructure design and create green technologies. Competitive grants are awarded annually to projects that improve water quality and mitigate the effects of climate change through the implementation of one or more of the following green practices: Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Energy Efficiency, Water Efficiency and Environmental Innovation. 

The City of Poughkeepsie will share details about their GIGP-funded stormwater projects. These include retrofitting two downtown municipal parking lots and installing rain gardens, bioretention, and trees in Malcolm X Park to provide green space in the city's Northside neighborhood along the Fall Kill Creek. 

Photo: Scenic Hudson

This program is supported by funding from the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with NEIWPCC.



Groundwork Hudson Valley: Climate Resilience AmeriCorps VISTA Steward

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Groundwork Hudson Valley is seeking a new AmeriCorps VISTA Steward to support the development and growth of our Climate Resilience Program. Activities will involve developing and refining project outreach efforts through an equity lens, developing volunteer stewardship initiatives to increase and broaden their impact, and raising critically needed resources to sustain these programs over time. The VISTA Steward will report directly to the Climate Resilience Manager and will support the ongoing work on two main projects: The Saw Mill River Coalition and Climate Safe Neighborhoods. The Saw Mill River Coalition - A dynamic partnership of community groups, government agencies, municipalities, and businesses committed to revitalizing and protecting the Saw Mill River through local stewardship projects and county-wide watershed planning. Climate Safe Neighborhoods – Working to promote local climate adaptation and resilience projects and policies by organizing and empowering Yonkers communities that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and by supporting local heat and flood mitigation projects. 

Groundwork Hudson Valley: Sustainability Education Associate

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Groundwork Hudson Valley is seeking a new associate to support our dynamic Sustainability Education Program. The Sustainability Education Associate is a full time position reporting directly to the Sustainability Education Manager, supporting the Sustainability Education program which makes use of two experiential learning sites in downtown Yonkers, the Science Barge and the Saw Mill River Daylighting parks. Groundwork is seeking an experienced and dynamic educator and grower to provide energetic and engaging tours and STEM programs for K-12 school groups both in person at its experiential learning sites, and virtually and in person in the schools. The Associate will also be responsible for helping to maintain the Science Barge, in particular its hydroponic and soil-based growing systems. The Associate will assist in booking programs on the Science Barge, helping to develop sustainability education curricula, training and supervising seasonal educators, and supervising interns and youth employees/volunteers during the open-to-the-public weekend hours, spring through fall. The ideal candidate is forward thinking, resourceful and able to communicate well with a diverse mix of public and non-profit partners.

River Network: Communications Associate

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River Network seeks an early career professional with an interest in communications and social media to join our dynamic Philanthropy & Communications team. This position begins with a research project investigating River Network communications practices from the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) and comparing to best practices in the space, culminating in a set of recommendations. Following this project, the primary role of this position is to help implement these findings, executing and improving our audience engagement efforts across social media and other channels, thereby allowing River Network to further spread its message and learning opportunities for greater reach and influence around efforts to advance clean water and healthy rivers for all, and attract new supporters. This position is designed to interact with River Network’s audience and members, serving their needs and interests as well as River Network’s communications goals.

Environmental Advocates NY: Director of Campaigns

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The Director of Campaigns is responsible for setting goals and implementing projects that engage partner organizations, community-based organizations and individuals, and local governments in education and advocacy efforts. Using grassroots advocacy to effect policy change and to organize advocates for the purpose of holding state leaders accountable on environmental issues, this position will engage a sizable activist and partner network to advocate for environmental legislation and regulations, implementation and enforcement of state environmental laws and policies, including but not limited to implementation of the State’s climate law, electrification of transport and building sectors, development of water standards for emerging contaminants, and protection of source waters. The Director of Campaigns is a full-time, exempt, management position that reports to the Deputy Director and oversees our community outreach and engagement efforts.

Riverkeeper: Events and Corporate Giving Manager

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Reporting to the Vice President (VP) of Development, the Events and Corporate Giving (ECG) Manager will conceptualize, develop, and manage Riverkeeper events for members, donors, supporters, and the public to attend for cultivation or fundraising purposes. The ECG Manager will lead efforts to raise corporate sponsorship revenue for Riverkeeper events including Riverkeeper’s annual fundraiser gala (Summer Splash), a spring concert in Central Park (Free Dead in the Park), and the annual river-wide cleanup (Riverkeeper Sweep).



Riverkeeper: Habitat Restoration Manager

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We are seeking a Habitat Restoration Manager that will partner with the Senior Habitat Restoration Manager in initiating, planning, and restoring aquatic habitat throughout the Hudson River Valley. Part of this work will include managing active dam removal projects. This work includes identifying project opportunities, reaching out to stakeholders, educating communities on restoration benefits, securing funding and managing the various stages of each restoration project. Additionally, there are a range of other activities that include research, planning, sampling design, field sampling, field monitoring, outreach, data presentation, and other activities related to improving habitat.

Riverkeeper: Habitat Restoration Project Manager

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We are seeking a Project Manager that will help create and manage project plans related to habitat restoration, fish passage, and dam removal throughout the Hudson River Valley. This work includes budget and grant management, creating project timelines, working with vendors and external partners, managing deadlines, and all other project details. This role will also support the team with sampling protocols, monitoring activities, scientific data, and occasional field work. The Project Manager will be required to learn the field sampling methods.

Riverkeeper: New York City Digital Advocacy Fellow

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Riverkeeper seeks a part-time New York City Digital Advocacy Fellow to identify ways to use the digital platform in order to advance multiple NYC campaigns. These campaigns include, but are not limited to, Riverkeeper’s Green Infrastructure recommendations for the Mayor’s AdaptNYC report and Riverkeeper’s response to the Department of Environmental Protection’s proposed reclassification of NYC waters.

Riverkeeper: Save a Million Bass Assistant

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The Save A Million Bass Assistant is a part time temporary position tasked with coordinating Riverkeeper’s Save A Million Bass (SAMB) campaign. The SAMB campaign is a web-based public education and outreach effort designed for anglers in the northeast. The SAMB website informs anglers about current regulations for catching striped bass and the best methods for “catch and release” that increase the chances of survival for striped bass. The SAMB Assistant’s primary responsibilities include developing a consistent communications voice, growing SAMB’s follower base, and working with Riverkeeper’s Development Department to secure a grant to translate the SAMB website and stickers into Spanish. 

Clearwater: Administrative Associate

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Clearwater is currently seeking a full time Administrative Associate to join our fast paced, environmentally-minded team. The Administrative Associate will be a hybrid in-person/remote position working several days a week at our offices at 724 Wolcott Avenue, Beacon, NY 12508. The main areas of focus are financial bookkeeping, general administrative support, facilities maintenance, and management of Clearwater’s online store.



Clearwater: 2022 Sailing Crew

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Clearwater employs 6 full season professional crew (First Mate, Second Mate, Engineer, Bosun, Deckhand and Cook) for four-month contracts and 4 partial season crew (Sailing Trainees and Educator Deckhands). In addition to pay, room and board, crew members receive two days off per week. All crew members are expected to develop a thorough knowledge of the vessel, safety standards and emergency procedures. Crew are required to pass a pre-employment drug test and are subject to random drug testing throughout the course of their contract. Clearwater crew serve as instructors in the sloop’s education program under the direction of an Onboard Education Coordinator.



Clearwater: Sloop Captain

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The Captain of the sloop Clearwater is responsible for the safety and well-being of crew and passengers, and for the safe and efficient operation and management of the vessel. The Captain will oversee a crew of 10-16 experienced hands, apprentices, and volunteers, to sail a solid schedule of onboard education programs for schools, educational groups, adult programs and members. The Captain is an ambassador of Clearwater’s environmental agenda and acts accordingly. Required certifications: 100 Ton Inland Masters license with a sailing endorsement and a FCC Radio License.



Clearwater: Onboard Program Coordinator

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Clearwater is currently looking to fill one of our two Onboard Program Coordinator positions for the second half of the 2022 sailing season (August-October). Onboard Program Coordinators alternate weeks living 7 days onboard the sloop Clearwater with 3 days the following week spent remotely or in Clearwater’s office in Beacon, NY. The Onboard Program Coordinator’s primary responsibility is to lead Clearwater’s Sailing Classroom Program, which includes training and managing volunteers, corresponding with teachers, and teaching two 3-hour education sails per day for groups ranging from fourth graders to adults. Onboard Program Coordinators similarly lead public and charter sails which are scheduled more sporadically. When in the office, Program Coordinators recruit volunteers, prepare education materials, and work on other projects to enhance Clearwater’s educational programming.

Clearwater: Tideline Program Educators

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We are currently hiring part-time educators for this land-based education program conducted at Esopus Meadows Preserve and other locations along the river. Hours will be part-time and the schedule will depend on student numbers, time of year, and program demand. Therefore, flexibility is key. Our busiest time of year is April-June, and mid-September to late October (virtually every weekday for those months).

Mohonk Consultations: Part-Time Program Coordinator

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Mohonk Consultations Inc., a nonprofit based at Mohonk Mountain House seeks an organized, detail-oriented, experienced program coordinator. The primary function of this independent contractor role is to work with event committees to develop a communications plan, facilitate registration, and promote events in press, on social media, and their website.

NEIWPCC: Environmental Analyst, Drinking Water Technical Assistance

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The full-time Environmental Analyst will provide technical assistance to the Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) and with the implementation of source water protection measures throughout the state. The Environmental Analyst will collaborate with municipal leaders, water operators, local health departments and other stakeholders to develop source water protection plans and provide technical assistance during plan implementation. The incumbent will collect, review, summarize and analyze environmental data associated with the sources of public drinking water and potential contaminant sources, and develop recommendations in the form of technical and outreach materials for various audiences. The Environmental Analyst will also assist the Bureau with other tasks related to water supply protection, such as water quality sampling, database management, data analysis or performing sanitary surveys of water systems.

NEIWPCC: Environmental Analyst, Drinking Water Program Specialist

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The Environmental Analyst will support the implementation of the statewide Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) by providing technical support to regional staff assisting the program and working with regional stakeholders to further develop the program. They will assist in implementing and continuing to evolve the statewide Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2). The candidate will be a resource for the regional staff who develop and implement DWSP2 plans across the state but may also develop DWSP2 plans. The incumbent will collaborate with other State agencies, regional planning boards, municipal leaders, water operators, local health departments and other stakeholders to implement plans and further develop the program. This Drinking Water Specialist will assist the Bureau with other tasks related to water supply protection, such as water quality sampling, database management, data analysis, performing sanitary surveys or capacity assessments for public water systems.

NEIWPCC: Environmental Analyst - Lake Monitoring

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This position will support LMAS programs, limnological sampling, and applied research efforts to collect, analyze, and interpret lake water quality data from lakes across New York State (NYS). Duties will involve water sampling and office activities associated with the three major lake monitoring programs run by LMAS. This is a collaborative position that will work with NYSDEC program staff to complete field season preparations and water quality sampling in support of LMAS and the Division of Water’s Drinking Water Source Protection Program. In addition to sampling, duties include conducting data analysis and interpretation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping, compiling reports and reference materials, and developing reporting outputs. Most duties will be performed in an office setting, but some day and overnight travel will be necessary. The position is located in Albany, NY.

Housatonic Valley Association: Ten Mile River Watershed Manager

Due October 7, 2022

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The Housatonic Valley Association (HVA) is seeking an enthusiastic and qualified professional to lead our Ten Mile River Clean, Cold and Connected campaign in the Harlem Valley’s Ten Mile River watershed. Clean, Cold and Connected takes action to protect and restore streams that are free of pollution, capable of supporting native species and habitats as the climate warms, fully accessible to fish and wildlife, and welcoming to watershed communities and visitors. The starting annual salary range for this full-time position is $50,000 to $60,000.

Wallkill Valley Land Trust: Part-Time Temporary In-Person Survey Interviewer

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Seeking an outgoing, personable individual to administer bilingual survey questions (Spanish & English) in-person at designated sites across eastern Ulster County using a tablet. Surveys are being used to understand the needs of users and non-users of outdoor recreational areas. You should be comfortable approaching diverse strangers and initiating conversations in a friendly manner. Bias training will be provided. All surveying will take place in public locations during daytime hours. This is a temporary contractual (1099) position that pays $24 per hour for up to a maximum of 40 hours within the given date range. The timeline is from July 18-August 26. Payment will be administered in two parts: $480 after the first 20 hours are complete and $480 after the remaining 20 hours are complete. College credit offered.


NYS DEC: Regenerate New York Forestry Cost Share Grant Program applications due October 7

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The purpose of this grant program is to support the regeneration of forests so they may continue to deliver vital services such as mitigating climate change, protecting air and water quality, and supporting the economy. Young forests in New York face many challenges today that did not exist a century ago, the most significant being wide-spread damage caused by increased white-tailed deer populations and competition from invasive vegetation. Active management of the land is essential to ensure the survival of young trees and allow forests to become established or renew themselves, but this can be an overwhelming and expensive task. Through Regenerate NY, landowners can apply for financial assistance for projects on their land that support the establishment and renewal of healthy forests. This is a cost share reimbursement program, so all costs must be incurred by the landowner or fiscal sponsor before they can be reimbursed.

Hudson River Valley Greenway; Community Grant applications due November 4

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The Hudson River Valley Greenway Grant Program provides matching grants to Greenway Communities and Compact Communities. Greenway Communities are eligible to receive up to $10,000 to develop plans or projects consistent with the five Greenway criteria: natural and cultural resource protection, economic development, public access, regional planning, and heritage and environmental education. Higher amounts are awarded for intermunicipal projects. This grant program is open to municipalities that are within the designated Greenway area and have adopted a local board resolution to become a designated “Greenway Community.”

New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation and Health: Applications for Free Technical Assistance for Municipalities on Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) (rolling)

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The Drinking Water Source Protection Program (DWSP2) is a state-run program created to assist municipalities with proactively protecting their drinking water sources. The goal is to help municipalities develop and implement their own unique drinking water source protection plan for the source(s) of their drinking water. In order to do so, the State is looking for communities to work with a technical assistance provider (TA provider), free of charge, to develop a DWSP2 Plan for their source of drinking water. TA providers will work with the community every step of the way, using the DWSP2 Framework, to develop a community specific DWSP2 Plan. As a result of this program, participating municipalities can use their newly developed DWSP2 plan to start implementing protection measures.

NYS DEC: Climate Smart Communities Coordinators Technical Assistance

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Climate Smart Communities Coordinators are available to provide free support services to municipalities across the state as part of the Climate Smart Communities program. Coordinators will assist and support local governments in taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change through outreach, planning, education, and capacity building. Coordinators will also engage communities in participatory climate future scenario planning, developing climate change adaptation and resilience plans, and convening climate and transportation listening sessions to inform sustainable and low-carbon transportation policies. Capital District Regional Planning Commission will lead the multi-region Climate Smart Communities Coordinators teams for the eastern territory (Mid-Hudson, Capital Region, Mohawk Valley, and North Country). Program partners include the Adirondack North Country Association, the Hudson Valley Regional Council, Mohawk Valley EDGE, Planning4Places, Inc, and Climate Action Associates.

Capital District Transportation Committee & Capital District Regional Planning Commission: Community Planning Technical Assistance Program

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CDTC and the Capital District Regional Planning Commission (CDRPC) are seeking applications for the 2022 Community Planning Technical Assistance Program. The program offers CDTC and CDRPC staff time and expertise to local governments undertaking small scale community planning initiatives. Municipalities or municipally convened groups (i.e. appointed committees, planning boards, etc.) within the designated planning area of the CDTC, the four counties of Albany, Rensselaer, Schenectady and Saratoga (except the Village of South Glens Falls and the Town of Moreau) are eligible to apply. If your community is interested in applying, you must contact CDRPC and CDTC to discuss your request. A cash or in-kind match contribution of not less than 25% of the actual project cost is required. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis through December 2022.

The Hudson River Watershed Alliance unites and empowers communities to protect our shared waters.

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