Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunity

HDFCCC F Grant Writing Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdocs

This free workshop meets once a month, between October and March, to review the "score-driving" sections of F grant applications, create drafts, and receive reviews. By the end you will have a completed draft to submit for the April deadline. Click here for more information and to register.

Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

HDFCCC K12 Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology (PSPCO)

Applications Due Dec. 1

PSPCO aims to foster the development of the next generation of clinical scientists to be effective partners with discovery scientists and conduct high impact and innovative patient-centered cancer research. Applications for our 2023 cohort of scholars are now open. Individuals from historically underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. View training plan, eligibility, and application requirements.

PSPCO Seminars - Open to all senior fellows and early career faculty

For information on the From Concept to Completion, Strategies for Successful Clinical Trials Certificate, click here or email Jennifer Seuferer.

Travel Grants for Postdocs 

Applications due Sept. 26

Now accepting applications for the HDFCCC Office of Education & Training Postdoc Travel Grants. Two grants of up to $1500 will be given. For one grant, priority is given to postdocs from historically underrepresented groups. You must work in a Center Center member's lab and must be attending a cancer specific conference. Details/ Application. 

travel grants
raised hands

HDFCCC Program Meetings & Events

As a trainee at HDFCCC, you have access to many events across the Cancer Center.  To view the events calendar follow these instructions. If you have any questions, email Jennifer Seuferer.

LEAD Conference

Oct 7-8. This conference aims to empower women leaders in hematology and oncology with sessions on women’s leadership, career development, and clinical sessions on biomarkers and oncology therapies. Details.

Computational Cancer Boot Camp

Oct. 31 - Nov. 4

Applications due 9/15. The Boot Camp will introduce trainees to ideas in computational cancer including bioinformatics, computational biology, and statistics. Hands-on components will utilize the R language. Geared toward postdocs and clinical fellows in  cancer.  Details/ Application here.

Postdoctoral Fellow Openings

University of California President's Postdoc Fellowship Program - Applications due Nov. 1. Details.

Hutchinson Institute for Cancer Outcomes Research - 2-year Postdoc Fellowship in health economics and outcomes research. Details.

Siteman Cancer Center and Washington University - Recruiting new postdocs in all areas of cancer related research. Details.

Hollings Cancer Center - 

  • Postdoc and Clinical Fellowship Program. Non-citizens and US citizens welcome to apply. Application due 9/16/22. Details.
  • Postdoc positions in the T32 Integrated Training in Oncogenic Signaling Program. Details.

University of Vermont - Postdoctoral Position Investigating Breast Cancer Compromised Epigenetic Control. Details. (link on right).

University of Arizona - President's Postdoctoral Program. Applications due Nov. 1. Details.

University of Washington School of Medicine Child Health Equity Research Program for Postdoctoral Trainees. For MD, DO, or PhDs. Details.

Graduate Course Announcement

Advanced Topics in Cancer Research (BMS 230) 

Details on course content found hereOpen to masters and PhD students. Email Priscilla Pereira for more information.

Click here for more career development resources and training
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center - Office of Education and Training | Website