BEC's Mission is to protect and defend the land, air and water of Butte County and the surrounding region through action, advocacy and education.
Our monthly newsletter is designed to keep our community informed about local issues that impact our region's environmental quality and bring you opportunities to become involved.
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In this month's issue:
- Feb. 9: Community Air Protection Forum
- Calling on Vendors for Spring Events: Environmental Community Gathering and Endangered Earth Event (formally Endangered Species Faire)
- FREE TREES coming to Chico in April
- BEC Education Programs, book now!
- Bringing Attention to Transportation Alternatives
- Get your Klean Kanteen gift with membership
Online Community Forum WEDNESDAY February 9
Butte Environmental Council (BEC) welcomes our community to join us online for a discussion about Community Air Quality and Protection on Wednesday, February 9th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. We are bringing together experts on air quality and monitoring to share their knowledge and vision for possible solutions to mitigate the effects of bad air quality in our region. Register and attend at:
Panelists will present the impacts of air pollution as it relates to human and environmental health, common sources of air pollution, how Butte County regulates air quality, and what we can all do to reduce pollution. Speakers will also share knowledge about how the poor air quality disproportionately affects sensitive groups and low-income communities, creating an environmental health crisis. Knowledge gained from this Forum will shape BEC’s involvement in air quality education through our Community Air Protection Education (CAPE) program.
Speakers will also share knowledge about how the poor air quality disproportionately affects sensitive groups and low-income communities, creating an environmental health crisis. Knowledge gained from this Forum will shape BEC’s involvement in air quality education through our Community Air Protection Education (CAPE) program.
Please join us virtually on Wednesday, Feb. 9th from 6-8pm. Pre-Register at Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more information.
BEC’s Community Forums series is an ongoing program, and this year focuses on Sustainable Communities and Environmental Justice. Our annual Endangered Earth Event, previously known as the Endangered Species Faire, will also be taking place on Saturday, April 23, 2022.
Join BEC at these events! Host a booth, sponsor, attend.
Environmental Community Gathering
Join us and many of the region’s environmentally-conscious organizations at the Community Gathering this year. The Gathering is held annually during CSU Chico’s This Way to Sustainability (TWTS) Conference. Attend to enjoy appetizers, beer and wine, music, and information to share as we socialize with other like-minded people from the Butte County and conference-goers from near and far. See more about the TWTS conference at
Would your organization like to host a table at the Gathering? Come share information with the community about what great things your organization is doing for our environment! The tabling fee is $25 for nonprofits and $50 for for-profit companies and government agencies. Register to table at the ECG HERE
A long-time Chico tradition
Typically secluded in Cedar Grove, the annual Endangered Species Faire is a 43-year running event that traditionally hosts exhibits, school groups, community organizations, musical performances, and more. A highlight of the event in the past couple decades has been the "Procession of Species" endangered species puppet parade, with hundreds of families, school children, and youth groups participating, many entire classes of k-12 students.
Our Future Depends on US
This year, on the day after Earth Day, BEC is re-energizing the ESF and have given the event a new name that brings the state of our planet's current environmental crisis to the forefront: Endangered Earth Event. We are bringing the event to the heart of Chico with a "Walk for Earth" through downtown to the City Plaza. At the Plaza, the community will be part of the Earth Rally and get to enjoy guest speakers, music, exhibits, food, and more!
Would your organization like to host a table or booth at the Endangered Earth Event? Consider being a part of the experience by registering to table or have a booth downtown. Fees: 10 x 10 booth: $35 for nonprofits OR $75 for for-profit entities and govt. agencies; a 4x8 sidewalk tabling space (no canopy): $25 for nonprofits OR $50 for for-profit entities and govt. agencies. Register for a booth or table space at the EEE HERE
BECome a "Friend of the Faire"
Help support the future of this annual community event by becoming a "Friend of the Faire." Our FoF donors ensures that BEC has the ability to keep this program strong with staff and resources. Donate $50 or more this year and secure your Endangered Earth Event t-shirt as a gift of our gratitude! Donate HERE
Other Upcoming Community Events
2/22 - TEK Nature Walk at Verbena Fields Every last Tuesday each month from 4-6pm (more info HERE)
3/24-25 - This Way to Sustainability Conference at CSU Chico, in-person or online (more info HERE)
3/25-27 - Garden Blitz with Butte County Local Food Network (more info HERE)
4/1/22 Wildflower & Nature Festival by the Feather River Recreation and Park District (more info HERE)
4/23-24 Chico Velo's Wildflower Century Ride and Wildfest Celebration (more info HERE)
4/30 - Chico Spring Jam at Patrick Ranch (more info HERE)
Every Friday - Volunteer for TEK wildtending at Verbena Fields from 10am-1pm (more info HERE)
If you would like to promote your environmental-related event to the next newsletter, please email
Spring Tree Planting changed to April 9... don't miss out!
Do you want to help expand Chico's urban canopy this Spring?
Learn more and sign up on our website via to see if you are eligible to receive a free tree to be planted near your home.
Important date change notice! BEC’s California Arbor Day Tree Planting event in Chico neighborhoods is NOW scheduled for Saturday, April 9th.
No yard? No problem. You can still help expand Chico's urban forest by signing up to become a volunteer and plant trees with a group! Bring your friends, family coworkers or volunteer as an individual and make some new friends when we put you into a group with other tree-enthusiasts!
Some benefits that trees provide in an urban setting are:
- Trees provide food, water and shelter for wildlife.
- Trees decrease storm water runoff.
- Trees promote healthier communities.
- Trees help clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide, pollutants and other toxins caused by human activites.
- Trees help lower energy costs by providing shade during the hot summer months and act as a wind barrier during the cold winter months.
- Trees reduce the “heat island effect” which is a phenomenon that urban areas experience as a result of buildings, roads and other infrastructure absorbing and re-emitting the sun's heat.
BEC Education Programs
By Juliette Liu, Education & Outreach Program Coordinator
BEC offers a number of fun and educational workshops that are designed to educate audiences about ways to protect our environment completely free of charge. Our programs this semester are:
- CAPE (Community Air Protection Education) - Our goal is to empower participants with knowledge about the importance of healthy air and the steps we can take towards a more sustainable future.
- Workshops are aligned with CA EEI Standards and tailored to K-12 and Adult.
- RARE (Recycling and Rubbish Education) - Learn about the “Four R’s” - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot
- Can take place as a composting, recycling, or oil recycling workshop
- A field trip to the Neal Road Landfill is also an option!
These workshops can be available in-class or virtual through Zoom and include games, crafts, and activities are to engage audiences of all ages! Click the button below to book a workshop for your class or group.
Questions or Suggestions? Please feel free to email Juliette Liu, our Education and Outreach Coordinator at with your feedback.
Bringing Attention to Transportation Alternatives
By Neil Bajaj, local high school student & BEC Member
A new French policy will require car ads to include a message encouraging people to use methods of transportation other than personal cars or otherwise the advertisers could face large fines. According to Barbara Pompili, France's ecological transition minister, "Decarbonizing transport is not just switching to an electric motor… It also means using, when possible, public transport or cycling."
This new requirement will be effective in March and applies to all print, TV, radio, and internet commercials. Car Manufacturers must include the hashtag "#SeDeplacerMoinsPolluer" ("Move and Pollute Less") as well as one of three short messages such as “Consider carpooling.” The commercials will also document the vehicle's emissions class, and if violated, the new law will levy a €50,000 fine. Consequently, there is backlash from car manufacturers, who feel this message will stigmatize drivers. The climate law also bans advertising for the most polluting vehicles, including many SUVs, starting in 2028. Past instances like these had proven to be effective when cigarettes or alcohol manufacturers were mandated to print consumer warnings of the adverse effects of their products.
The transportation sector makes up nearly 21% of global CO2 emissions, and the United States has the highest per capita road transport CO2 emissions in the world ( According to Tony Dutzik, a senior policy analyst at the nonprofit research organization Frontier Group, “Driving a little less, for instance, ten percent reduction, would equate to approximately 110 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. The cumulative impact will help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and help the environment.”
Fortunately, Chico's beautiful setting offers plenty of opportunities to bike, walk, or carpool and Butte County also offers bus transportation on the B Line. Unfortunately, the alternative transportation options in our region could be vastly improved - with greater demand, more and frequent routes would be added to the bus system and maybe even someday we could see a more active passenger rail system.
YOU are the reason BEC thrives!
BEC is a grassroots non-profit dedicated to a healthy environment for us all. Our work is made possible by people like you! Being a BEC member means sustaining the work we do for the environment of Butte County and the surrounding area:
Angel Members contribute $35 or more each month, or $420 annually.
Sustaining Members contribute between $4 and $34 a month, or $48 annually.
You don't have to be a member to contribute:
One-Time Donations of any amount helps us serve our community and the environment!
Volunteers help by donating their time, energy, expertise, and resources.
Thank you for your continued support of the Butte Environmental Council.
Executive Director
Butte Environmental Council
(530) 891-6424