Center Update
January 2022
CITT Assumes Administration of California LTAP
In its new role, the Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT), in collaboration with the Center for Energy and Environmental Research & Services (CEERS), will manage the California LTAP’s various partnerships, communications, information sharing, equipment loan programs, and technical/educational training. 
Alix Traver: Retiring with a Legacy

After dedicating 19 years to the Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT), our beloved CITT/METRANS Project Coordinator Alix Traver retired on November 30.
Developing Spatial Awareness:
The National Center for Sustainable Transportation Introduces K-12 Students to GIS
Recognizing GIS as a key digital skill, CITT developed an NCST-funded pilot project based on the white paper, “Building a GIS Workshop for High School Students,” which emphasized the need to integrate GIS into K-12 education.
CPIE and CITT Partner with DSV for an Innovative Internship Opportunity
CSULB’s College of Professional and International Education (CPIE), through the Office of Professional and Workforce Development and the Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT), have partnered with DSV, a global transportation and logistics company, to offer a new internship opportunity for recent high school graduates.