January 31, 2022

"The wind began to switch, The house, to pitch, And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch"....a quote from Dorothy in the Wizard of Ox. Quite similar to what happened to some of the football games that we watched this season,,. both college and pro. And often the underdogs, who were not expected to pull through, were the winners. They hung in there with a mindset of overcoming the odds.  

Some of you reading this are not football enthusiasts or really not sports oriented at all. But there was something about watching some of these games that resonated.  And one of the main things that stood out with some of the losing teams is that they seemed so often to do the same things, call the same plays, and make no changes.  And I thought, I am not a coach but even I can see that something needs to change, and a little creativity needs to emerge. As I watched some of these teams; If it was not a fumble,  it was an interception, one dropped ball, or one missed tackle at a time…..consecutive blunders.   
I didn’t have a dog in any of these fights but I can imagine the frustration of those who did:  the players, the staff, the fans.  Have you ever felt that way...that just nothing you were doing or had done was going right...and the score of defeat just kept gaining momentum....and as you are in the throws of it you begin to wonder will the winds ever change....? 

Sometimes God does allow us many defeats before he crowns us with His victory.  And defeats for sure are humbling. But how often have you and I said something like: God I have prayed, I have been faithful, I trust you, and I am seeking your way but can’t seem to break loose of the binding grips of hard knocks. Maintaining a positive mindset, in the midst of defeats or trials, is a discipline that calls for installation of a repeated tape that lingers in our heads…that says: "God has got whatever trial is upon us and he will use it for His Glory and our good if we only stay tuned into his sovereignty."

For the LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.

I read a quote yesterday that most of you have heard, that said... insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, over and over again, and expecting different results. I am not a coach but God has eloquently taken on that very title and is willing, in His timing, to free us from the mental treadmill of inadequacy. We are more than adequate in God’s eyes and I think we forget that especially when a downward spiral begins to gain momentum. We lose focus, we lose confidence, ....and pretty soon we throw the towel of any good expectation up for grabs. We adhere to the winds of frustration and our energy bank of motivation is somehow smothered. As seen with the momentum of some of these football teams.  

That is not the way Christ has planned for us to live life...we have to hang in there no matter what the odds are or what the adversity is that is coming at us...and if we are drained of confidence or strength or hope that we once have had.. then we need to borrow from the overflowing bounty of Christ.. It is His ultimate pleasure as our life coach, that he promises to provide us the tools we need not only to survive  but to be joyful and peaceful even in the midst of rushing winds and a bobbing heart of unsettled emotions. When frustration sets in with me, it is usually because I have taken my eyes off of Christ and focused instead on circumstances.  

We all have gifts and talents...that are to be tested and trained...but I also know that keeping the focus on Christ and His ways, and his ultimate plan for our lives far outweighs the defeats, no matter how often they rise up, that we may experience. Sometimes, we are called to accept the winds of change and allow God the permission to not only recommend changes but to help embrace hard as they may be. Just doing something a little different.

I do enjoy watching football....sometimes there are upsets, sometimes there are miraculous catches and sometimes there are unexpected wins...but football is just a game that does not compare with life.. Each one takes practice, persistence, positive thinking, performance, pursuit, preparation, and PRAYER! I am sure you can add some other "p" words...but these are the ones that came up. ‘Pursuit’ is my favorite because that is what God wants of us… he pursues us and in turn wants us to pursue HIM.   

There is celebration in victory, OH, but there is even a positive aspect to is humbling...and therein lies our best avenue to the heart of our our weakness he will give us His strength, and that is where we will find our greatest success if only we abide by his calling and his ways.  We need to wrap our arms around a different playbook for different situations. Sometimes we need a little creativity that comes only from the creator himself to help us be successful in our they personal or in relationship to others. 

Football season is closing down, oh, but the seasons of life continue to bring on expectations and adventures that are sure to keep us on our toes.  Be hopeful, and find God's gift of joy even in the midst of cloudy days and daily tasks.    

Dear Lord, What a blessing you have given to us in your offering of love, confidence, power, wisdom and grace. May we seek you in all that we do and not be discouraged when defeat continues to knock at our door...for in your time the winds I truly believe will change according to your purposes, and our victory through you will prevail....and your glory will shine forth. Amen 

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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