October Services
We are now meeting in person as well as online! We continue to use our established and updated protocols on masking, distancing and vaccination.  To join a Zoom worship, look for the link on the UUFD website.

THEME: Courage

October 2, 2022
"A Time of Turning"
This is a season of turning, in the weather, in our spirits. The Jewish calendar recognizes turning during the ten days between Rosh Hashana (September 25) and Yom Kippur (October 4). This season of turning is a time for intentional forgiveness, reconciliation, and going forward. Direct conversation helps break down barriers that get in the way of honest communication. In this autumnal season, all of us can practice turning, forgiveness, and healing. What turning are you hoping for?

October 9, 2022
~ Laurie Meininger
As we celebrate the start of a new church year, on this “In-Gathering” Sunday, we remember past stories of belonging and new stories of looking ahead in our personal lives and in this community of liberal faith. In this annual ceremony of the water communion, let us re-unite in body and spirit as we share waters which symbolize the past and the future. This is a multi-generational service: the children will remain in the sanctuary the entire worship time.

October 16
“Creating Community Through Shared Ministry ”
~Rev. Barbara Coeyman
Shared ministry is the third “grounding” theme of this interim ministry that I want to reflect on with you. Seeing all that we do when we come to UUFD as “ministry” offers a positive, hopeful, transformative cast to our time together. In sharing transformative events, we build community. How do you understand “shared ministry?” How do you contribute to the “shared ministry” of this congregation?

October 23
“Finding Courage in a Circle of Trust”
~Rev. Barbara Coeyman
Circle of Trust” is the name of a spiritual program that I will offer this congregation after the New year. A “Circle of Trust” is also a way of coming together grounded in the value of “trust.” Through trust, we have courage to go deeper in our relationships and to go forward on this journey called life. Let’s consider the meaning of “Courage” as defined by this spiritual program founded on the writing of Parker Palmer and developed by the institution called “Center for Courage and Renewal.”

October 30
“All Souls, Take Courage”
~Rev. Barbara Coeyman
At the end of October, several religious celebrations invite us to reflect on relationships with others. Day of the Dead is a Mexican holiday honoring departed loved ones. In Christian tradition, All Saints Day honors church mothers and fathers such as Saint Patrick. All Souls Day honors “regular” folks. The “Souls” within Unitarian Universalism include our ancestors in this free religion and in this congregation. For this service, bring photos and other memorabilia of “Souls” to honor during the ceremony of Joys and Concerns. Don’t forget the Halloween parade, for persons of all ages, at the end of the service!