March 7, 2021
The Seattle Education Association is the voice for educators and our students, standing united to address the needs of our community during this pandemic and to transform our district into an anti-racist school system where every student thrives.
Dear SEA Membership, 
Stand in Solidarity - STAY THE COURSE. We will show up, and stand up, for our students, families, and colleagues by Staying the Course this week. This means that we will do the same thing we did last week to ensure continuity and consistency of our learning with scholars. Remember ALL SEA represented members still have the protections and provisions in the current MOU contract. Please check the FAQ’s and send any questions to [email protected]
Your Bargaining Team
[top row] Uti Hawkins, Jennifer Matter, Maggie Mattmiller, Elizabeth Swarny; [2nd row] Patrice Robinson, Kara Golgert, Libby Black-Walker, DaZanne Davis Porter; [3rd row] Elizabeth Ward-Robertson, Chynna Jeremiah, Marla Rasmussen, Karen Adepoju; [bottom row] Stan Strasner, Reiko Dabney, Yvette De La Cruz, [not pictured: Vallerie Fisher]
Stay The Course
This is a time for a collective, unified response.  Click HERE to learn more about what Stay the Course means (FAQs).
1. Show your support for your SEA colleagues on Monday - WEAR RED and let’s demonstrate to the District what SEA solidarity looks like!
2. Right click and “save as” the image below to use as your virtual background starting Monday.
3. Reach out to your colleagues newly deemed “essential” to tell them you are standing strong with them. Listen to their concerns and be ready to support them in other ways.
Communication to Families and Caregivers

Many of you are receiving questions from parents and caregivers of the students you serve. We recommend you use the following response. In the event you have already responded to a parent, we still recommend that you use the following as an update. Spanish translation below.
Dear [parent/caregiver],
I am as committed to your student’s education and health and safety as ever. As an educator, and proud member of SEA, we are continuing to advocate for what’s best for all students, including your child.
Educators look forward to reaching a common understanding and agreement on how a return to in-person instruction and services will work.
This has been a difficult year for everyone in our student community. We will continue to put the health and safety, and education for students, at the forefront of the work.
To learn more about educator priorities, click HERE.
Estimado [padre/cuidador],
Estoy tan comprometido con la educación y la salud y la seguridad de su estudiante como siempre. Como educador y orgulloso miembro de SEA, seguimos abogando por lo que es mejor para todos los estudiantes, incluido su hijo.
Los educadores esperan llegar a un entendimiento y un acuerdo comunes sobre cómo funcionará el retorno a la instrucción y los servicios en persona.
Este ha sido un año difícil para todos en nuestra comunidad estudiantil. Seguiremos poniendo la salud y la seguridad, y la educación para los estudiantes, a la vanguardia del trabajo.
Para obtener más información sobre las prioridades de los educadores, haga clic AQUÍ.
Communication to School Leaders

Here is a sample message you can use to respond to your administrators/supervisors, adapting that last sentence (underlined) to reflect whatever you are currently doing.
Principal (Name), 
I received your request that I report to in-person duty on Monday, March 8. It is my understanding that I cannot be required to report for in-person instruction, on-site remote work, or on-site, in-person staff meetings and trainings under the terms of the current MOU. I respectfully remind you that SEA and SPS are still in negotiations over the terms and conditions of expanded, onsite, in-person instruction. 
SEA and I believe it is in the best interests of my students and our school community to ensure that all of us can give informed consent to safe, equitable, in-person instruction. I ask that you respect that process and postpone these requests to come to onsite remote or in-person instruction, meetings, or training until SEA and SPS have an agreement that provides everyone the terms and conditions required to give that informed consent. 
I will therefore continue serving my students in the remote model of instruction embodied in the current MOU, and I will continue to provide the limited in-person instruction I now provide as outlined in my student’s IEPs and approved by our SPED and Safety Teams.  
How to Stay Connected:
The 2019-2022 Contracts are posted on the SEA Website!