Gordon on the Hypersensitivity course: I was grateful for the opportunity to develop this course on hypersensitivity, and to make contribution towards understanding a condition that is affecting an increasing number of children. In fact, there are probably very few caring adults who do not know of a child who is experiencing sensory overload problems. The first step to making a significant difference is of course to make sense of this condition and the dynamics surrounding it. I was so pleased with Jule Epp's assistance in creating this course and am delighted with her ongoing involvement in facilitating it. As a therapist specializing in autism, she brings an incredible wealth of experience and expertise to this subject, and so enriches the material immensely.
Jule on the Hypersensitivity course: In my work with children on the autistic spectrum, I encounter many people with a great desire to offer caring support for these children and great frustration concerning the standard fare of interventions that seem available. Many parents come to me assuming that rigorous training of social skills is the only way forward for their autistic child and the helping professionals have rarely learned to do anything else. They come to me, however, because this approach is just not working for them! When I present Dr. Neufeld’s model of Hypersensitivity in my consultations, workshops, or courses I am usually met with great excitement.
“Now I understand my child!”
“I had no idea there was an alternative to ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis)!”
“This just FEELS so much better!”
I hear over and over – from parents and from hypersensitive individuals themselves – how the model matches real, daily-life experience. Over and over again, I see the sparkle return in the eyes of the children and their parents as they are able to connect and deepen their attachments – by compensating for difficulties, building more and more trust and, of course, harnessing the power of play. Life still remains challenging, but development is taking place. Nature’s ball is rolling. And this is a most beautiful thing for me to witness: the unfolding of a hypersensitive child’s potential. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE HYPERSENSIVITY COURSE >