I had the honour and privilege - and challenge - of presenting at the third annual First Ladies & Gentlemen Summit in Kyiv on September 6th. I had been invited to attend in person but was unable to be there so had to make my contribution online. The subject of the Summit was mental health - a timely subject even without the devastating impact of a prolonged war. My focus was children and youth. The concerns being expressed had to do with the current youth mental health crisis exacerbated by a war, and how to get the adolescents the expert help they needed.

The message I tried to deliver within the timeframe allowed, is that, despite the horrors of the current situation, caring adults actually have the resources they need to deal with what are very normal emotional responses to what is being faced – distressing threat to attachments at every turn. To enable us to bear the unbearable, Nature orchestrates a flight from feeling that can only be reversed when some safety is experienced. When true safety is not an option, Nature offers children (including youth) a wonderful illusion of safety when close to the adults they are attached to and when the play mode is activated. These 'bubbles' of safety in an unsafe world are Nature's way of taking care of us even when circumstances are dire. The implications are profound. With regards to the current situation, the keys to resilience are not in diagnoses or treatment but rather in a culture that supports family and emotional playgrounds. This has been the hidden story behind Ukraine's resilience in the past, and I believe it will be so again.

Editor's note: we are delighted to offer this 17-minute recording as a free resource via YouTube. VIEW THE FULL ADDRESS HERE >

Sept 28 - Feb 8

Intensive II: The Separation Complex

Anchored by Genevieve Schreier

Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

Sept 28, 2023 to Feb 8, 2024

$750 | Runs for 17 weeks

Registration open until

Oct 12, 2023


Oct 3 - 31

Making Sense of Hypersensitivity

Offered by Jule Epp

Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:00 am Pacific

Oct 3 to 31, 2023

$200 | Runs for 5 weeks

Save 10% until

Sept 29, 2023


Gordon on the Hypersensitivity course: I was grateful for the opportunity to develop this course on hypersensitivity, and to make contribution towards understanding a condition that is affecting an increasing number of children. In fact, there are probably very few caring adults who do not know of a child who is experiencing sensory overload problems. The first step to making a significant difference is of course to make sense of this condition and the dynamics surrounding it. I was so pleased with Jule Epp's assistance in creating this course and am delighted with her ongoing involvement in facilitating it. As a therapist specializing in autism, she brings an incredible wealth of experience and expertise to this subject, and so enriches the material immensely.

Jule on the Hypersensitivity course: In my work with children on the autistic spectrum, I encounter many people with a great desire to offer caring support for these children and great frustration concerning the standard fare of interventions that seem available. Many parents come to me assuming that rigorous training of social skills is the only way forward for their autistic child and the helping professionals have rarely learned to do anything else. They come to me, however, because this approach is just not working for them! When I present Dr. Neufeld’s model of Hypersensitivity in my consultations, workshops, or courses I am usually met with great excitement. 

“Now I understand my child!” 

“I had no idea there was an alternative to ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis)!” 

“This just FEELS so much better!” 

I hear over and over – from parents and from hypersensitive individuals themselves – how the model matches real, daily-life experience. Over and over again, I see the sparkle return in the eyes of the children and their parents as they are able to connect and deepen their attachments – by compensating for difficulties, building more and more trust and, of course, harnessing the power of play. Life still remains challenging, but development is taking place. Nature’s ball is rolling. And this is a most beautiful thing for me to witness: the unfolding of a hypersensitive child’s potential. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE HYPERSENSIVITY COURSE >

Oct 4 - 25

Wisdom of Dependence Webinar Series

While preparing his keynote for our annual conference this year, Dr. Neufeld had the realization of how absolutely core and pivotal one’s attitudes towards dependence are to interacting with our children and even our loved ones. Given the timely and critical importance of this subject, we decided to walk ALL of the material out this Fall in a series of four webinars which each include a short presentation by Dr. Neufeld, followed by a panel discussion where he is joined by a few of the Neufeld Institute faculty. We invite you to watch this short preview video and join us for the entire series.

Wednesdays 10:00 - 11:15 am Pacific

Oct 4 to 25, 2023

$90 | Runs for 4 weeks

Preview: The Wisdom of Dependence webinar series

Oct 12

How to Build a Child-Friendly World

Featuring Tamara Neufeld Strijack (for the first time in beautiful Poland!), Neufeld Institute Poland and the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Warsaw invite teachers and parents to this conference to explore how can we ensure the well-being of students and teachers.

Oct 12, 2023

In-person conference in Warsaw,



Oct 16

& 17

The Wisdom of Trauma in the Context of Parenting

This fall, Tamara Strijack and Gabor Maté will come together in Prague to explore parenting and childcare in the context of the wisdom of trauma and developmental science. As part of the two day conference, Gabor is offering a half day on Compassionate Inquiry and Tamara is offering a half day on Playful Therapy.

Oct 16 & 17, 2023

In-person conference in Prague,

Czech Republic


Oct 20 -

Mar 29

Intensive I:

Making Sense of Kids

Anchored by Karen Bollman

Fridays 12:30 - 1:30 pm Pacific

Oct 20, 2023 to Mar 29, 2024

$600 | Runs for 22 weeks


Emotional Health & Well-Being: Towards Flourishing Children & Youth

Join Gordon Neufeld, Deborah MacNamara, Tamara Strijack, and Eva de Gosztonyi in Saskatoon, Canada from November 6 - 8, 2023 for our first in-person conference since 2019!

A live-streaming option is also available.

Nov 6 - 8, 2023

In-person &

live-stream options




Nov 14 -

Jan 9

Play 101

Offered by Bree Jordan

Tuesdays 11:30 am - 12:30 pm Pacific

Nov 14, 2023 to Jan 9, 2024

$150 | Runs for 6 weeks

Includes a bonus wrap-up Q&A with Dr. Neufeld!

Save 10% until

Nov 7, 2023


More Conferences Featuring Dr. Neufeld

Dr. Neufeld is presenting at several Jack Hirose & Associates conferences this fall; attendance is available both in-person and by live stream. Find out more:

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