Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunity

HDFCCC K12 Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology Seminar Series

Thursdays, 2pm - 4pm

The goal of these seminars is to foster the development of the next generation of clinical scientists. We also offer a Concept to Completion Certificate of Completion if you complete 6 of the 7 Seminars within 2 years. Open to clinical fellows and early career faculty. Register here.

Concept to Completion (C2C), Strategies for Successful Clinical Trials Seminar Series

  • Aug. 24 - Protocol Structure and Review
  • Aug. 31 - Fostering Diversity in Clinical Research
  • Nov. 9 - Informed Consent and Clinical Trial Ethics
  • Nov. 16 - Types of Trials and Sponsors and General Activation Process

HDFCCC K12 Career Development and Leadership Seminar Series

  • Oct. 12 - Organizational Structure of an NCI Designated Cancer Center
  • Jan 2024 TBD - Communication and Conflict Management on Multi-Disciplinary Teams
  • April TBD - Maximizing the Impact of Your Work - Preprints, Social Media, etc.
  • May TBD - Leveraging Philanthropy to Build/Sustain Your Research Program
Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

Connect with Medical Student Research Mentees

Visit-a-Mentor Aug. 29 - Sept 1

UCSF med students participate in short and longterm mentored research projects each year. Yearly, there are two opportunities to meet potential mentees for your available projects at the Visit-a-Mentor Events. In August, the event is focused on 3rd year students looking for projects lasting between 12 weeks to one year. Click here for more information and to register. Open to all faculty.

American Society for Hematology (ASH) Minority Graduate Student Abstract Achievement Award

Students must already be conducting hematology-related research and must submit an abstract to the annual ASH meeting that is accepted for oral or poster presentation.

More info

Cancer Application REview (CARE) Program

R01 Application Review

The CARE Program provides R01 application review for HDFCCC faculty who don't have access to this in their departments/programs. There are two types of reviews:

  1. Submit your specific aims first for feedback and then the full draft - Due Aug. 10
  2. Submit the complete application (including specific aims) all at once - Due Aug. 24

For more info/application link. 

LEAP Early Career Faculty Mentoring Program

Applications due Sept. 15

LEAP provides career mentoring to early career HDFCCC faculty who do not receive it elsewhere. Must be at the assistant or associate professor level and be a full or associate HDFCCC member (membership information).

Applicants will be matched with mentors in late September or early October. For more information and to apply, click here.

Calling all CRCs!

Mentor an aspiring CRC -

Clinical Research Coordinator: Learners for Equity (CIRCLE) Program

CIRCLE aims to increase diversity in clinical research by providing a two-week training program along with a shadowing experience at UCSF. You can participate by being a mentor for the shadowing component. Please check-in with your supervisor/ PI before applying. Open to all CRCs.

More info. Mentor application.

Postdoc Postions

Click here for more career development resources and training
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