Volume 02 | March & April 2021
Welcome House Raleigh is part of CBF North Carolina's Welcome House Community Network, a collaborative missions program of CBFNC, CBF field personnel, partner churches and individuals that provides hospitality ministry to vulnerable neighbors across the state.
A Word and a Song from our Director - Carolyn McClendon
The past 3+ weeks have seen an incredible expression of love for Welcome House Raleigh! We have stood in thankfulness-and in awe-of the faithfulness of God for this ministry!  From digging in the dirt, to window cleaning and servicing the lawnmower, to house repairs, house and furniture painting, to gathering donations and watching ministers get "pied" at a church donation competition (and so much more!), we have felt loved and supported!  

Recently, a group leader to Welcome House Raleigh challenged his intergenerational volunteer group with words from the Gospel of Mark and the music of “Seasons of Love”. From the 1980s Broadway musical Rent, volunteers were challenged to spend many of their five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes sharing God's love. As the "amen" was heard, hands and feet moved as young and older folks alike scattered to spend their 180 minutes in meaningful, important and necessary work. From digging in the dirt, to cleaning the carport and gutters, to preparing the children's play areas, I watched with amazement, deep joy and a heart full of thankfulness for this wonderful group of volunteers, their faith community and their ministry leader for the day. 

“Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.
How do you measure, Measure a year?
In daylights? In sunsets?
In midnights? In cups of coffee?
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife?
In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes.
How do you measure a year in a life?  
How about love?” (Seasons of Love recording)

The words of this song have continued to ‘play on rewind’ in my spirit since it was shared; a reminder that each of us have a finite number of minutes in a year. As you consider how you will spend the remainder of your ‘minutes in the year', be assured you are always welcome at Welcome House Raleigh!  

I look forward to seeing you soon!  Carolyn
By the Numbers:
a quick glance of volunteer ministry at Welcome House
Volunteers provided more than 175 hours of ministry service at Welcome House-Raleigh this month. They represented 14 churches, faith communities and community groups. These hardworking folks represented 26 different skill sets. They included educators, paralegals, web designers, electricians, plumbers, a pharmaceutical quality control manager, domestic engineers, roofers, carpenters, lawn care specialists, furniture movers, painters, decorators, a USPS Administrator, truck drivers, social workers and city contractors… just to name a few! 

Volunteers spent 184 hours receiving, sorting and organizing furniture donations for the WHR Furniture Bank.

We are grateful to the folks who share their gently used furniture with us. 54 families gave lightly used household items to the Furniture Bank this month. If you are doing some spring cleaning, click here for a list of items that we need.

Our ESL program reaches over 80 students and is taught by 30 volunteers who gave 140 hours to help our neighbors thrive.

A local church gave 90 chairs from their fellowship hall ensuring that everyone has a seat at the table.

We’d love for you to “be in the next number”- offering your gifts, skills and talents to the work and ministry of Welcome House Raleigh.  

Call, text or email Carolyn McClendon today of your interest! There is a place for YOU at Welcome House-Raleigh!
Easter Prayers
This Easter season, we pray for our many refugee and international friends who will receive an Easter Card containing a link to the story of Jesus. Please join us in prayer as our friends receive this gift and choose to hear the story of Jesus in their heart language. 

Click here to preview the video and hear it in Dari - one of the many languages our neighbors speak.
Meet a New Neighbor - Learn a New Story
The single story creates stereotypes and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete.
They make one story become the only story.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Learn a New Story: Rustom
We would like for you to meet one of our recent Welcome House Guests. Rustom stayed at Welcome House this winter. We are excited for his new beginning and are delighted that he is settling into his new home and new life here in NC. Our partners at USCRI shared a recent interview with Rustom. What a gift it is to hear from our new neighbors, to better understand one another and to see the all the ways in which these individuals hold experience, dreams, struggles, successes, hopes and wisdom!

You can read the article here: I Just Want to Live in Peace and Study
Volunteer Spotlight
Meet the Hollands: Karen, Andy, Emma & Mattie 

The Hollands volunteer in many ways. They are also the powerhouse behind our new website and Facebook page. We are so grateful to the Hollands and countless others like them who have joined with us to welcome our neighbors. Read a bit of Karen's story below.

“I met Kim & Marc at a conference in November 2013 prior to their move to Raleigh. As soon as they relocated to Raleigh, I was ready to jump into this new ministry. My husband, both my girls, and I were able to serve together which is our favorite type of service. We helped with apartment set ups, cleaning and readying Welcome House, and with the ESL community classes. Andy and I have worked together on the digital media for Welcome House Raleigh and are trying to improve that every day. We have met so many people from so many different cultures as well as new friends from the Raleigh area. It has widened our world view and really erased borders for us when it comes to who our neighbors are. We look forward to learning so much more from our new neighbors.”

You can check out the new Welcome House Raleigh website here and our new Facebook page here.
Give to Welcome House Raleigh
Use this button to give now to Welcome House Raleigh through the CBF of NC website. IMPORTANT: Under Additional Information - in the drop down menu: "Where would you like to direct your gift?" PLEASE CHOOSE "WELCOME HOUSE (WYATT MINISTRY)"
If you would like to mail your gift, kindly use this address:
2640 Reynolda Road 
Winston-Salem, NC 27106 
Please indicate on your check: Welcome House Raleigh
Needs Nook
We thought you might enjoy this picture of one of the shower curtains in Welcome House. It makes us smile. This month we are collecting toiletry and hygiene items to share with our guests so that they have all the bathroom supplies they need. Reach out to Carolyn for more information. Here is a calendar of upcoming collections.
April - Toiletry & Hygiene Items 
May- Cleaning Supplies
June- Office Supplies 
July- Paper Products 
August- Kitchen Items 
September- First Aid Supplies