The Housing Element is both a policy document and an implementation tool for implementing the Town’s General Plan. An EIR is intended to inform decision-makers and the general public about the potential significant environmental impacts of the Housing Element and considers ways to reduce impacts.
Sidewalk shaving scheduled to improve minor offsets
Over the summer, the Town evaluated the condition of sidewalks in and around the center of Fairfax to identify safety issues. Although sidewalk maintenance is the responsibility of the property owner, the council voted to approve a one-time fix with unused funds allocated to the Sidewalk Repair Program. The Town has hired Precision Concrete Cutting to perform shaving work in selected areas to remove vertical offsets and trip hazards as part of this one-time program to improve the safety of the Town’s sidewalks.
Please note that while shaving will eliminate some tripping hazards, other conditions may remain that create a hazard and which remain the responsibility of the property owner to address and fix.
Learn more about the Town’s Sidewalk Repair Program and how to apply for this cost-sharing program.
Calling all veterans of Fairfax
The Town of Fairfax wishes to honor and recognize Fairfax residents who have honorably served in the United States Armed Forces as a tribute to their service to our nation and community.
This opportunity is open to honorably discharged veterans who served in any branch of the United States Armed Forces. Veteran’s Day banners will be displayed on the streetlight posts along downtown and photos of veterans will be featured on the Town’s website in recognition of their service.
Fairfax had an amazing turnout at this year's Town Picnic
This year's annual Town wide picnic was a huge success with over 500 attendees! Great entertainment was provided by the Tom Finch Band, Sterling the Bubblesmith, a reptile handler, and a magician puppet show. There were jumpee houses for the kids, spin art powered by Rock the Bike, face painting, and henna tattoos. Additionally, there were old fashioned games, such as sack races, three legged race and prizes donated by Revolution 9 were awarded to the winners.
Many thanks to the Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the beer booth and helping tremendously with the event!
Save the date for the annual Fairfax Craft Faire—December 9
We are gearing up for another great year of local crafts in the Pavilion and wreathmaking brought to you by Fairfax Recreation. The Crafte Faire will be Saturday, December 9, 2023, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Apply to be a vendor at the Craft Faire
We are accepting applications for folks interested in being a vendor at the Craft Faire. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, November 1st at 5:00 p.m. Apply online!
Fairfax Photo Club
Thursday, October 19 | 6:00 p.m.
Meet, talk, learn, inspire, and play all things photography. All levels welcome.
This group meets monthly, and we feature one of our own local photographers, who will present their work and do some Q & A.
If you're looking to get connected with or have questions about the Age Friendly community, contact our representative for the Commission on Aging, Kristin Amlie at
Local events
Fairfax Artwalk—this Friday!
Friday, September 29 | 5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Downtown Fairfax
Come celebrate Fairfax’s unique creative spirit in downtown Fairfax!
Artists, makers, musicians, and poets will be showcased by our vital local business community. Plus, join the scavenger hunt for a prize drawing. This event is family friendly, so come down and enjoy our shops and celebrate local artists.
October is the final month of our beloved Farmers’ Market. Come check out some live music, locally grown foods, and artisans before it’s gone!
25th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Saturday, October 28 | 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Town Hall front lawn
Too often, unused prescription drugs find their way into the wrong hands. Use this opportunity to clean out your medicine cabinets and safely dispose of unused or expired medications.
Medications are accepted in their original containers or a sealed bag. While drug take back day is organized to promote responsible drug disposal, but you can drop off drugs at drop-off drugs and prescriptions year-round at Marin pharmacies and law enforcement offices. A full list of locations is available on the RxSafe Marin website.
The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.
The Rev9 All-Star Halloween Cover Show
Saturday, October 28 | 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Fairfax Pavilion
Doors open at 5:00 p.m.
Costume contest begins at 7:00 p.m.
All Ages Welcome! Free of charge but tips for the musicians encouraged.
Marin County Fire and PG&E partner to share firefighting helicopter
Earlier this summer, PG&E and the Marin County Fire Department announced a partnership to enhance wildfire response capabilities in Marin County.
PG&E will provide the County with one of its cutting-edge BlackHawk UH-60 helicopters for the upcoming 2023 fire season. The helicopter will be dispatched by Marin County Fire to any incident that occurs within Marin County and will be available by mutual aid request for dispatch across PG&E’s high-fire risk area.
This program will run through the end of October.
Ross Valley Sanitary District offers grants and loans for sewer lateral related work
Home and business owners are responsible for part of the sewer lateral from the clean out of their homes to the district sewer main on the street. Sewer lateral replacements and septic to lateral conversions can be very costly.
Ross Valley Sanitary District is offering grant and loan programs up to $1,500 to help residents and property owners of Ross Valley offset the costs of fixing leaky and damaged lateral sewer pipes.
Qualification for these programs is not based on income. Most applicants are eligible for funding.
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