Light in the Window - May 11, 2023

Photo of new members by Jonathan Moyer from a rare perspective (for him) of sitting in a pew.

Dear Covenant Family,

One of the most joyous things we do as a church is welcome new people into our midst. This class of new members was presented to the congregation on Sunday, with the help of Gamaliel, who translated the membership questions into Swahili for some of our friends. Every person has their own story of how they came to Covenant, and what made them feel welcome here. Every person has unique gifts to share with our community. 

In the Presbyterian Church (USA), we have high expectations for all our members, not just the new ones. Over the centuries the Church has been in existence, we’ve sought to put words around what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. As you read this description, what resonates with your faith experience? What has been a joy and a privilege for you?

Membership in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy and a privilege. It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s mission. A faithful member bears witness to God’s love and grace and promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of Christ’s Church. Such involvement includes: 

proclaiming the good news in word and deed, 

taking part in the common life and worship of a congregation, 

lifting one another up in prayer, mutual concern, and active support, 

studying Scripture and the issues of Christian faith and life, 

supporting the ministry of the church through the giving of money, time, and talents, demonstrating a new quality of life within and through the church, 

responding to God’s activity in the world through service to others, 

living responsibly in the personal, family, vocational, political, cultural, 

and social relationships of life, 

working in the world for peace, justice, freedom, and human fulfillment, 

caring for God’s creation, 

participating in the governing responsibilities of the church, 

and reviewing and evaluating regularly the integrity of one’s membership, 

and considering ways in which one’s participation in the worship and service of the church may be increased and made more meaningful. (Book of Order, G-1.0304)

On our own we can’t fulfill all these aspects of discipleship. But with the help of the Holy Spirit and one another, we can embrace unity and peace in a divided world. Some of Jesus’ last words were in the form of a prayer for his disciples-

I’m not praying only for them but also for those who believe in me because of their word. I pray they will be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. I pray that they also will be in us, so that the world will believe that you sent me. I’ve given them the glory that you gave me so that they can be one just as we are one. I’m in them and you are in me so that they will be made perfectly one. Then the world will know that you sent me and that you have loved them just as you loved me. (John 17:20-23)

With joy in my heart,

Pastor Jessie

[email protected]

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