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July 2023

In the News:

Diocese of Allentown:

Hardship Inspires Parishioner to Care for Moms in Need

AD Today

July 5, 2023

“'God did what was necessary to get me off the wrong path and back to Him,' said John Wallaesa, whose life was turned upside down ten years ago when he was diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy.

The progressive, incurable disease caused the atrophy of muscles in John’s feet, legs, arms, and hands, relegating him to a walker, scooter, or wheelchair to get around. Sometimes his entire body seizes up, preventing him from taking a single step. 

The hardship spurred John, once a lukewarm Catholic, to a greater reliance on God. His first step was to talk to a Priest and make a confession. 

''Pick up your cross and follow me' now has real meaning in my life,' John said. 

During a stretch of severe suffering, John experienced an encounter with Jesus Christ, who called him to care for expecting mothers in difficult circumstances.

'He said, ‘walk with them.’ He assured me that I would have the energy and physical stamina needed if I followed His will,' said John, who went on to found the first Walking with Moms in Need ministry in the Diocese of Allentown at St. Jane Frances de Chantal parish, Easton...

Active since February, St. Jane Frances de Chantal’s Walking With Moms in Need ministry has forged connections with Life Choices Women’s Health Center in Phillipsburg, New Jersey, and Catholic Charities. They are hoping to establish relationships with Catholic counseling services, legal, and childcare organizations. 

They are also seeking volunteers to work in the parish care team, advertising, and fundraising. 

'I will never experience exactly what a young mother goes through when she is contemplating abortion, but I do know what it’s like to face an uncertain future,' John said, adding, 'The ‘walk’ that God has asked me to take is not so much a physical one as it is a spiritual one.'"


Diocese of Honolulu: Holy Trinity Parish walks with moms and babies

Sue Berk

Hawaii Catholic Herald

June 7, 2023

"Following the U.S. bishops’ pro-life initiative, 'Walking With Moms in Need,' Holy Trinity Church in Kuliouou threw a joyful baby shower, Sunday, May 21, to support mothers... We were joined by five new babies and their families plus a mom with a baby on the way. Three babies who could not be there will receive useful gifts and baby items.

For five weeks, Holy Trinity parishioners generously contributed baby gifts, gift cards and a variety of supplies useful to new moms to celebrate new life and new family life. More than two dozen parishioners volunteered to assist the parish Respect Life Committee with beautiful shower decorations, delicious refreshments, and a well-organized clean-up.

Holy Trinity pastor, Capuchin Franciscan Father Mike Dalton, blessed the gathering and enjoyed visiting with everyone. Refreshments included delicious tea sandwiches, fruit, pancit, lumpia, veggies, cookies, chocolate cake, cupcakes, iced tea and fruit juice. Jennie Heleski from the Catholic Charities Hawaii Mary Jane Home for single mothers and Mary Smart from Pearson Place pregnancy center told the group about their missions and how they are resources for moms and moms-to-be.

We were also honored by a visit from Bishop Larry Silva...

We plan to stay connected with the families and celebrate milestones with them. Each family left with a gift bag and extra diapers. (They really appreciated the extra diapers.) Other supplies from the parish baby collection went to the Mary Jane Home as well as gift bags for two moms residing there."


Prayer Intention

May mothers receive ongoing care and support in raising the children.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be...

Prayer Cards Available

Our Prayer for Pregnant Mothers is available in English and Spanish for free download. It can also be ordered as a beautiful prayer card.

USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities

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