November 30, 2021
December 2021: Palapa Society News
The Season of Giving
Starts with #GivingTuesday

As we emerge from the worst of the pandemic and begin finding our footing again, we are grateful to supporters like you who have sustained us. This has been an exciting year for us. The Palapa Society’s community programs are back in action, the campus is built out, students have returned to the classroom, and the school will see its first graduating class for the preparatoria. 
The official Season of Giving begins today, November 30 with the global fundraising day of #Giving Tuesday. As we approach the end of the year, we hope you will once again help us meet the remaining financial obligations. This year The Palapa Society has the challenge of covering its highest annual budget of $590,000 USD. 

Here is how you can help. The goal for the Season of Giving Fundraiser is $150,000 USD. The Palapa Society hopes you will consider making a year-end gift. By giving a gift today, you are investing in young lives by providing opportunities for an excellent education and opening doors to a bright future of choices.

With gratitude,

Erick Ochoa
President of The Palapa Society of Todos Santos, A.C.

TAX NOTICE: The CARES Act allows tax payers who itemize to deduct charitable contributions up to 100% of their Adjusted Gross Income. Yet another good reason to support The Palapa Society.
The Palapa School Clubs and Electives
This year The Palapa School has introduced clubs in order to create fun activities that also help students learn. Every Friday from 8:00 to 10:00 AM, students are invited to participate in the different school clubs. There are 9 clubs including electricity, yoga, advanced music, weaving, physical conditioning, latin dance, cooking, and computer digital creation. 

Advanced Music - Professor Armando Vazquez
Weaving Club -Teacher Elide
Dance Club - Teacher Marlon
Physical Conditioning - Director Anna 
Meditation - Professor Diego 

We are very proud to offer students knowledge that goes beyond the classroom, and what better way to learn than in a fun way!
Student Body Elections
On October 25th and 26th we celebrated the high school elections under the slogan: "The Palapa School Votes".

This activity strengthened the lessons learned on the subject of citizenship and allowed us to perform a simulation of an election day. This reflected the importance of collaboration and responsibility required by citizens. Without a doubt, this was a great experience for the students, especially those who were elected. They are part of the student committee in charge of listening and attending to the needs of their peers, as well as generating strategies for solving problems that contribute to the common welfare of all students.
Your English Program Donations Hard at Work
We are excited to share that The Palapa Society’s English programs for local children and adults reopened last month. 

Classes for the Puente Ingles (Bridge to English) program for Children started on November 8th. All students are alumni from the 2019-20 School year. Of the 76 students registered, 11 are recipients of the Beca (Scholarship) program. We have 1 new teacher, Andrea Diskin, and 3 returning teachers, Jennifer Rosen, Sheila Moon, and Jacki Gillespie, who is also the Director. Debbie, who taught with us two years ago, is also returning to help out, along with 7 additional volunteer teaching assistants. Our students have remembered quite a lot from last year and are thrilled to be back in the classroom.
Adult English Program Director Kate Lewis has made a few changes to better serve the needs of the community. Classes are being taught in three month blocks this year which will provide students with more flexibility while working during high season and ideally reduce drop-out rates. Kate plans to move the classes in a more vocational direction such as Construction- and Hospitality-focused courses, as most adult students want to learn English for their work. In this first block, there are a total of 11 volunteer teachers, many with teaching backgrounds. Some of our classes are being team taught with each teacher taking one evening per week.
Biblioteca Elena Poniatowska
The Children's Library
Continues Their Saturday Story and Craft Hour

Join us every Saturday at 11:00 a.m. in the Children's Library for our Story and Craft time with Director Joy O'brien.
Events Calendar
To protect our community, a final decision to proceed with each event will be determined based on the status of COVID-19 at the time.
2022 Artists of Todos Santos Kickoff Party - December 9, 2021 5-9 PM
Todos Santos Open Studio Tour - February 4 -6, 2022
Historic Home Tour - March 6, 2022
NEW MONTH - Carrera de Todos Santos (5K) - April 2022
Baja Under the Stars  (Denver, CO) - September 17, 2022
The Palapa Society's
November Donors
Ann Hazard
Chip Conley Foundation
Courtney Higgins & Nathan Dyke
Elizabeth Tran
Marimar Higgins
Peter Buck
Tiffany Braafladt-Bale
Tori Sepulveda & Oscar Rosales
Our Monthly Donors
Make a Year-Round Impact!
Thank YOU!
AJ & Bonnie Johnston
Ann Hazard
Angelica Velez
Bill & Christine Durboraw
Brian & Lynn Kuske
Bryan & Janet Raydon
Cheri Myers
Chris Miller & Diana Pandell
Connie & Andy Mical
Deborah Parrish
Dr. Bill & Cathy Nation
Bill David & Kathy Cate
Dennis & Nancy Naigle
Eleanor Andrews
Gail & Scott Bosch
Grace & Tim Tuttle
Hal & Vickie Butler
Heather Bauer & Jerry Back
James Masaschi
Jane Gehring
Jane Hicks
Janna Kinkade
Jessica Spencer
Judd & Karin Cuenin
Julie & Michael Dandurand
Karen & Charley Haley
Kathy Warnert
Ken Ford
Kristin Rust
Lee Purser
Liane Collins
Lisa Goodman
Lisa Welsch
Margot & Dick Hampleman
Marilyn Jacques
Maria Olaisen & Mike Block
Marjolean Brugman
Marshall Laird
Nancy & Dennis Naigle
Nancy Simpson
Pam & Paul Bumann
Paty Raines
R.B. Westbrook
Ryan Casey
Sharon Morris
Stephen & Sophia Nicholas
Susan & Jim Smith
Suzanne & Rick Arnold
Sydney & Greg Schweitzer
Tom & Chris Hamer
Tori Sepulveda & Oscar Rosales
Virginia Gollery
Monthly Gifts Help Make a Big Impact!
Becoming a monthly donor helps stabilize our annual revenue needs.

How Far Can Your Gift Go?

  • $50 USD per month = 1/4-year scholarship*
  • $100 USD per month = 1/2-year scholarship*
  • $200 USD per month = 1-year scholarship*

Please consider becoming a part of our family of monthly donors today.
The Palapa Society of Todos Santos, A.C. exists to make a positive difference in people’s lives through inspirational quality education and timely support through community service and programs.

It is the vision of The Palapa Society of Todos Santos, A.C. to be a sustainable, accessible community focused organization in which quality educational programs empower choice filled lives and create positive transformational change.