April 13, 2022
Please note: We have updated our Zoom meeting link to accommodate more team members. Please use the link below. We look forward to connecting at 11!

Please Join the Town Hall at 11 a.m. Today
Dear Central Support Team Members,

I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage you to join the next Virtual Central Office Town Hall, which will be held at 11 a.m. this morning. I understand the frustration caused by the uncertainty that comes with the type of change we’re going through with a new leadership team and a reorganization of central support. That’s why I felt it was important to have several members of my new Cabinet connect with you to address some of the concerns and provide as much information as we have right now on the transitions taking place this spring.

I’m tremendously excited about the new team we’re building, and the leaders who are running the Virtual Town Halls this morning are empowered to take charge of streamlining and strengthening the support we provide to our schools and scholars. We’re still in the middle of this process, and please know that I understand the anxiety and frustration that comes with us not having definitive answers to every question at this point in the transition. I assure you that we are committed to being upfront and direct with you about the planning and strategy that is going into the transition. 

Thank you for the work you’re doing to support our schools and scholars, and I hope you have a chance to join the Virtual Central Office Town Hall this morning at 11.

In collaboration,

Dr. Alex Marrero
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