A community of learners over 50
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October, 2022 | Vol 2, No. 12 | |
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On The Joy of Safety, Growing Bigger, and Saying Farewell
Last week was such a scary one as we worried and prepared to meet one of the biggest hurricanes ever to hit our area. I hope you all are okay and are finding ways to cope with whatever damage and angst you might have suffered.
Most people I’ve talked to are very grateful for the path Ian took away from Tampa Bay, while we all are hurting for those who were in the hurricane’s direct path.
It was a joy to wake up on the last day of September to clear blue skies.
We’re Growing
Our OLLI had a growth spurt in September. On the last Sunday in August the Tampa Bay Times ran a four-page brochure showing our fall classes and events in every copy of that day’s edition. A week later, our Fall Open House had one of the biggest numbers of attendees ever – more than 300 people. Be sure to read all about the open house in the first article below.
Did you know that for a few years we have been working with the Hillsborough County Public Library Consortium to distribute some of our catalogs to several libraries each term?
This fall term, instead of the catalogs, the library system is distributing the new four-page brochures, which are smaller and less expensive. This allows us to give the library 3,000 of them -- many more than before. And the library will be able to distribute them to more libraries.
Really Big News
Here's some really big news – OLLI’s new director has been hired! Her name is Veronica Maxwell, and you can read about her in the article below, written by our dear retiring director of 21 years, Ara Rogers.
One of OLLI’s committee is planning a big party, and you are invited! This will be a special event at the beautiful Compton Park on Tuesday, Dec. 13, from 4 to 6 p.m., to celebrate Ara as she retires. There will be food and a delicious cake and even wine! So save the date and watch for the invitation in your email.
Here's to October, with its cooler weather, colorful autumn leaves we can see {at least on TV}, Oktoberfests, Halloween, and all four major sports to watch. Enjoy!
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Meet Veronica Maxwell
I’m delighted to announce that Veronica Maxwell, M.S.Ed., has been selected as OLLI’s next director.
OLLI members Jane Applegate, Beryl Byles, Linda Feeney, and Joan Weaving joined Educational Programming Manager Joseph McAuliffe and me to form the Director Search Team last fall. We carefully assessed and updated the knowledge, skills and experience needed to find the right person and the right fit for us.
We were gratified and overwhelmed to learn we had almost 150 applicants for the position. The search team conducted initial interviews and selected three “finalists” – candidates we all agreed would be an excellent fit for our OLLI. Mark Koulianos, director of corporate training and professional education, conducted second interviews and, after consultation with the search team, offered the position to Veronica in September.
OLLILife will have a full profile of Veronica in our December issue, and you can expect to see her peek into classes, meetings and events as she begins her orientation to our community effective October 3.
For the past seven years, Veronica has served as senior program coordinator for nutrition and wellness for Hillsborough County Aging Services, working with all the county’s senior centers and the staff and volunteers who serve at each.
She is a leader locally among those of us who manage volunteers, and she is a doctoral student in curriculum and instruction at USF’s College of Education. We were impressed with Veronica’s experience and her enthusiasm for working with older adults.
I will be working closely with Veronica for the rest of my time at OLLI and cheering her on from the sidelines after that.
Please join me in welcoming Veronica Maxwell to OLLI-USF as our third director!
--Ara Rogers
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Oct 10 -- Florida Wilds Virtual Presentation
Oct 18 -- Death Cafe
Oct. 23 -- Walk To End Alzheimer's
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Where Did American's Trust Go?
That Question and Other Topics Explored at Fall Open House
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Over 300 OLLI members and guests enjoy the presentations during the Fall Open House at Centro Esturiano de Tampa.
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What is trust and why do so few Americans have trust any more in major public institutions and many public figures.
That was the question addressed by keynote speaker Rich Kennedy on Sept. 7 at OLLI’s Fall Open House. A popular OLLI instructor of political science and history, Rich spoke before a packed ballroom of OLLI members at Centro Asturiano de Tampa.
From the trust an infant has that his needs will be met, to the trust we develop in our parents and our teachers and later in our leaders, our media, and in each other, trust is “an essential part of life,” Rich said.
But today, Americans’ trust in government, media and other institutions is rapidly eroding, he said. To illustrate, Rich cited survey results in 1960 showing that 75 percent of Americans trusted the government to do the right thing most of the time. The same questions asked more recently showed only 20 percent of Americans felt that way.
So what’s going on?
In a word, “betrayal,” Rich said. “Could it be that betrayal is on the rise, or are we just more aware of betrayal?”
The rise of cable news networks and social media have certainly contributed to that awareness, he said. But there is also a “rise of self-interest vs. the public good.
“There are more bad actors today. We’re more aware of what they’re up to,” he said.
The solution for all of us, Rich said, is “vigilance” and “critical thinking” as we choose our political leaders.
“We must identify those who will defend our system. We must be very careful about whom we will trust, keep our eyes and ears open, and be as informed as possible,” Rich said.
Make your voices heard and encourage others to do the same, he added. Perhaps someday we can then return to an atmosphere of trust.
A Packed House
More than 300 OLLI members attended the Fall Open House, enjoying the chance to socialize and learn about upcoming classes and events.
Board Chair Mike Viren had good news: OLLI-USF membership is now at 1,500, close to the booming 1,600 membership numbers before the COVID emergency. And with over 200 courses being offered this semester, there’s something for everyone, he said.
Among those classes are a host of technology courses as was outlined by Technology Coordinator Jeanne Dyer. And instructors of some of the newer courses gave brief descriptions of their programs – including those focusing on elections, Dancin’ Dames of Hollywood, the history of Tampa’s cigar industry, and magic techniques.
This was the last open house as OLLI director for Ara Rogers, who will retire in December. It was a bittersweet occasion, she said.
“It’s been a wonderful ride for the past 20 years…I look forward to joining you in class, probably next year,” she said.
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Ara Rogers looks back at her time with OLLI. This was her last open house as OLLI director before she retires in December. | | |
Keynote speaker Rich Kennedy talks about the erosion of trust in America. | | |
Attention, Bikers!
The OLLI Outdoors Bike Group has five rides planned from October to January with a variety of locations and ability levels to meet the needs of our group. We are doing our best to include as many people as we can.
For most rides, the group will be divided into riders who bike at 5-7 mph for approximately seven miles and riders who bike at 8-10 mph for approximately 10 miles. When rides are planned, consideration is given to rest/wait points, turnaround options to shorten a ride, or extensions to lengthen a ride.
Both groups begin at the same time and re-assemble at about the same time. Often, members meet at a nearby café for social time after the ride. Additional rides can be added by any member who wants to lead a ride and has participated in at least one ride with the group.
Bike Group 2022-2023 Planned Rides
Oct 3 – Judy Zink and Judy Hanna – Bayshore Boulevard Urban ride
Oct 15 – Boyd Ballard – Withlacoochee*
Nov 1 – Karen Wright and Bob Nixon - Anclote Coastal Trail
Dec 2 – Marilyn and Mike Schwartz – Pinellas Trail
Jan - Date TBD – Zoe Troutman*
*Volunteer needed to co-lead
Ride-specific information and RSVP for the ride is provided by Signup Genius only. Please contact Judy Hanna for additional information, to plan a ride, or to join the Bike Group.
Please note: OLLI Outdoors is forming a kayak and canoe group. For information about biking, kayak/canoeing, or hiking, contact ollioutdoors@gmail.com.
--Larry Weatherby
--Photo, Diane White
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For the two past months, OLLILife has helped promote the Preventing Alzheimer’s with Cognitive Training (PACT) study that USF is focusing on. The studies are computerized brain training exercises with the hope of reducing dementia risk. They are grateful for all who decided to join the study.
Now the Student Association of Aging Studies (SAAS) has two other opportunities for members of OLLI-USF to participate in.
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You are invited to attend Death Cafe on Tuesday, Oct. 18, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. There, you'll be able to join undergraduate and graduate students in conversations about death and dying and reminisce about your lost loved ones. It's a great opportunity for anyone who is grieving the loss of someone. Please register to join in this activity.
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SAAS invites you to join them in the Walk To End Alzheimer’s on Sunday, Oct. 23, at Raymond James Stadium or simply to join their fundraising team. OLLI members can fundraise independently from SAAS but still walk alongside. Either register with the code on the brochure or you can email Cassidy Doyle with any questions. | | |
Volunteers Needed
Do you like numbers? Are you good with money?
The Finance Committee is looking for members to guide OLLI by creating the budget and helping OLLI grow financially.
Please consider volunteering for this committee. To find out more, email the Volunteer Team at OLLIder962@gmail.com
--Diane White
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Volunteer Training:
Do More, Feel Better
Are you interested in helping others to help themselves? Want to get free training and share what you have learned? Join a program called Do More, Feel Better to help adults 60 and older with symptoms of depression.
Training to become a coach will involve attending four training meetings, about two hours per meeting. Volunteers will receive extensive training on recognizing depression in older adults, talking with depressed individuals about their symptoms, and leading them through the program. Volunteers who meet certification standards may begin leading the Do More, Feel Better program with mildly depressed clients under supervision.
Volunteer coaches receive ongoing supervision with Dr. Amber Gum, who leads the program, and other team members.
The Do More, Feel Better program is a great opportunity for people who want more experience in helping others and are interested in promoting mental health. Interested? Contact Nicole Crawford, DrPH, LCSW, at domorefeelbetter@usf.edu or call her at 813-974-1764; or Dr. Amber Gum, ambergum@usf.edu, 813-974-1980
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Meet Bruce Gobioff:
A Tech Wiz Who Goes Above and Beyond
Bruce Gobioff was out of the country when OLLI’s Volunteer Service Awards winners were announced last May.
He came home to a nice surprise: He was the recipient of OLLI’s 2022 Above and Beyond Award.
Bruce’s trip abroad, though, was just a brief respite from the countless hours he has donated to OLLI since he became a member in 2015.
Consider these accomplishments:
Bruce joined the OLLI Board of Advisors in 2017 and immediately began to make an impact. He took on the role of board secretary, taking minutes at the meeting and distributing them to board members. He served in that role for three years.
At the same time, he joined the Strategic and Operational Planning Committee, a group dedicated to developing a strategic plan with goals and objectives for each year.
In 2021, as part of an OLLI-USF team, Bruce helped to transition OLLI into our new, more user-friendly Lumens registration system. He also helped develop the recent member survey.
He currently serves on the Board of Advisors as its treasurer and is chairman of the Finance Committee, which is responsible for supporting the development of OLLI’s annual budget and monitoring results on a monthly basis.
And that’s not all. Since the COVID epidemic began, Bruce has served as a technical moderator for numerous classes.
You may also have met him in more than a dozen courses he’s taught over the last few years ranging from numerous tech classes to courses focusing on his travels to such far-flung places as Antarctica, the Galapagos Islands, and Machu Pichu, with lots of photos.
Last spring, Bruce taught a class on The History of Jews in America. And this semester, you can learn all about pop duo Simon and Garfunkel in a class he’s teaching.
A Pioneer In Software Development
All of this work follows a 49-year career in the computer industry.
The software industry was in its infancy when Bruce graduated from high school in Queens, New York, in 1962. After earning a degree in mathematics from Queens College, he went to work for IBM.
There he became active in the very new field of software development. After 17 years with the company, IBM sent Bruce to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he earned a master’s degree in the management of technology.
He continued working for IBM for another 18 years, and after retiring from there, went to work for a small software company in Boca Raton. Then, he and his wife, Sharon, moved to Tampa to be closer to their children and grandchildren.
He retired for good in 2015 and suddenly found himself with little to do. A family member who was an OLLI instructor at the time told him about OLLI, and the rest is history.
Why does he do so much for the organization?
“When you’ve worked for almost 50 years, it’s hard to not do something constructive,” Bruce says. “Working with OLLI gives me the opportunity to do that.”
All of his work has been of great benefit to OLLI-USF. For that we thank Bruce, a well-deserved winner of the 2022 Above and Beyond Award.
---Sandy Buckley
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Florida Wilds
Mar. 5-9, 2023
Many USF-OLLI members remember Kevin Van Dien who gave excellent classes at the Florida Aquarium. He had quite a large number of followers from OLLI.
A couple of years ago, Kevin changed occupations and went to Holbrook Travel. He has put together a specialized small-group trip for us. OLLI-USF Florida Wilds will take place Mar. 5-9, 2023.
To learn more about the trip, a virtual presentation will be provided on Monday, Oct. 10. Join us to hear about this five-day, four-night customized Ecotour in Captiva, Sanibel and the heart of the Everglades. The trip's cost will range from $3,150 to $3,350 depending on the number of travelers.
A few highlights:
- Birding and hiking in Myakka State Park
- A private birding and marine life tour around Sanibel and Captiva Islands
- A tram tour in J.N. Darling National Wildlife Refuge, home to 245 species of birds and wildlife
- A visit to Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park, North America’s orchid capital
- A gentle dawn paddle in the Everglades mangrove tunnels, led by a naturalist guide
Register here for the free information session on the Florida Wilds 2023 trip.
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Congratulations New Volunteers | |
Congratulations to five new volunteers welcomed at the September 23rd Volunteer Information Session and Orientation.
Pictured above are, top row: Kathy Palmer and Diane Russell of the Volunteer Management Committee, and Ann MacMurray. Bottom row: Vickie Singletary, Ashley Bennington and Nancy Baily. Not pictured is Deborah Stoll.
Special thanks to Board Members Bruce Gobioff, Earl Richardson and Michael Viren for participating and providing additional insight.
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Kathy Palmer, SIG Liaison
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For more information on OLLI SIGs see the full list here. Most of the SIGs are meeting on Zoom; a few are starting to organize small group meetings and outings. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below. | |
China SIG
For more information about the China SIG, please contact Nancy Stuart.
Community of Readers and Writers
Remember the polio epidemic in the early 1950s before a vaccine was even thought of? These were fearful times, just as COVID has been for many young people today. An OLLI member has drafted a young adult book about surviving the mysterious disease as a child. We have helped her through several drafts of Chapter One which is now ready for group feedback. If you are an avid reader of good literature and want to encourage a book in development, join us via Zoom training beforehand on how to give helpful feedback. Email your interest to
Food, Glorious Food!
Food! Glorious Food! will be meeting Mon., Oct 24, at 10 a.m. to discuss Food and Travel. Several of our members will discuss where they've been and the glorious food they ate during the past summer as COVID restrictions lessened. For further information about the program or to join in the discussion email Jane Applegate or Becky Heimstead.
Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG
Is your Español rusty from lack of use? Join our friendly conversation group via Zoom on the first and third Tuesdays from 3 until 4:30 p.m. Come to talk or listen; all levels of Spanish speakers welcome. September meetings will be Tues., Oct. 4 and 18 at 3 p.m. Email
for more information.
Write Time for Poets
Meetings will resume on Thurs., Oct. 27. Email Cath Mason for more information about this SIG.
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Ici on parle français!
Mon., Oct. 3 and 17, at 1 p.m. For an invitation, contact Theresa Sokol.
Thurs., Oct. 13, at 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the link.
German Conversation
Tues., Oct. 11 and 25, at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Basch.
OLLI Outdoors
Mon., Oct. 3 - Bike ride, Bayshore Blvd
Thurs., Oct. 13 - Morris Bridge Conservation Park hike
Sat., Oct. 15 - Bike ride, Withlacoochee
Thurs., Oct. 27 - Upper Tampa Bay kayak/canoe or nature walk
Fri., Oct. 28 - Online program/social - Ghosts of Tampa with Carl L. Zielonka, DDS, from Tampa History Museum
Guests are welcome at our events. Our event portfolio includes hiking, walking, biking, paddling and online programs. Interested in joining us? For details, email the coordinators at
For information about this SIG, contact Derrie Perez.
The next meeting will be in person on Wed., Oct. 12. Email Doug Dallio for more information.
For more information about Shutterbugs, email Jean Nixon.
Talking Movies
Fri., Oct. 21, at 1:30 p.m. Watch "Lady Bird" streaming on Kanopy through the Hillsborough County Public Library system and then get together on Zoom to talk about it. For more information about this SIG, contact Kathy Palmer.
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Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know. | |
Send Us Your News
OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.
Send your article to ollinewsusf@gmail.com to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Mary Ettinger, Kathy Palmer and Ara Rogers. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.
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