Volume 1 - Issue 1 | January 15, 2022

Cathy Tenney, Editor
News from ADSOEF

Hello and Welcome!
Welcome to the first issue of the Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation newsletter!  The Directors are very excited to launch this newsletter that will inform and inspire you about all things ADSEOF.  The newsletter will be distributed electronically on the fifteenth of each month to keep you informed about Foundation news and activities.  
We are looking forward to connecting with you each month.  We appreciate all feedback, comments and questions you may have on anything about the information provided, and suggestions of topics you’d like to see in future newsletters.

Happy Reading!
ADSOEF Directors
Important ADSOEF Dates To Remember
For University Students Doing Student Teaching
Applications Due

Applications Due

Applications Due

June 10-11, 2022 - OSO Executive Board Meeting
Dublin Embassy Suites
Be the Spark. . .Light Our Flame!
Many generous sparks have added cupcakes to our tray!  Together, we are making progress toward our goal of $8,400.00, as of January 14, 2022, we have received $7,447.90. We even received $420.00 to meet a second match opportunity.  Thank you for being gift givers for the future of education.

Brooke Carver, one of our Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant recipients, texted:  “My grant has gone through! I completed my last final yesterday, 12/8/21, and start full time student teaching next week… Yay!”  Brooke’s Wright State University account received the grant money from ADSOEF.  This is one of the ways your contributions are supporting future educators!  
Dear Members of the Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
In Paraguay, there is a sincere way of saying thank you, which is by saying “Aguyje” in Guarani, one of the official languages of my country. With this letter, I would like to express my deep gratitude to this organization for the opportunity to be a grantee of the A. Margaret Boyd International Study Fellowship.

This year has been a year of much growth and many emotions. Leaving my country, my family, and my friends has been a very important decision for me. To be honest, I had my doubts before coming to the United States; one of my worst fears was not being able to adapt to this new adventure. However, the truth is that I am delighted with the process so far. The university experience has been out of this world, and I have really been able to push myself and get out of my comfort zone. In the classes, I have been able to gain knowledge that has helped me to have a broad perspective of the education sector, which I am sure, will help me to have a positive impact on my country. I cannot deny that the classes have been challenging in terms of the language and content, but step by step, I have been able to adapt and get through the lessons. I am already looking forward for the new semester!

Now that Christmas is approaching, such an important date, I want to take this opportunity to express my thankfulness to the Foundation for giving me the opportunity to live this experience. Thank you for making me part of it and for showing me the true meaning of sisterhood, solidarity, and union. When I attended the meeting held in November, I was able to realize the true value and affection that you have within the organization. I did not expect to feel so welcome and receive so much support. I hope to fulfill all expectations and honor all the faith you have placed in me.
I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas full of love and happiness and a very prosperous New Year!

Vy´apavê ha Tory ko ary pyahu oguaheva!
Happiness and Joy for the New Year!

Brenda Rojas.
Fulbright Scholar - A. Margaret Boyd International Study Fellowship Recipient
Awards Approved!
The Educational Services Committee is excited to announce the ADSOEF Board of Directors approved two Individual/Classroom/Community Project Awards in December 2021!  The first was awarded to Angie Stokes of Beta Eta, an advisor of the Wayne Trace Robotics and Marketing Club. The club’s team had earned enough points to qualify for a national BEST (Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology) competition.  Due to COVID, the contest in Denver, CO, was changed at the last minute to regional competitions with scores feeding into a national scoreboard.  The advisors had to scramble to find a bus driver, hotel rooms, and travel arrangements to go to Grove City College near Pittsburg, PA. 
The $500.00 award paid for a visit to the Carnegie Museum of Art and Natural History and meals for the seven students and their adult advisors.  Angie said, “With two museums in one facility, the kids loved seeing some of the works of art they have been studying in my art history class, while also having the opportunity to explore everything from dinosaurs and gems to Native American art and Egyptian mummies. We enjoyed two fabulous meals - one at the museum’s cafe and one at a well-established Pittsburgh restaurant where the kids were able to try some of the local cuisine.  The entire day was covered by the generous ADSOEF award and truly made some fantastic memories for our students!”  
This was the first time the team competed on a national level.  Angie continues, “Although the Raider team did not place in the top three nationally, they gained a great deal of invaluable experience working, traveling, and competing together as a team. One of the students commented, ‘Our trip greatly helped the bonding of our team. This will greatly help our team in the future because more team bonding means that our team can collaborate better, and share ideas more efficiently. This trip also helped to give every team member several great memories that we will all have for a lifetime and has introduced many team members to things outside of rural Ohio.’”

Please read Angie Stokes’ article for more details about this exciting national competition for the Wayne Trace Robotics and Marketing Team!

Look for details about the second Individual/Classroom/Community Project Award in the February edition of the ADSOEF newsletter!

ADSOEF Educational Services Committee 

QR Codes Explained
The quick response, or QR, Code is a two-dimensional version of the Barcode able to convey a wide variety of information almost instantly with the scan of a mobile device.

The newer versions of smartphones have an integrated QR Code reader in the phone camera such as Bixby Vision for Samsung and the iOS 11 operating system for Apple. But no worries.  If your phone does not have a QR Code reader, there are a plethora of options in the app stores that are easy to download and use with just the touch of a button. 

The following ADSOEF documents now have QR Codes that will take you directly to the ADSOEF website.

  • Brochure/Pamphlet 
  • Donation Cards 
  • How Can I Help document
  • How Can It Support Me document
"Be the Spark...Light Our Flame" Donor Recognition
Foundation Directors
Debra (Debbie) Frazier, Beta Rho, 2021-2024
Donor Relations Committee Chairman

Dr. Lois Harkins, Alpha Lambda, 2021-2024

Millie Holzer, Beta Zeta, 2021-2024
Finance Committee Chairman

Dr. Norma Kirby, Alpha Delta, 2021-2023
Chairman Board of Directors

Karyn Kern-Lazear, Gamma Phi, 2019-2023
Governance Committee Chairman

Judith (Judy) Rank, Gamma Gamma, 2021-2024

Sandy Royer, Delta Kappa, 2019-2023
Fundraising Committee Chairman

Marilyn Slusser, Delta Kappa, 2021-2023
Vice Chairman, OSO Scholarship Committee Chairman

Christine (Chris) Snoddy, Alpha Lambda, 2021-2024
Educational Services Committee Chairman

Jackie Thase-Burch, Alpha Upsilon, 2019-2023
Secretary, Marketing Committee Chairman

Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon, 2021-2023
Ex-officio Ohio State Organization Liaison, OSO President