Operation Renewed Hope
P.O. Box 43242
Fayetteville, NC 28309

In 2020, ORH was hindered from conducting major clinics. We were able to conduct one clinic in Liberia in January 2020. However, in September 2020, we began to plan a clinic for January of 2021 to Ghana, West Africa.

God blessed and the country’s international airport opened for international passengers with a negative Covid 19 report. The team was able to fly into Kotoka International Airport with a 72 hour negative Covid 19 report and a negative Covid 19 report from a test taken immediately upon arrival.

Just before the team left the United States, President Biden ordered that a 72 hour negative Covid 19 report be provided to reenter the United States. This was difficult to obtain, but God was good, and we were able to accomplish this.

ORH’s partner in Ghana was national pastor, Emmanuel Ameyaw and missionary Seth Acree. Emmanuel and his people provided themselves as translators, preachers, and workers for the clinic. Brother Seth provided himself and a lady to provide food for the team.

Pastor Emmanuel chose two villages among a tribal group in the Wenchi area. The first village, Asuofiri, was 1.5 hours from Wenchi in the bush. The second village, Nkyeraa, was 1 hour from Wenchi. The villages allowed us to use school buildings and clinic buildings for the actual clinic sites.

In four days of clinic, ORH was able to provide health care for almost 1000 patients. During the preaching times, approximately 85 people received Christ. The days were very full of work, and the weather was hot. Our team did a great job and persevered through all the hardships of this unusual trip during the Covid 19 time.

Some have already asked about when we can return. There was a great victory in the hearts of the people of Asuofiri. They are very enthusiastic about another clinic in their village.

Pray for the young national preacher in our group that he will be able to hold preaching services in the two villages over the coming months.

This is a report from Dr. Tom Johnson about his most recent Village Medical Assistant Clinics.

"The clinics were conducted, December 30th , in Svay Reing Province and, December 31st- January 2nd , in Kratie Province. Dr. Johnson and his team serviced 96 Patients

In Svay Reing (located in the southeastern part of Cambodia) we held a Christmas program before the clinic which was attended by over 150 people, many of them were children. During the preaching, one adult and one teenager accepted Christ. The Gospel message was very clear with an effective Spirit-led invitation. After we had a meal together with all the folks, we kindly and compassionately through the love of Christ saw 50 patients. I treated them carefully with the highest standards according to the rules and guidelines of the VMA clinic. Many of the folks we treated were already believers, since it was a follow-up outreach where through medical missions, we have established 6 house churches in that district! Four of these churches already have their own giving programs! 

On the following day, we traveled to Kratie Province, the land of the fresh-water dolphins. Since, it was a long day of travel, we began the clinic on the following morning (January 1st). This was a follow-up clinic of a new church plant; and God truly worked! We had approximately 10 adults saved as a result of the clinic; and many of them were veterans of war. I personally led a man (a former soldier) to Christ who lost his leg by a direct hit by a bazooka shell. At first, he didn’t want to enter the clinic because of fear, but after some encouragement by one of our counselors, he agreed to see the doctor. When I met him, he was very humble and truly open to hearing the Gospel. After I treated him with love and with the utmost compassion, he was very willing to hear the Gospel. Since I was caught up on patients, I took the time, myself to share the Gospel with him. He was “white unto harvest”; and I had the glorious privilege of leading him to Christ! A picture is included of this amazing divine appointment"

Pray for the funds to continue our VMA clinics around the world. ORH believes these clinics to be essential to our continued presence in multiple nations.
ORH sent $1020.00 to Lord Shepherds Hope Foundation in Monrovia Liberia. Pastor Joseph Nunu is president of this foundation.

In the past year, ORH has been able to send money for the people of Liberia and also for the medical facilities and professionals.

The $1020.00 dollars was used to buy food for workers in the Ministry of Health. Pastor Nunu wrote the following.

"This is the report for the amount sent ($1000) for the ministry of health/ local clinics Support.
This comings around we did food support to the health workers in Gbarnga and it surrounding.
We purchased 55 begs of India parboiled rice 25 KGS each beg cost 15 USD which total amount is 825 UDD.
Please see attached of pictures and receipt. Thanks, Pastor Joseph D. Nunu"

Please pray for these good people.

Internship with ORH
Young people must look to the future with medical missions.
Operation Renewed Hope is committed to helping young people do this.

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God bless you,
The Operation Renewed Hope Family Around the World!
P.O. Box 43242
Fayetteville, NC 28309-3242
Tel: (910) 987-5072