A Warm Welcome to Bishop William Koenig
The episcopal ordination — the first in the diocese since 1897 — attracted not only the faithful of the diocese to its biggest church, but also a large number of the American church hierarchy. There were some 30 bishops and archbishops on hand, as well as Cardinals Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., and Timothy Dolan of New York. They were joined by nearly all the priests, permanent deacons, and seminarians of the diocese, as well as representatives of the various diocesan ministries and schools.
Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore was the principal consecrator and main celebrant for the first part of the Mass. He was joined by Bishops John O. Barres of Rockville Centre, N.Y., and Bishop Malooly as co-consecrators. Bishop Barres, who was ordained for the Diocese of Wilmington in 1989 and served here for 19 years, was Bishop Koenig’s ordinary on Long Island.
Bishop-elect Koenig was ordained to the Order of Bishop and installed as the Tenth Bishop of Wilmington at a special Mass on July 13, 2021.
The hope of the church is that through Bishop Koenig’s leadership, the people of Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland will have a taste of eternity and experience God, the archbishop said. He then read from Pope Francis’ letter on April 30 that made Bishop Koenig’s appointment to Wilmington official.
Click here to read the full article in The Dialog.
Sincere Thanks from Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities is grateful for the following recent funders who have
generously awarded Grants to Catholic Charities Programs.
The Fund for Women granted Bayard House $15,000 for our Developing Life Skills So Young
Mothers Can Overcome Poverty and Homelessness Program.
Welfare Foundation, Inc. provided $35,000 to upgrade the HVAC units at our 4th and Greenhill facility to
provide our clients and staff a professional and comfortable setting that honors their individual dignity.
The Maryland Food Bank gave Seton Center $8,000 to convert a van into a Mobile Food Pantry
to serve Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester, and Dorchester Counties with the ability to
safely distribute perishable and shelf-stable food.
Highmark is supporting Catholic Charities’ Pandemic-Response Supportive
Case Management Program with a grant of $19,859.
DuPont donated $15,000 in funding for Catholic Charities Basic Need Homelessness Prevention Program
which provides stabilization to families in crisis with financial assistance, case management,
and connection to other community resources.
Seton Center's New Mobile Pantry
Seton Center has started a new Mobile Pantry Program. Funding from The Maryland Food Bank Flash Grant is being used to update the Catholic Charities Truck with shelving and refrigerated/freezer storage so that we can distribute shelf-stable and perishable foods. Similar to the Mobile Pantry run out of Catholic Charities Casa San Francisco, this program is designed to expand the reach of Charities’ Food Service programs. Seton Center’s goal is to have 6 regular sites scheduled every month throughout Somerset County to ensure that the needs of those who might not be able to access the Seton Center onsite pantry are met within the community.
Our first mobile distribution site was held May 25, 2021, at the Princess Anne townhouses and we were there again on June 29th. Crisfield Church of God allowed us in their parking lot on June 15 and our second visit is scheduled for July 27th. New Life Church of Deliverance in Princess Anne was a new location on July 8th and another new location in Somerset County Recreation & Parks in Westover is scheduled for July 29th. Long term we hope to serve additional counties in Maryland’s Lower Eastern Shore.
Click here to make an online donation to Food Assistance Program. In the "Please designate my gift to the following Ministry" menu, choose "Food Assistance". You may also send a check to Catholic Charities, 2601 W 4th St, Wilm., DE 19805. Kindly designate Food Assistance on the check.
Plan Ahead to Stay Warm this Winter
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), administered in Delaware by Catholic Charities, is accepting applications for the upcoming heating season. LIHEAP is a federally funded program that assists low-income Delawareans with heating bills through direct payments to home energy suppliers. Benefits are based on household income, size, and type of fuel.
LIHEAP Offers the Following Support with One Annual Application:
Fuel Assistance provides home heating assistance for eligible households who need help paying winter energy bills. LIHEAP does not pay for all heating costs. Eligible households receive one annual benefit.
Energy Crisis Intervention when activated, ECIP provides assistance for eligible households in an emergency situation. This supplemental benefit can be in addition to the regular fuel assistance benefit.
Summer Cooling / Electric Assistance helps eligible households by paying a portion of summer electric bills. Eligible households receive one annual benefit if funds are available. Electric vendors may apply this benefit to electric use from June 1 through August 31 if funds are available. Households must be approved for the Fuel Heating Program in order to qualify for a Summer Cooling electric benefit.
LIHEAP Eligibility
You may be eligible for assistance if your total household income falls within income eligibility guidelines. For example, a household of 4 can have no more than $52,530 in annual household income (before taxes).
Click here to learn more about eligibility requirements. To see if you qualify, make an appointment with a Catholic Charities office for an interview.
To apply for Winter 2021-2022 LIHEAP heating assistance, complete, sign, and submit an application, along with copies of the required documents. Click here to download a LIHEAP application.
NEW LIHEAP applicants must call their county office to schedule a "curbside" in-person appointment and bring the required documents to their appointment.
Prior year LIHEAP applicants may submit their 2021 LIHEAP application in one of the following ways: mail, fax, or drop off (Dropbox locations are listed on the LIHEAP Application). Include copies of the required documents listed on page 2 of the application. Applications will be processed in the order they are received.
Basic Needs - Energy Assistance
Catholic Charities Client Success Story
Joan* and Bill* worked all their lives and never needed governmental assistance. However, due to steep medical bills, they couldn't afford to pay their home heating bills. As a result, their energy vendor sent them a disconnect notice.
A friend told them about the Catholic Charities Energy Assistance program that helps folks in their situation. Catholic Charities was able to pay their past balances and they now live comfortably in their home.
Joan and Bill thank God for the DEAP program's financial help and plan to apply for future assistance when needed. They are grateful for the friendly, caring staff at the Catholic Charities Office in Georgetown.
*Names changed for privacy.
Save the Date! October 6, 2021
Catholic Charities 2021 Annual Tribute Dinner
Honeoring Bishop W. Francis Malooly & Michael Hare
This year, Most Reverend W. Francis Malooly, Bishop of the Diocese of Wilmington, will receive the 2021 Msgr. Thomas J. Reese Award at Catholic Charities Annual Tribute Dinner on Wednesday, October 6. Michael J. Hare, the 2020 recipient, will receive the 2020 Award as the dinner last year was canceled due to COVID-19.
Catholic Charities honors outstanding individuals who have demonstrated a deep commitment to addressing the well-being of our communities most vulnerable. We bestow upon these remarkable persons the Msgr. Thomas J. Reese Award, created in 1989 in memory of Msgr. Reese, a community activist and longtime director of Catholic Social Services, is the forerunner of Catholic Charities.
Contact Andrea Rotsch at arotsch@cdow.org or click here to learn more or support the Tribute Dinner through sponsorships and/or ticket purchases.
Click here to read the full press release about our Honorees.
Save the Date! November 20, 2021
Bishop’s 5K Run/Walk
November 20, 2021 – St. Mark’s High School – 2501 Pike Creek Rd., Wilmington DE 19808
The Bishops 5K is a fun, family-friendly event that brings the community together to heighten awareness as well as raise funds for Catholic Charities programs. Participants receive a complimentary event t-shirt and refreshments. Runners have the chance to compete for the best race time to earn medals.
Click here for information about becoming a Bishop 5K Event sponsor.
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the charitable organization of your choice - no fees, no extra cost.
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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington. Dialog photo/Don Blake
Your Gifts Help Neighbors in the Community!
Your gift to Catholic Charities is more crucial than ever to help those who are facing the inability to meet basic expenses such as rent, utilities, food, clothing, and prescriptions. We are always in need of essential items to meet the needs of our most vulnerable clients. Here's how you can help!
Making a financial gift to Catholic Charities is a wonderful way to directly assist those in need in this time of unparalleled uncertainty. Your selfless generosity to help those who are less fortunate will make an immediate, life-changing difference to those within the community that is facing unemployment, eviction, and hunger.
Click here to make an online donation or send a check to Catholic Charities, 2601 W. 4th St., Wilm., DE 19805. If you have questions or need assistance, please call 302-655-9624.
We gratefully accept and encourage donations of food, diapers, hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies, and gift cards, and cash at all Catholic Charities service locations and Casa San Francisco during regular business hours.
We accept donations of clothing, household goods, or items other than listed.
Please call ahead for an appointment at the location of your choice.
2601 W 4th Street
Wilmington, DE 19805
300 Bayard Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805
2099 S Dupont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
127 Broad Street
Milton, DE 19968
404 S Bedford Street, Suite 9
Georgetown, DE 19947
135 Jeandell Drive
Newark DE 19713
Seton Center
30632 Hampden Ave
Princess Anne, MD 21853
1320 E 23rd Street
Wilmington, DE 19802
Catholic Charities serves the most vulnerable in Delaware and the
Eastern Shore of Maryland, regardless of religion, race, or ability to pay.
For more information about Catholic Charities, click here.
To make a donation to Catholic Charities, click here.
To learn about employment opportunities, click here.
Catholic Charities Mission
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington exists to help fulfill the Christian duty to love and serve God's people. Our mission is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The universal and local Church proclaims the Gospel and teaches the recognition of the dignity and sacredness of each human life and the belief that we are called to share our resources with the most vulnerable among us.
It is the mission of Catholic Charities to address human suffering and to promote and restore the well-being of people and society by:
- Providing, as a primary focus, caring service to families and persons in need;
- Coming together with members of the community to become informed about and to take action on critical social issues; and,
- Advocating publicly for social policies which enhance human dignity and safeguard basic human rights.
Catholic Charities Services Are Open!
Please visit our website for the latest information on how to access services.
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No person is excluded from service because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.
© 2021 - Catholic Charities - Diocese of Wilmington
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization