St. Bernard's Academy Newsletter

September 1, 2023

A Note from your Principals

What a great school year we are having!

How can you help make it better?


Please take care when driving around the school or in the school parking lot. There are a great number of vehicles coming in and out while students are milling about. Let's work together to create a safe place for our students both in and out of the school building.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does picture day work?

All students will be photographed for picture day. Even if not purchasing any photos, the form needs to be completed prior to picture day and presented at the time of photos. This will allow proper identification for student ID cards as well as yearbook photos.

If purchasing photos, money must accompany order forms on the day of pictures to avoid holding up the entire order.

We will start with the middle school and work our way to high school, pulling out of religion classes to ensure all students are photographed.

Dress Code - Pajamas? Shorts? Skirts?

We have had a few concerns about the dress code. We realize there is some confusion around this given that we are increasing our standards this year.

Pajama bottoms are not considered to be MICA. Shorts and skirts must be modest and adequately cover in all situations (i.e. walking up stairs and bending over).

Jeans, sweats and shorts are not appropriate for Mass Dress. Collared shirts and ties are required for high school and collared shirts are required for middle school.

Overall, we have seen an improvement in this area and appreciate everyone's efforts. Let's continue to work on this.

Missing clothing?

Like the island of misfit toys, we already have an island of unclaimed clothing. On Wednesday, September 6th, all unclaimed clothing will be available for review in the auditorium all day. Please have your student swing by and claim anything that is theirs. At the end of the day, all remaining clothing will be taken to Discovery Shop. Thanks for you help!

Upcoming Events

Monday, September 4th

Labor Day - No School

Wednesday, September 6th

Alumni Association Meeting 4:30

SB Library

Thursday and Friday, September 7th & 8th

Picture Days

Monday, September 11th

Parents Guild, Library, 6:00 pm

Tuesday, September 12th

Class Photo

Thursday, September 14th

College Expo, 5:30 - 8:00

College of the Redwoods

Friday, September 22nd

No School- Teacher Work Day

Click for school calendar

Middle School Sports

Friday, September 1st

8th Grade Volleyball at Pacific Union

Thursday, September 7th

4:00 MS Golf Tournament

4:00/5:00 6-7/8 Volleyball vs Pacific Union (scrimmage)

Friday, September 8th

8th Grade Volleyball at Ferndale Tournament

High School Sports

Friday, September 1st

5:30 JV Football at Willits

7:30 V Football at Willits

Tuesday, September 5th

Tennis vs Eureka High

Wednesday, September 6th

5:30 JV Volleyball at Eureka High

7:30 V Volleyball at Eureka High

Thursday, August 31st

5:30 JV Volleyball vs McKinleyville

8:00 V Volleyball vs McKinleyville

Friday, September 8th

5:30 JV Football at Biggs

7:30 V Football at Biggs

6:30 V Volleyball vs Mendocino

Saturday, September 9th

V Volleyball at Arcata Tournament

Students in Action!

Middle School Golf had their first

practice this week.

We celebrated our first Mass this week.

Physics students conduct an experiment.

Congratulations to JV Volleyball for their tournament win in Los Molinos.

McKenzie was named MVP!

Ways to Support our Students

Box Tops for Education (SB school ID is 195539)

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