Empowering PARENTS

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In This Issue:


August 9, 9am, Oklahoma Sen. David Bullard

August 11, 9am Oklahoma State Auditor Cindy Byrd

Christa Brown~Planned Parenthood’s promotion of sex and abortion to America’s children

Responding to Social Justice Rhetoric

The Federalist~Hail Satan, Hail Thyself

What the Gender Cult and Satanism Have in Common

Kimberly Ellis ~ Issues with SEL

DON'T MISS last week's podcasts with Jenni & Julia and Amy Cook!


Undercover, Underage~Featuring Canadian County Sheriff Dept.

Epoch Times ~ Lawsuits in TX over books

Click on links in pictures or in RED for articles and information

Join us Wed. Aug 9@9 am! Senator Bullard is a former teacher and has been instrumental in education legislation including being the Senate Author on HB 1775, to stop CRT in Oklahoma education. He is one of ROPE's favorite senators, but we don't agree on everything. We'll talk about the good, the bad and the ugly in the Oklahoma legislature.

Join us Fri. Aug 11@9 am! Cindy Byrd, CPA, is Oklahoma’s State Auditor & Inspector and serves as the taxpayer’s watchdog.

Cindy has moved through the ranks and conducted every type of government audit possible across Oklahoma. Her audits have identified millions of dollars in misappropriated tax dollars and waste of public funds at every level of government.

Planned Parenthood’s promotion of sex and abortion to America’s children

Priding themselves to be “America’s most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care,” Planned Parenthood’s social media posts on relationships, sexual orientation and transition, sexual activity, birth control and abortion, and their school education programs might be a bit shocking to some. 

Much of the woke messaging and instruction promote sex without boundaries and claims, “any reason for abortion is a good reason.” 

With colorful graphics and content intended for a young audience, they warn that opposing information is “scaring, shaming, and lying to people.” They claim that having morals or self-control is outdated and patriarchal. They discredit those who disagree with their radical beliefs as, “racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic.”

Planned Parenthood, a giant in the Big Abortion industry as well as a taxpayer organization, is now also the go-to organization for young people seeking abortion information, says a recent study funded by the Society of Family Planning Research Fund, a promoter and supporter of abortion and contraception. For those surveyed in this study, the most referenced specific online destination was Planned Parenthood.


Have young people been seeking Planned Parenthood or has Planned Parenthood been seeking them?

Planned Parenthood also claims the status as the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, “reaching 1.2 million people with education and outreach each year.” 

Much of this education is shared in classrooms, through an online learning platform, and on social media, beyond the eyes and ears of parents. 

They proudly share their latest outreach is to bring sex education to those in foster care and criminal justice facilities. 

As part of their “accepting and edgy” sex ed mission, Planned Parenthood chapters were involved in creating a K-12 curriculum teaching sex educators to avoid instructing kids which of course encouraged casual sex and ironically called to remove women from conversations about teen pregnancy. 

The guide claims inclusivity of gender and body diversity and states that some people’s genders are non-binary, and they may not identify as male or female.

Venturing far from their initial focus of “planning parenthood,” social media posts use slang and immature language to communicate sexual topics. 


Planned Parenthood often shares posts which discourage sexual boundaries and promote BDSM and kink. 

A tweet dated July 11, 2023, states, “Don’t yuck someone else’s yum – everyone deserves the freedom to explore their own sexuality free of shame and stigma. Stop kink shaming.” The graphic contains sketches of sadomasochistic whips and paddles. 

There is a strong subliminal implication in this message: if you don't support all types of sex, you don't support Planned Parenthood. If you don't make your body available to others for their use, then don't expect support from Planned Parenthood. 

What might have meant as “inclusive” is truly isolating to those outside that fringe of our society. 

Even some from the LGBTQIA+ community have spoken against their messaging. Gays Against Groomers tweeted “Planned Parenthood is in schools across the nation. Interesting new path they’re going down. This is what they want to teach your children.”

Mariah Cardillo, an employee for Mar Monte, the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the U.S., which provides health and education services to more than 220,000 people annually at over 30 locations in mid-California and northern Nevada discusses sex education on TikTok.

Are they sexualizing our children?

Bill Taverner, an executive director at Planned Parenthood has claimed that children are born "sexual" and advocated sex education for children throughout their K-12 education. 

Taverner argued that comprehensive sexuality education for children should start in kindergarten because sexuality education is "a continuous process" rather than being "isolated to a particular point in a person's life." 

Taverner has also advocated for “porn literacy” in children. 

Having no tolerance for anything but their own beliefs, Planned Parenthood claims that pro-life education is “anti-abortion propaganda with no basis in medicine, intended to confuse people.” 

They promote abortion, birth control, and gender transition as healthcare, but state that pregnancy help clinics are “a dangerous organization with a hidden agenda to lure in and then pressure pregnant people into not having an abortion.” 

They advocate for young people to speak with other family planning centers, private doctors, and abortion providers regarding pregnancy choices but warn them not to discuss abortion with a pregnancy help clinic.

Their message to young people is bold and clear – buy what we are selling and don’t listen to those who might offer you truth or support.

Planned Parenthood’s guide entitled the "Fundamentals of Teaching Sexuality" states: 

“It is important to emphasize that contrary to popular belief, humans of all ages experience sexuality throughout their lifespans…sexuality is a part of life through all the ages and stages. Babies, elders, and everyone in between can experience sexuality.”

So how is Planned Parenthood, which prides itself on offering real healthcare such as cancer screening and prenatal care, able to do all of this? 

The answer lies in an abundance of funding and the need to continue to sell an abundance of abortion services. Ensuring that young people make themselves available to others for their sexual pleasure only encourages more birth control, abortion and profit for Big Abortion. 

The Charlotte Lozier Institute recently published Fact Sheet: Planned Parenthood’s 2021-22 Annual Report revealed an increasing revenue with a decreasing patient load for this “nonprofit” organization:

• Planned Parenthood's abortion services have increased by 8%.

• Planned Parenthood's other services, such as cancer screenings and prenatal care, have decreased by over 70%.

• Planned Parenthood is a wealthy organization with $1.9 billion in income and over $2.3 billion in net assets.

• Planned Parenthood receives taxpayer funding in the form of government grants, contracts, and Medicaid reimbursements that make up 35% of their overall revenue.

While claiming to be a leader in reproductive healthcare, the abortion they market has ended millions of lives and caused immeasurable harm to women. 

Planned Parenthood perpetually profits from sexual promiscuity and the cultural breakdown of fidelity within marriage. 

Tweet This: Planned Parenthood perpetually profits from sexual promiscuity and the cultural breakdown of fidelity within marriage. 

For generations, they have continued to degrade and admonish the norms of our society, breaking apart much of what had held our society together. Morality, the innocence of children, and the reinforcement of the family structure as created by God hurts the abortion industry. 

Planned Parenthood is seeking more profit and more lives lost to abortion. They are boldly demonstrating they will stop at nothing to get there.  

Tweet This: Planned Parenthood is seeking more profit & more lives lost to abortion. They are boldly demonstrating they will stop at nothing to get there.

The Federalist~Hail Satan, Hail Thyself

What the Gender Cult and Satanism Have in Common

It should come as no surprise that rebellion against God’s design for humanity is satanically inspired. That is, after all, his mission. Lucien Greaves, cofounder of the Satanic Temple, says most members of the Temple are LGBT folks who consider themselves rejected by orthodox churches and other such religious establishments. Greaves told Out.com, “We will always fight them, we will fight them to the death to ensure that there are equal rights for the gay community.”

History shows, too, that Satanism has been a fitting spiritual home for the pride “community.” Aleister Crowley, the early 19th-century occultist credited with being the “grandfather” of modern theistic Satanism, was keenly interested in ancient pagan deities, many of whom are seen today as “gender-bending.” Androgyny or hermaphroditism was seen by Crowley and other forebearers of the modern occult as mystical, powerful, and closer to the divine. Crowley’s “Gnostic Mass” includes the phrases:

Male-female, quintessential, one
Man-being veiled in woman-form. 

The infamous icon of Satanism, the goat-headed “Baphomet,” represents a fusion of the male and female, with the two halves of the body representing each sex. The “divine androgyne” is “the hieroglyph of arcane perfection,” according to Crowley. While Baphomet has a complicated history of iterations and interpretation, it’s not unreasonable to imagine that gender-confused young people might welcome this binary-breaking symbol of “balance and harmony” and see a satanic sect as a spiritual home for them. The two most famous philosophical statements of the 20th century’s most iconic Satanists, Crowley and Anton LaVey, serve to illustrate the strong ties between modern “pride” and their belief systems. The life of Crowley especially finds continuity in the gender-expansive, free-love universe of pride. 

‘Hail Satan! Hail Thyself’

In the 1960’s, LaVey, known as the “Black Pope,” created a Satanism that differed from other, older satanic traditions in that it claimed to be atheistic, considering Satan to be a literary figure. LaVey’s most famous chant is “Hail Satan! Hail Thyself.” His Satanism prescribes self-worship and gratification: staples of LGBT pride culture.

Two of his Nine Satanic Statements are: “Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification!” and, “Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!”

While most who wave the rainbow flag no doubt would agree that, for instance, murder is wrong (a “so-called sin” Satan represents), pride nevertheless allies itself with the pro-abortion agenda. The right to murder a preborn baby leads to “mental and emotional gratification” for the abortive mother (and often her sexual partners). And ridding oneself of progeny to care for promotes further indulgence Satan is said to represent. Proponents of sexual libertinism and gender fluidity don’t usually describe themselves as Satanists, but LaVey’s philosophy of carnal hedonism is the bedrock of today’s pride culture. (Full Article here)

You can tune in every Wednesday and Friday morning at 9am to ROPE Report LIVE or watch our archived streams on our FB Page, YouTube Channel, Rumble, or Instagram! Click on the links below to go to our YouTube stream. We have had some amazing guests and I promise the hour+ will fly by.

Also, while you're on our pages to view the videos, look in our ROPE archives for a plethora of topics and interviews that we have done through the years. It is all completely applicable to what is happening in our world today.

Click that replay button on our podcast!! We think you’ll enjoy listening in.

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I found this series to be much more realistic and informative than Sound of Freedom... and this is in our own back yard.

Tune in to watch this season! Also, you don't want to miss our podcast from Friday, July 7, with Major Flowers as our guest. We talked about his years working undercover in the Canadian County Sheriff's Child Sex Crimes Division.

I wonder if this is one reason that our Oklahoma legislature refused to protect innocent children from developmentally inappropriate library books last session - they don't want to be sued? How many times have we heard that excuse for why they can't pass bills that PROTECT citizens?

From the article:

House Bill 900, which is also known as the Reader (Restricting Explicit and Adult-Designated Educational Resources) Act, was passed during the regular legislative session and was signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott in June. The law is set to take effect on Sept. 1.

The law seeks to protect children from exposure to inappropriate or explicit sexual content in books and other materials in public school libraries, and enables the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to have oversight of the ratings.

The 28-page complaint, filed in a federal court in Austin, Texas, on July 25 describes the ratings law as a "Book Ban," arguing that it violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The plaintiffs—Houston's Blue Willow Bookshop, Austin's BookPeople, American Booksellers Association, Association of American Publishers, Authors Guild, and Comic Book Legal Defense—are asking the court for preliminary and permanent injunctions. (Full article here)

Do you need help getting information from your school? 

Do you need to research a campaign or a Political Action Committee? Michael is paving the way!

ROPE Resources for Open Records

We know our newsletter is full of very heavy topics. We encourage you to stay engaged, but to always look to God to give you strength for the task!

Blessings to you all!

Jenni White

Education Director

Michael Grande

Parent Liaison

Julia Seay

Legislative Director

Nancy Blalock


Tracey Montgomery

Parental Rights Director

Reclaim Oklahoma Parent Empowerment

21900 N. Indian Meridian

Luther, OK  73054

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