Our 2nd Annual Southeastern Leadership Conference on Safety, Health + Sustainability has come to a close, and WOW was it the event of year! The Florida Chamber Safety Council want to sincerely thank all the sponsors, attendees, keynote speakers, presenters and exhibitors that joined us for this first-class conference and helped make it an absolute success. Without all of you, our movement to make Florida safer, healthier and more sustainable would not be possible. Next year’s conference is already in the works and we will be announcing dates and location in the very near future. Our team is looking forward to continuing to grow our Leadership Conference year after year with even more attendees and exhibitors, dynamic speakers and educational breakout sessions to help move the needle to establishing a safer, healthier and more sustainable workplace. Stay tuned! 

Now it is back to business. We are holding 11 public safety training classes on numerous topics to continue assisting companies in Florida in creating customized corporate safety programs for their employees. If you’re interested in joining us for an upcoming training, please click here to learn more and register. We will also be adding more trainings to the list for the remainder of the year. In addition, we will be hosting a two FREE Educational Webinars in the coming months. See below in the newsletter for more information.

Just a friendly reminder about National Safety Week in Construction with a concentration on Fall Protection is scheduled for May 2 - 6 as well as Trench & Excavation Safety Stand-down on the week of June 20 - 24. The Florida Chamber Safety Council is participating in these events and can partner with your organization by providing toolbox talks and safety presentations at your jobsites during these recognition weeks to help make your safety week more successful. Click here to schedule a jobsite safety presentation. 

During April, we are promoting our Permit-Required Confined Space Entry Training with discounted rates of 25 - 35 percent.