The Bulldog Bark Newsletter
One Team, One Vision
Issue #22 - January 24 - January 28
Attendance Matters

It is important to have children attend school every day. Whether Distance, Hybrid, or Traditional, attendance at school is a major indicator of student success. Studies show that lack of attendance has a lasting negative impact on student learning, especially in regards to reading and mathematics. Please make sure to have your child attend school each and every day. Click here to find out more about why attendance matters and what you can do to make a difference!
Flag Ceremony

If you missed the January edition of the Vessels Flag Ceremony you can watch it here.

Math Fluency

It is important that all students acquire basic math facts and skills while at the elementary level. They will need to practice these skills daily so they are adept at math fluency as they articulate each year. Math fluency is the ability to perform math problems accurately and quickly.

Mathematical fluency is a required component in state educational standards as well as in Common Core standards. Math fluency consists of four parts: accuracy, automaticity, rate, and flexibility.

Accuracy involves solving problems using an appropriate method by following the right steps in the right order to arrive at a correct answer.

Automaticity occurs when you have performed a mathematical operation so often, it becomes automatic.

Rate is the speed at which a student can recall and answer a math equation/problem.

Flexibility is the ability to use multiple methods to solve any given problem.

All are vital to the success of students and we teach and facilitate these concepts each day at Vessels. Please help us by having your child practice math facts every day! Please click here to have your child practice math facts at home. Remember that practice makes perfect!
Bulldogs in Action
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"Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Period. No exceptions." – Kiana Tom