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ISSUE NO. 321 / September 28, 2022


Sunapee Happenings

Charlotte Carlson’s photo “Raindrops on the river"

Let’s celebrate the coming of Autumn. Positively chilly mornings. Bursts of color on the hillsides. Farm stands with piles of pumpkins. The sound of leaves crunching under our footsteps. The luster in the sunsets. What’s not to love about Autumn?

Sunapee Spotlight

Just FYI: CitizensCount.org is an informative website that posts a survey of all NH candidates on the ballot for the November 8th Midterm Election.

Cue The Music

Enjoy the music of Pousette-Dart Band. They will be performing at the Flying Goose tomorrow night.  

On Friday, Sept. 30, Cozy Sheridan will take the mic at Sunapee Community Coffeehouse. Really!

(pardon our miscue last week when announcing her appearance for Sept. 23)

Let's Get Artsy

Curtain going up on the Tony Award winning “SPRING AWAKENING” at Northern Stage. 

Check out all the offerings at the Barn Playhouse... now open year round, featuring theatrical classes & experiences for all ages.

Comedy at the Opera House

Saturday, October 1

7:30 pm


Featuring Steve Bjork and Friends


The Boston Globe recently described Steve Bjork as “one of the top names” in New England stand-up comedy. He’s come a long way from his nights of frying up mozzarella sticks in the back room of a popular Boston comedy club.


Today, Bjork is a polished veteran of the highly competitive Boston comedy scene with crisscrossing tours of the country under his belt. His material is intelligent and accessible, but first and foremost, it is funny.


Click here for Tickets

Tickets are $20 - $23 when purchased online. 

There is an additional $2 box office fee when purchased in person.

Out & About

Dress for the occasion. Check out the Costume Swap at The Livery on Sunday, October 2nd.

Sunapee In The News

You saw the white sails on the water, but if you missed them on NH Chronicle… here’s the video link:  2022 Star Class Western Hemisphere Silver Star Championship at LSYC.

New Hampshire Chronicle: A Regatta to Remember  

Pick up your copy of the Fall 2022 SooNipi, featuring tales and photos of Vintage Modes of Transportation, the History of Waleback Mountain, Sears & Roebuck Kit Houses in the area, and Bradford School Memories, the landmark Livery in Sunapee Harbor… and so much more!  The always informative and fascinating SooNipi, is the Sunapee Region’s Favorite Magazine!

Please Take Note

Next week’s “Happenings “ will be a 2 week edition.  If you have events to share between Oct. 5-19, please forward to: info@projectsunapee.org  by Saturday, October 1st.

Cute Critters...  just for fun.

Sunapee Trivia

Central Street is the location for Sunapee trick or treaters which was the most popular trivia response at 77%.  Candy donations are collected by the town and distributed to the home owners and the road is closed off to make it a safe experience for participants!

What happened to the Ben Mere Hotel in Sunapee Harbor?
The hotel was ruined by a fire.
A storm caused severe damage and the hotel was destroyed.
The hotel was demolished.
The hotel was moved to another location.
Until Next Week

“Unless, someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not!” Dr. Seuss... “The Lorax” 

Thank you, Linda, for reminding us of this quotation.  It is especially meaningful in the world today.

Wednesday’s email “SUNAPEE HAPPENINGS
highlights a selection of events in our community each week.

For complete details on everything happening around the
Lake Sunapee area, check out the
Project Sunapee Community Calendar
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