This month I am borrowing liberally from a Press Release by Megan Nagel, Region 1 FWS Public Affairs Officer to tell you about a planned prescribed fire at the refuge. Some of you may remember that a prescribed burn was scheduled last year but was cancelled due to weather conditions. We are hopeful that this year, conditions will allow the burn to take place. Refuge managers are planning this prescribed fire sometime in September or October. The burn will be used to restore 52-acres of wet prairie habitat. When the prescribed fire is taking place, all refuge trails will be closed to visitors. You may be able to see the fire activity from Pacific Highway.
Those of you who live in Sherwood may notice smoke from the fire. Please let you neighbors know what is happening and help to reduce concern by sharing this information with them. You can find the most up to date information about this prescribed fire including what day it will take place here.
Before any prescribed fire takes place, refuge managers will work together to create a plan, a detailed prescription for where, when, and how a fire will be used to restore habitat. This includes strict safety measures, such as a pre- and post- burn monitoring plan, identifying the ideal weather and wind conditions for the prescribed fire to take place, and tracking the air quality in the area. Because of the important role weather plays, managers identify a burn window – a specific length of time during which a prescribed fire might take place. The official day of the fire is not set until a day or few days before to ensure optimum conditions for the prescribed fire.
The refuge often works with other fire management professionals from Tribal, state, local, and federal partners. “We are grateful for our partner’s support restoring habitat and protecting our community,” said Chuck. “During past prescribed fire activities, the Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde, the State of Oregon and Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue have all provided support.” You can read about a previous prescribed fire at Tualatin River, written by former Friends employee Rachel Dunham
Here Many habitats, plants, and even wildlife depend on periodic, low intensity fires to thrive. Conservation managers can mimic those natural events using prescribed fires. The right kind of fire, applied safely, is a vital element for sustaining healthy habitat and preventing wildfires. The prescribed fire at the refuge is expected to increase the amount and diversity of native plant species, improving habitat for native wildlife. People who have questions about the fire are encouraged to call the refuge at (503) 625-5944.
Learning about the science that is used to improve refuge habitat is one of the many benefits of being a Friends member. Stay tuned for a new speaker series that will provide even more information about why our refuge is such a special and important place.
See you at the refuge!