April 1, 2022
Save the Date!
TAPRoots Plant Sale - Saturday, May 7
Save the date for the annual TAPRoots Plant Sale! This year's sale is set for Saturday, May 7, 9 a.m.-noon. The sale will be in person at the Cupboard with no online preorders. Drop by any time during the sale to select the plants you would like. Proceeds go to TAPRoots, a group of volunteers who work in the Holly Springs Food Cupboard garden and refuse to let a brain injury condition called Aphasia to define them.
March at the Cupboard
Thank you so much UnitedHealthcare for donating 1,000 cloth bags to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard! We are packing the bags full of kid-friendly foods like fruit cups, sandwich crackers and pop-top cans of meats for clients with school-age children.
Thanks to the Villages at Pecan Grove for a food drive!
Many thanks to Triangle Community Church! Church members collected Bumper Crop donations in cloth bags. After donations are sorted and distributed to clients, we reuse the cloth bags, filling them with kid-friendly foods for families with school-age children.
Thanks to Christopher and Colby and Alternate Current Solutions for installing new lighting and power outlets!
Garden Update

Interested in volunteering in the Holly Springs Food Cupboard garden? Consider dropping by Saturdays between 9-11 a.m. and stay as long as you like. All ages are welcome, and we try to find fun tasks for younger children. Bring gloves and a drink; no need to bring any tools. Interested? Feel free to contact Food Cupboard Garden Director Jerry DeWitt at to be added to the volunteer list.

Last year, volunteers harvested more than 2,819 pounds of fresh, nutritious produce for Cupboard clients from the garden! Thank you, volunteers! We appreciate you! 
For his Eagle Scout project, Myles S designed and installed these gutter gardens with irrigation for growing lettuce, spinach, chard & kale. Thank you so much for this innovative and helpful project, Myles and team!
The weather is warming up… and so is the activity in our garden! Thanks to the many volunteers who work in the garden as we spring into the growing season. Thanks also to NC State Extension for donating garden tools!
Do you need food assistance? Know someone who does?

Please visit us. The Holly Springs Food Cupboard is here to help. Food distribution is every Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Deliveries are available to senior citizens and persons with compromised health or without transportation. Click here for more information.
Donating food?
Most needed items:

  • Boxed Mac N Cheese
  • Jelly/Honey
  • Crackers (Saltine/Ritz)
  • Rice
  • Dried beans 
  • Cracker sandwich packs
  • Peanut Butter
How to Get Food to the Cupboard

The Cupboard can receive donated food on:
  • Preferred hours: Mondays 9-11 a.m.
  • Also: Thursdays noon-5 p.m.

Place donations on our delivery dock on the side of our facility and knock to allow for safe distancing. Or, give us a call and we can meet you to pick up food from your neighborhood.

If you have food that you want to deliver at other times, you can take it to one of our community drop-off sites listed below. If necessary, we can arrange a time for a pick-up. Please do not leave food outside the Cupboard.

Community Drop-Off Sites
  • The Block on Main, Corner of Main Street and Rogers Street
  • First Flight Federal Credit Union, Village Walk Drive
  • Holly Springs Farmers Market, West Ballentine Street
  • Holly Springs Town Hall, Main Street
  • Pet Mania, Sunset Lake Road
  • Sunrise United Methodist Church, 5420 Sunset Lake Road
  • Sweet Berry Bowls, 150 W Holly Springs Road
  • Wake FC, Ting Park
More Ways to Give

  • PayPal: Support the Holly Springs Food Cupboard when you shop online with PayPal. Set us as your favorite charity, and you can choose to donate $1 when you checkout with PayPal. Click here visit PayPal and save the Holly Springs Food Cupboard as your favorite charity. This allows you to conveniently support us at checkout and other donation opportunities.
  • Amazon: Enjoy online shopping? Use this link to set up AmazonSmile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Holly Springs Food Cupboard.
  • If you're using the Amazon app, select the main menu, select "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features, and select "Holly Springs Food Cupboard as your charity. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app.

More Information

Thank you, again, to our dedicated volunteers and generous community for making everything we do possible.